| Description | For reasons unknown, some dark mud-like substance has come pouring out of the caverns and mines of The Chasm. Help a Sumeru researcher deal with this crisis. |
Guide | Event Guidelines Go forth into The Chasm and help a researcher from Sumeru settle an ongoing crisis in which dark mud is spewing forth from its depths!
Eligibility Reach Adventure Rank 28 and complete the following requisites: complete the "Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering" World Quest to unlock the Underground Mines of The Chasm and obtain the Lumenstone Adjuvant in "Chasm Spelunkers" and upgrade it to Level 2.
Event Rules From the first day of the event, a new quest will unlock each day. You must complete the previous day's quest to accept the newly-unlocked one. Complete the quests on each day to obtain the corresponding rewards. |