Masquerade of the Guilty

Masquerade of the Guilty
Masquerade of the GuiltyName665426
TitleChapter IV: Act V
Secondary TitleFontaine
Required AR40
SubArchon Quests


Meeting Is Also Parting
Meeting Is Also PartingActing on intelligence from The Knave, your group arrives at the ruins...•Go to the ruins
•Enter the ruins
•Search the ruins
•Talk to Navia
•Keep moving
•Talk to everyone
•Go to the opera house
•Continue investigating the ruin
•Continue investigating the ruin
•Continue investigating the ruin
•Investigate the space ahead
•Leave the ruin
Adventure EXP1225
Hero's Wit5
Mystic Enhancement Ore10
Hunters, Prophets
Hunters, ProphetsYou return to the Spina di Rosula base in Fleuve Cendre, and there, you meet an unexpected friend...•Go to the Spina di Rosula base
•Go to Neuvillette's office
•Go to Poisson
•Go to the Spina di Rosula base
•Get out of bed and open the door
•Go to the newsstand
•Continue moving forward
•Go to Hotel Debord
•Leave Hotel Debord
•Go to The Steambird
•Talk a seaside walk
•Go to the Spina di Rosula base
Adventure EXP1000
Hero's Wit4
Mystic Enhancement Ore8
ApocalypseThe prophecy shall inevitably come to fruition, and the plans are all in place. All that's left... is to judge a god.•Find Furina in Poisson
•Talk to Furina
•Arrive at the opera house
•Refute Furina
•View the final prophecy slate
•Discover the connection between the events in real life and the slates
•Talk to Neuvillette
•Find the source of the calamity in the prophecy slates
•The All-Devouring Narwhal Appears
•Discuss how to deal with the All-Devouring Narwhal
Adventure EXP1000
Hero's Wit4
Mystic Enhancement Ore8
Deluge of Wrathful Waters
Deluge of Wrathful WatersThis is the day you get out of prison, and you proceed to complete the paperwork for your release as arranged.•Wait until the next day (08:00 – 12:00)
•Return to the dormitories
•Talk to the receptionist
•Go to the office
•Talk to Wriothesley
•Go to the Palais Mermonia
•Talk to Neuvillette
•Go to Poisson
•Look for Navia in Poisson
•Continue looking for Navia
•Go to the cemetery
•Talk to Navia
Adventure EXP875
Hero's Wit4
Mystic Enhancement Ore7
The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur
The Opera of Noirceur and BlancheurWhether it be the "Focalors" before Neuvillette, or the "Furina" before you, they are performing the same opera, and the final truth is hidden within it...•Enter Focalors's consciousness
•Enter Focalors's consciousness
•Finish speaking with Focalors's consciousness
•Enter Furina's consciousness
•Talk to Furina
•Turn off all the spotlights
•Turn off all the spotlights
•Turn off all the spotlights
•Watch Furina's performance
•Watch the first act
•Watch the second act
•Watch the third act
•Watch the opera performance
•Watch the opera performance
•Watch the opera performance
•Watch the final act of the opera
•Finish speaking with Focalors's consciousness
•Neuvillette's Final Verdict
•Neuvillette's Decision
•Enter the Primordial Sea with Neuvillette
•Defeat the "All-Devouring Narwhal"
•Meet Skirk
•Talk to Skirk
•Fontaine's End
•Return to Fontaine
Adventure EXP1425
Tears Among the Stars1
Hero's Wit6
Mystic Enhancement Ore11
FinaleThe calamity facing Fontaine has finally come to an end. No matter what happens, the presses won't stop churning news out. In other words, the people will learn about the truth as fast as The Steambird's staffers can write it.•Talk to Charlotte
•Go to Poisson
•Talk to Navia
•Go to the Fortress of Meropide
•Talk to Wriothesley
•Head to Romaritime Harbor
•Talk to Lyney and the others
•Look for Neuvillette
•Talk to Neuvillette
•Talk to Neuvillette
•Talk to Neuvillette
•Talk to Neuvillette
Adventure EXP1000
Memory of Running Stream1
Hero's Wit4
Mystic Enhancement Ore8
items per Page


Adventure EXP
Adventure EXP3
Currencyx 6525
Currencyx 120
Currencyx 286225
Hero's Wit
Hero's Wit4
Character Ascension Item, Character EXP Itemx 27
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Mystic Enhancement Ore3
Crafted Item, Weapon Ascension Item, Weapon EXP Itemx 52
Tears Among the Stars
Tears Among the Stars5
x 1
Memory of Running Stream
Memory of Running Stream5
x 1
items per Page

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