Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur

Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur
Prelude of Blancheur and NoirceurNamePrelude of Blancheur and Noirceur
TitleChapter IV: Act I
Secondary TitleFontaine
Required AR40
SubArchon Quests


Soloist's Prologue
Soloist's PrologueIt is time to go to Fontaine, it seems. The next phase of your journey is about to begin...•Go to Caravan Ribat
•Go to Romaritime Harbor in Fontaine
•Talk to the young woman by the water
•Follow Lyney
•Follow Lyney
•Talk to Lyney
•Distribute Magic Pockets to the nearby residents
•Distribute Magic Pockets to the nearby residents
•Distribute Magic Pockets to the nearby residents
•Talk to Lyney
•Collect materials used to make Magic Pockets
•Collect materials used to make Magic Pockets
•Collect materials used to make Magic Pockets
•Talk to Lyney
•Go to the top of the lift to cut off the thief's escape
•Talk to Lyney
•Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
•Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
•Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
•Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
•Go to the Court of Fontaine
Adventure EXP1000
Hero's Wit4
Mystic Enhancement Ore8
The City of Rains and Remembrance
The City of Rains and RemembranceAfter a brisk meeting with the Hydro Archon, you decide to, at Lyney's invitation, attend his and Lynette's premiere magic performance at the opera house.•Go to where Lyney is
•Go to Beaumont Workshop
•Defeat the Confrerie of Cabriere henchmen
•Talk to Childe
•Go to the newsstand
•Ride the Navia Line and head to Erinnyes
•Ride the Navia Line and head to Erinnyes
•Go to the fountain plaza in front of the opera house
•Enter the Opera Epiclese
•Go to the seats Lyney arranged
•Watch the magic show
•Watch the magic show
Adventure EXP1125
Hero's Wit5
Mystic Enhancement Ore9
Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights
Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered LightsA sudden accident occurs at the scene of the magic show, and the chosen audience member is also nowhere to be found. All indications point to Lyney and Lynette, but you have your doubts...•Talk to the Gardes
•Look for clues inside the opera house
•Look for clues inside the opera house
•Look for clues inside the opera house
•Look for clues inside the opera house
•Ask how Lyney's doing on his end
•Talk to Lyney
•Search the underground passage for clues
•Search the underground passage for clues
•Return to the surface
•Talk to Navia
•Wait until the trial on the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
•Participate in the trial
•Cross-examine Lyney
•Cross-examine Lyney
•Continue taking part in the trial
•Continue the trial
•Continue the trial
•Continue the trial
•Continue the trial
•Talk to Lyney
•Leave the opera house
Adventure EXP1425
Hero's Wit6
Mystic Enhancement Ore11
items per Page


Adventure EXP
Adventure EXP3
Currencyx 3550
Currencyx 155425
Hero's Wit
Hero's Wit4
Character Ascension Item, Character EXP Itemx 15
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Mystic Enhancement Ore3
Crafted Item, Weapon Ascension Item, Weapon EXP Itemx 28
Currencyx 60
items per Page

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