Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual

Sacred Sakura Cleansing RitualNameSacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual
Required AR0
SubWorld Quests


Cleansing Defilement
Cleansing DefilementHanachirusato says that in order to complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual, one must break the barrier in 5 places and destroy the "defilement incarnate" that will then come forth. Besides Konda Village and the abandoned shrine, there are three other places where the barrier surrounds the Thunder Sakura roots: Chinju Forest, Araumi, and below the tidal flats outside the Kamisato Estate. She says that she will await you at the Thunder Sakura root below the well in Konda Village.•Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual
Adventure EXP500
Hero's Wit5
Mystic Enhancement Ore8
Yougou Cleansing
Yougou CleansingThe five barriers have been broken and the evil within has been purged. Time to report back to Hanachirusato at the Thunder Sakura root beneath the well in Konda Village.•Report back to Hanachirusato
•Head to the opening at Mt. Yougou: The Depths and talk to Hanachirusato
•Jump in
•Defeat Miasmic Tumor
•Talk to Hanachirusato
•Pick up the mask
A Strange Story in Konda
A Strange Story in KondaA mysterious, masked shrine maiden is by the strange fox statue, seemingly with something to request of you...•Use the power of Electro on the Sky Kitsune Statue
•Obtain the ward
•Go to Konda Village
•Ask the locals for information
•Ask the Konda Village Chief for information
•Ask the locals for information
•Look for clues
•Look for clues
•Look for clues
•Look for clues
•Cut a deal with the Village Chief
•Look for the Chief's diary on the rooftop
•Head over to the designated area recorded in the notebook
•Descend into the well in Konda Village
•Explore the bottom of the well
•Find the treasure at the bottom of the well
•Talk to Hanachirusato
Adventure EXP350
Sacrificial Offering
Sacrificial OfferingAccording to Hanachirusato, these barriers must be broken to cleanse the Thunder Sakura's roots. The next barrier seems to be located in the abandoned shrine to the northeast of Konda Village. Although the place sounds quite unsettling indeed, this is Hanachirusato's request, so it is best that you see it done.•Go to the abandoned shrine northeast of Konda Village
•Carry out the investigation at the abandoned shrine
•Continue the investigation at the abandoned shrine
•Head to the Grand Narukami Shrine to investigate
•Return to the abandoned shrine and use the Memento Lens to investigate
•Recite the sacred words in front of the Sky Kitsune Statue
•Obtain the ward
•Find the barrier
•Destroy the barrier
•Talk to Hanachirusato
Adventure EXP350
Hero's Wit3
Mystic Enhancement Ore6
Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest
Tanuki-Bayashi in the ForestYou learn that an old friend of Hanachirusato's can be found in Chinju Forest. Perhaps they might be able to help out with the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual. But while in the forest, you hear a strange shout.•Search for the source of the strange voice
•Search for the source of the strange voice
•Defeat the hilichurls
•Talk to the Weird Statue
•Find the little tanuki
•Report back to Ioroi
•Report back to Ioroi
•Head to the location of the barrier
•Wait for Kichiboushi
•Destroy the barrier
•Talk to Hanachirusato
Adventure EXP250
Hero's Wit3
items per Page


Adventure EXP
Adventure EXP3
Currencyx 1450
Currencyx 170
Hero's Wit
Hero's Wit4
Character Ascension Item, Character EXP Itemx 11
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Mystic Enhancement Ore3
Crafted Item, Weapon Ascension Item, Weapon EXP Itemx 14
Currencyx 130000
items per Page
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