Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device
Secret Source Automaton: Configuration DeviceNameSecret Source Automaton: Configuration Device
CategoryNew Entry
Amount of Tips1
DescriptionA machine with terrifying destructive capabilities. When characters enter and maintain the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device will start progressing through its Adaptive Countermeasures. Once those are complete, the Configuration Device will start preparing its Boltsphere Cannon. During this time, the Configuration Device will start up its Accretion Mechanism to dig into Solid Phlogiston and collect phlogiston. The Accretion Mechanism will generate an energy field. If you wish to destroy the Mechanism and interrupt the charging of the Boltsphere Cannon, you must first climb the Solid Phlogiston and enter the energy field.

Tip #1

A machine with terrifying destructive capabilities. When characters enter and maintain the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device will start progressing through its Adaptive Countermeasures. Once those are complete, the Configuration Device will start preparing its Boltsphere Cannon. During this time, the Configuration Device will start up its Accretion Mechanism to dig into Solid Phlogiston and collect phlogiston. The Accretion Mechanism will generate an energy field. If you wish to destroy the Mechanism and interrupt the charging of the Boltsphere Cannon, you must first climb the Solid Phlogiston and enter the energy field.

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