Note Left at the Camp

Note Left at the Camp
Note Left at the CampNameNote Left at the Camp
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

(A lot of information was once contained within these simple notes, but most of it has been scratched out...)
Grind the cores of a hundred Embercore Flowers and swallow them in a single gulp.
—Didn't work. Just hurt my teeth, it was so sweet. Seriously, how did people in the past get the idea that it could... Never mind. Let's try some other way.
Collect the molted shells of the claws that fall from Iktomisaurs during their growth period as whelps, grind them into a powder and apply it to your body.
—If that would work, I'd be an Archon! That's just dead skin, isn't it!?
—Tried it anyway. Didn't work, as expected. Powder left a weird smell that took forever to wash off, too. Come on, ancestors, can't you come through for me at least once?
Immerse yourself in the People of the Springs' hot springs once every ten nights. Do this ten times, and all your wounds shall be healed.
—Well, I have heard that their hot springs are phlogiston-rich, so it could work...
—Aaaand nope. And if you look closely at this woven scroll, it once belonged to the People of the Springs anyway. Did I just fall for a fake ad of theirs?
—Well, at least only my wallet was hurt in the end!
The most ancient trial, or so the legends hold... This was how Xbalanque, first and greatest, learned the art of controlling flames...
The Sage of the Stolen Flame... the islands floating in the sky...
—Well, looks like that's the only thing left to try.
—Whatever. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I'm here in People of the Springs land, anyway. Might as well give it a shot.

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