Records of Hanan Pacha (III)

Records of Hanan Pacha (III)
Records of Hanan Pacha (III)NameRecords of Hanan Pacha (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1054
DescriptionA fable, passed down from generation to generation, in which the legendary Sage of the Stolen Flame is the main protagonist. Professional historians, it is said, have analyzed its contents and come to a consensus that this tale has nothing to do with historical fact.

Item Story

Next, I will tell the story of how the people of Hanan Pacha broke the taboos and caused the Sage of the Stolen Flame to leave Natlan.

After the people were taught how to use the power of phlogiston, they built a city on top of Hanan Pacha. Within the city were magnificent palaces and temples, all made of rare gems, brilliant feathers, and fragrant flowers.

After completing all of this, Waxaklahun Ubah Kan decided to raise Hanan Pacha still higher.

"For this, all of you must no longer eat anything produced by this land, save for water, for all the streams of this world flow from the Source of All Waters, and are not subject to the Lord of the Night's control."

Chaac had no idea why they should go yet higher, and didn't want to leave Natlan. But whenever he went to ask Waxaklahun Ubah Kan this question, the latter would only speak of the "Lunar continent" and "Newark Holy Stone" and other stuff he couldn't understand.

As Waxaklahun Ubah Kan was the smartest person in the world, everyone did as he said. And so they began to raise fish in the blue expanse and grow ball algae for food, and Hanan Pacha flew higher each day.

Finally, the Lord of the Night realized the Sage's intentions. As they feared humanity's departure, they decided to try and stop his plans.

One day, while the Sage was away, the Lord of the Night disguised himself as a human of the tribe, and, carrying a bottle of mysterious water, he found Chaac, waiting by the lake.

"Friend, don't guard the water of this lake any longer. See? The water I hold is a hundred times sweeter than that of the lake. Come, have a taste."

Though he thought of what the Sage had said, it was just water, so it should be fine. Or so Chaac thought, reaching out and taking a sip.

Trying it, he discovered the taste was truly sweet beyond compare. And so the Lord of the Night gave him more sweet water, and he brought it up to Hanan Pacha, sharing it with all.

But what Chaac did not know was that this sweet water was actually brewed from the grains grown from the land. In our modern parlance, it was alcohol.

When the Sage returned, everyone was dead drunk.

The Sage knew that they could no longer leave Natlan, and so he expelled them from Hanan Pacha. The scattered people brought phlogiston with them to every corner of Natlan.

And so the Sage of the Stolen Flame set out on the road home.

"The road home? Does that mean he went back to the red and black lands?"

"Were you listening or not? The red and black lands were where the Sage stole phlogiston. Hrm, though the legends don't actually say just where the Sage's homeland was... So I suppose what 'the road home' means is that someday, he will return."

"C'mon, that's obviously just one of those storyteller's lines you guys always use. How about you cut it with the suspense?"

Anyway, after the Sage of the Stolen Flame left, Chaac accepted the guidance of the Lord of the Night, and established permanently settled tribes on the land. The age of the humans of Natlan began, but that is a story for another time.

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