Note in a Drift Bottle

Note in a Drift Bottle
Note in a Drift BottleNameNote in a Drift Bottle
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

(There are pieces of paper scattered in the bottle. They seem to be messages between two people, one responding to the other. One person's handwriting is sloppy, and the other's script is composed.)
(Sloppy handwriting) "My dear friend! You-know-who in my household is being really strict, so I'll leave the fishing gear with you for now. Next time we go fishing, let's set up a time, and I'll make an excuse to sneak out. Remember! Do NOT come to the door and ask for me."
(Composed handwriting) "Message received."
(Sloppy handwriting) "Tomorrow morning, the usual spot. I've already set out the bait."
(Composed handwriting) "Message received."
(Sloppy handwriting) "My dear friend! Forgive me, I'm getting a bit old and my vision's getting dim. Yesterday, I even forgot the way home, and had to have someone ask you to come to the Golden Dusk and pick me up, after all, I can't let anyone in my family know about us fishing... Alas, people are so silly..."
(Composed handwriting) "So you really forgot the way, and it wasn't that you just wanted to show me the giant fish you caught, right?"
(Composed handwriting) "You really forgot the way, right?"
(The rest of the papers are soaked, and are completely illegible...)

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