Goddess’s Manuscript (III)

Goddess's Manuscript (III)
Goddess's Manuscript (III)NameGoddess's Manuscript (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969327, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionA mere fairytale, penned by most mundane hands. If you look closely, the holes in the paper were made by a cat's paw...

Item Story

Galileo and Alberto did many good deeds
again today. Though it was most tiring\nto help the old lady on the bridge
move her barrels of hard apple cider,\nthey each got a small barrel as their
The moonlight was unobstructed\nand beautiful, and the two good
friends climbed up the high wall that had\nbeen built to stave the evil dragon off.
Alberto lost the rock-paper-scissors match,\nso he had to hold the barrel of
cider under the crook of his arm\nas they climbed the ladder.
"Look, this is the big house\nthat our chubby chief was so proud of!
Doesn't look so big from here, huh?"\nsaid Alberto
as he looked at the house.
"You're wrong. That's my home,"\nsaid Galileo.
"The chief's house is that one."
Alberto's night vision was not all\nthat good, and moonlight
could never compare to daylight.\nIf one were to close one's eyes,\nthe light could not be seen at all.
He tried a little harder, but\ncould discern nothing more.
"But it's also really small,"\nGalileo continued, "so there's
nothing wrong with your statement."
Galileo and Alberto were both\nrather perceptive
people. Galileo's reply covered\nfor Alberto's
discomfort regarding his poor vision,\nwhile Alberto also lost
the rock-paper-scissors match on purpose,\nso that he could carry\nthe cider barrel, because
the gears under Galileo's ribs\nwere injured.
"Here's to you."\nThe two friends raised a toast
once Alberto stuffed a cork\nback into the barrel.

The next day, the two\ngathered everyone in the village
First, they apologized for the collapse\nof the anti-dragon wall, and told
all the people that they were preparing\nto have a talk with the evil dragon.
"I know it was a lot of work for\neveryone to fix that wall, but we're
not that fussed about it anyway,"\nthe chubby chief said, "but are you
sure you're not bragging when you say\nyou knocked it down yourselves?"
Of course, that was not the chief's point.\nHe too was a good
person. He continued, "Also,\nit's too dangerous
to seek the dragon out."
"Don't worry about us."
And so, the two best friends\nin the whole world departed.

The evil dragon trembled\nbefore Alberto and Galileo.
For some reason, the old lady's liquor\ncould make people
grow very, very large.\nThat was how they accidentally squashed
the high walls the previous night.
As they gazed down at the ground far below,\nthey more or less understood
how the dragon thought.\nNo wonder it could accidentally
destroy the village at its feet. So\nas long as they could\nget the dragon to notice
people, they could surely\ncome to an understanding.
The two friends thus drank\nall the remaining magic cider, becoming
even larger than the dragon\nby a good margin.
Reeking of alcohol, they sandwiched\nthe dragon between them, and drunkenly
tried reas█ni█g with it.\nThe drag█n ██riveled up in terror,
all of its m███sty and fell aura\nforever gone, indeed,\nit even looked kind of pitiful.
Alberto attempted to pick dirt\noff the scales on the dragon's back,
but wound up picking off an entire scale.\nThe dragon sought to flee,
But Galileo, fearing that the crisis might\npersist for ten thousand years more\nif the misunderstanding was not cleared up,
tugged its tail and dragged it right back.
"To be honest, we've always lived\nunder your feet, but we
are far too small, so you may not have ever\nseen us. Now, we've transformed and
become *burp* big." Galileo said, "So now,
surely, you must know\nthat we dwell at your feet."
The dragon nodded repeatedly.
And thus did the two and the dragon\nchat all night, and believing\nthe goal of mutual understanding
achieved, the two set off\nalong the road home.


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