The Feline Firm (III)

The Feline Firm (III)
The Feline Firm (III)NameThe Feline Firm (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1052
DescriptionThe cat with the full-sleeve arm tattoo completed the ever-snoring cat boss's commission, but what did the other do? Perroux's curiosity remained unabated...

Item Story

The full-sleeve cat finished its story, and the tabby's tail twitched to the right.
The calico stepped forward elegantly, before delivering a graceful bow.
"As they say, even amongst felines, there are lazybones too, meow~
"The lounging layabout outside the city gates sent us a commission for a one-and-done permanent mouse-catching method, meow~
"In accordance with my instructions, our paws-on-pillow friend changed the sign above his abode from 'Cat's Cabin' to 'Mousy Rest Stop,' meow~
"From then on, whenever rodents enter the city, mrow, they'll hear a gentle, friendly voice saying, 'Mice, rats, give your weary little paws a rest and apply some ointment, for your journey must have been tiring!' or 'Mice, rats, take those sharp little things off, and enjoy a good scrub down!' meow~
"And just like that, the mice scrub themselves with salt, smear themselves with oil, and line up to enter the hot water labeled 'Warm Bath' meow~
"And then, right into the mouth of our lazy friend, mrow!"
With a "Pfft," Perroux failed to fully suppress his laugh. "Ah! What a clever calico!"
The calico bowed gracefully once more, and returned to her place with the elegance of a noblewoman.

"I—It's time for this loyal servant to speak now, isn't it..." The firewood cat spoke flatteringly.
"The fur of your humble servant was burned away when I was seeking warmth in a pile of firewood...
"It was really so strange. Your humble servant had just fallen asleep, and it was warm, so warm... one dreamt of being a kitten once more, and sleeping in mother's fur... As I slept, my fur caught fire...
"Th—Thanks to the Boss's support, your humble servant often roams through the city sewers, delivering messages, passing info, running errands, that sort of thing, for I'm not afraid of getting dirty...
"O—Other than that, I'm really isn't good for anything else..."
The tabby cat cleared his throat, and the firewood cat flinched, smiling and quietly retreating.
"Very well. You should now be well aware of the work we regularly do here at the Feline Firm.
"We have invited you here because we've encountered an unsolvable problem, and would like to request your help, Monsieur Perroux!"

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