| Name | Valley Stone Steps: Foundation Stone |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, Courtyard Wall, Exterior Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity | |
Placement | Exterior |
Adeptal Energy | 60 |
Load | 65 (47) |
Trust | 60 |
AE/L Ratio | 0.92 (1.28) |
Description | These stairs made of heavy bluestone are tough and durable. While building steps, the stonemasons discovered that simply laying lightly polished rough stone over the surface of the steps can effectively reduce the risk of slipping and falling and that there is no need at all to polish the stone until it is mirror-smooth just for the sake of aesthetics. Coincidentally, this also saves a lot of labor in processing the stone, killing two birds with one... stone, so to speak. |
So I ask: what am I supposed to do with my R5 Talking Stick now? Is it just a very expensive joke? ...