Inazuman Mail From Afar

Inazuman Mail From Afar
Inazuman Mail From AfarNameInazuman Mail From Afar
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionA letter.

Item Story

To "Souka, the Resolute Hero, Whose Pen is Her Sword,"
Like your new title, Souka? It was coined by the new hires Aratani brought in.
They've heard all about it, you know — how a senior writer crossed the treacherous waves and ventured deep into the rainforests of a foreign land to live with monster friends she met prior.
Some even think that you must be a writer of the oldest school, so fastidious in your standards for material inspiration that you're willing to brave great dangers just to produce the greatest possible work.
Some think that you might be the sort to make such declarations as: "The pen alone will not write a story worth acclaim." They think that thus did you raise your sword against monsters and prove victorious, only to find a few sweet-tempered ones with whom you could strike up friendships, a process that ultimately birthed your manuscripts.
Of course, the title of "hero" is one celebrated by all — after all, some of our half-a-month-at-a-time shut-in authors find your trip abroad to seek writing material quite the grand accomplishment. One worthy of praise, certainly.
Although these things do not really have much to do with the theme of beast-taming, they can still be — with some adjustments — tucked away as material to be used at a later date.
Now then, to the main matter at hand. The manuscript you sent previously was quite good indeed. The details were well executed, as were the emotional motivations. I'd say that you've made a lot of improvements.
Perhaps you might want to ride that momentum and change thirty percent of your previous scripts to match your current style?
You did say before that the previous companion character wasn't all that special and wanted to change the base design of that companion to that of Blitzara — I think that's a workable idea.
Electro characters are not very common to start with. Few light novels use such settings — with the exception being that particular chestnut about "reincarnation," I suppose.
Taking visual effects into consideration, light novels tend to often use gold, white, or red, while characters in purple are relatively rare, so one such character should stand out. It'll make for striking new illustrations, for sure.
Of course, I believe I need not say that purple has a... special familiarity to Inazuman readers. I believe you need only exercise your memory a little to know what I speak of.
So, I'd like you to take care of Blitzara a little more during this time and observe its habits.
You mentioned before that you were looking for some flavorings with which to further tune and refine the Marvelous Jellies. I have enclosed with this letter some regional specialties from Inazuma based on my own understanding of Blitzara. I believe it'll quite enjoy what you get when you combine the Jellies with them.
Oh, and do try to avoid eating them first, will you?
I look forward to your next manuscript submission~

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