| Name | Like the Encircling Eventide |
Family | Homeworld, Small Shrub, Exterior Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity | |
Placement | Exterior |
Adeptal Energy | 20 |
Load | 50 (50) |
AE/L Ratio | 0.4 (0.4) |
Description | "Ah, the sun's gone down again. I wonder if I'll be able to sleep well tonight..." As she watched the last moments of evening flee from sight, the sleepless young woman groaned as she continued to sit at her desk, trudging ever forward through her paper until unconsciousness swarmed her... When she finally awoke, a leaf stained color of even-tide was beside her hand, and lo and behold, she had made good progress on her work. It was not until the next time when she went to view the stars in the desert that she would realize what plant that leaf had come from. Then, she would agree that the sight of its long, narrow leaves dancing in the wind was indeed a most memorable sight — certainly one worth leaving a memento of. |
I agree with you, I wanted to give her Talking Stick as well. I'm sad she doesn't self apply pyro a...