Pear Orchard Percussion: Gong on the Dot

Pear Orchard Percussion: Gong on the Dot
Pear Orchard Percussion: Gong on the DotNamePear Orchard Percussion: Gong on the Dot
FamilyHomeworld, Small Object, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy90 
Load40 (29)
AE/L Ratio2.25 (3.1)
DescriptionA combination of instruments that sees much use with the Yun-Han Opera Troupe. When important characters take the stage in some productions, cymbals and gongs must be played.
Early on in Yun Jin's opera education, she would observe the timings at which these gongs and cymbals would be played to deepen her understanding of how the ambiance of the opera was created. Although some of her most famous operas do not make use of such instruments, she has written others that display a keen knowledge of how to utilize them.

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