A Letter

A Letter
A LetterNameA Letter
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionA letter.

Item Story

To My Dear Father, Kaedehara Kageharu:

Ever since the official dissolution of our house, I have packed my bags and left our ancestral home, wandering the world, and I have learned much on this journey.
Today, I was reminded of the many scenic artworks you drew in your notes as I passed some seaside cliffs by. The sight gave me much to think about.
A wanderer's leisure is not the tradition of our clan, but the appreciation of scenery surely counts. I believe it was Great Grandfather who started that particular practice.
You mentioned that he enjoyed planting small trees, loving their supple branches, while Grandfather was of a different temperament, enjoying fiddling with stones more.
When I was young, our backyard was full of the many curious stones that Grandfather collected. Back then, I thought the ground was littered with treasure, but now that I know much more of the world, I can be quite certain that at least some of them were sword-testing stones that Grandfather brought back from the forging station.
I knew precious little about stones then, believing them all to be of great value.
But can there really be so much treasure in life?
...I am writing this letter as I rest in a shady spot on a hilltop.
I intend to burn this letter shortly, before using the water from a mountain stream to quench the remnant embers. This way, I believe that this message will reach you, though you can no longer receive letters.
I dismissed the servants after your passing and settled our various assets. It isn't worth much, but it's enough to live on.
I fear that our bonsais may not have fared as well as I hoped. I sold what I could get my hands on to pay our debts, save for Great Grandfather's old relic.
It was confiscated by the Tenryou Commission... That said, I suspect that staying in their storehouse may have been a better fate for it than remaining in my hands.

I have not been here in a long while. The wind whistling through the mountains is just as lovely as it was when you first brought me here, many years ago.
I'm setting off again.

Kaedehara Kazuha

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