Table of Content |
Character |
Weapon |
Item |
Skill |
Achievement |
Tutorial |
Monster |
Stage |
Chapter |
Quest |
Event |
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Icon | Name | Rarity | Atk | Sub | Value | Weapon Affix | Ascension Materials |
견고한 골검 | 4 | 43.73 | Atk% | 6% | 대시 또는 대시를 대체한 능력이 소모하는 스태미나가 15% 감소한다. 또한 대시 또는 대시를 대체한 능력 사용 후, 일반 공격으로 주는 피해가 공격력의 | ||
바위산을 맴도는 노래 | 5 | 44.34 | Def% | 18% | 일반 공격 또는 낙하 공격으로 적 명중 후, 「영광의 꽃노래」를 획득한다: 방어력이 | ||
수확의 갈고리 | 4 | 43.73 | Atk% | 6% | 낙하 공격의 치명타 확률이 | ||
산을 고정하는 못 | 4 | 43.73 | ER% | 6.67% | 등반으로 소모하는 스태미나가 15% 감소하고 원소전투 스킬로 주는 피해가 | ||
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Icon | Name | Description | Shown | Reward |
달은 떠 있는가? | 비밀근원 기계·구축기가 「번개구」를 준비할 때 「흡수기」를 파괴해 에너지 충전 중단하기 | ❌ | 5 | |
미로 속의 장군 | 우인단 집행관 「카피타노」와 정식으로 만나기 | ❌ | 5 | |
바쳐지지 않은 희생 | 그가 추구하는 것은 대체 무엇일까… | ❌ | 5 | |
거울과 연기 너머 | 「거울과 연기 너머」 완료하기 | ❌ | 10 | |
동트기 전 | 단결해야만 빛을 찾을 수 있다 | ❌ | 5 | |
다시 타오른 승자 | 결국, 나타는 다시 승리를 거두었다 | ❌ | 5 | |
타오를 운명의 무지개 | 「타오를 운명의 무지개」 완료하기 | ❌ | 10 | |
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Icon | Name | Description |
비밀근원 기계·구축기 | 강력한 파괴 기능을 갖춘 기계. 캐릭터가 「밤혼 가호」 상태에 진입 및 유지 시, 비밀근원 기계·구축기는 「대응 전략」 진도를 누적합니다. 진도가 최대치에 도달하면 「번개구」를 준비합니다. 이 과정에서 비밀근원 기계·구축기는 「흡수기」를 가동해 고체 열소를 발굴하고 열소를 흡수합니다. 「흡수기」는 역장을 생성하기 때문에 「흡수기」를 파괴하고 「번개구」의 차지를 차단하려면, | |
그윽한 의태 잎뭉치 | 깊은 어둠 속에서 강림해 각종 사물로 의태하는 심연 마물. 전투에서 그윽한 의태 잎뭉치는 자신에게 허계 방어막을 부여합니다. 또한 그윽한 의태 잎뭉치의 일부 공격은 캐릭터에게 중첩 가능한 「침식파」 상태를 부여합니다. 「침식파」를 부여받고 일정 시간이 지난 후, 현재 필드 위에 있는 자신의 파티 내 자신의 캐릭터가 HP를 잃습니다. | |
교차하는 꿈과 현실 | 「교차하는 꿈과 현실」에서는 환자의 특수한 꿈에 들어가 꿈속의 이상한 부분을 찾아내 수정하고, 환자의 심리 문제를 개선하는 데 도움을 줘야 합니다 | |
기사의 검 | 「기사의 검」 콘텐츠에서는 해당 스테이지에서 얻은 최고 점수에 따라 지정된 점수 도달 시 상응하는 보상을 수령할 수 있습니다 | |
투쟁의 향연 | 제한 시간 내에 모든 적을 처치하고 도전을 완료하세요. 도전마다 독특한 「투쟁 가호」가 존재하고, 해당 효과를 잘 이용하면 도전 버프를 획득할 수 있습니다. | |
TEST合成台·自动选择进度 | 육성 방향을 선택하면 배낭에 있는 육성 재료에 따라 계산을 진행하고 달성 가능한 최대 단계 또는 레벨이 만약 캐릭터가 육성 계획에 포함된 캐릭터라면 자동으로 필요한 합성 재료를 선택하면 육성 방향과 배낭에 있는 육성 재료의 상황을 종합적으로 고려해 계산한 후 적절한 합성 횟수가 | |
꿀벌레의 보물을 찾아서 | 심연에 침식된 열소 꿀벌레는 특수한 방어막의 보호를 받고 있기 때문에, 방어막을 파괴하기 전에는 공격해도 방어막이 파괴되면 열소 꿀벌레는 기절합니다. 그 후 공격할 때마다 심연의 힘이 | |
흔들흔들 꽃마차 | 꽃마차는 주행 중에 차로를 변경해 장애물을 피할 수 있습니다. 꽃마차가 장애물과 충돌하면 HP 포인트를 | |
흔들흔들 꽃마차 | 꽃마차는 주행 중에 차로를 변경해 장애물을 피할 수 있습니다. 꽃마차가 장애물과 충돌하면 HP 포인트를 | |
흔들흔들 꽃마차 | 꽃마차는 주행 중에 차로를 변경해 장애물을 피할 수 있습니다. 꽃마차가 장애물과 충돌하면 HP 포인트를 |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Grade | Drop |
그윽한 의태 잎뭉치 | Regular | ||
비밀근원 기계·구축기 | Boss | ||
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Icon | Name | Description | Objectives | Shown | Rewards |
비밀근원 아래 | 우여곡절 끝에 드디어 「카피타노」의 계획과 목적이 「지맥 재구축」임을 알게 되었다. 위험해 보이는 일이니만큼, 조속히 마비카와 대책을 논의해야 한다… | •마비카에게 「카피타노」의 의도 전달하기 •「비밀근원 유적」 입구로 가기 •주변을 순찰하는 우인단 처치하기 •통로를 만들기에 적합한 위치 찾기 •「비밀근원 유적」 진입하기 •「비밀근원 유적」의 더 깊은 곳으로 진입하기 •장치를 잠근 술법 해제하기 •장치를 돌려 도형을 맞추고 통로 열기 •「카피타노」와 올로룬 막기 •「카피타노」와 올로룬 막기 •「카피타노」와 올로룬 막기 •「비밀근원 유적」 떠나기 •「비밀근원 유적」 떠나기 | ✅ | 875 38100 4 7 | |
함께 일몰을 바라보며 | 비밀근원 유적에서 다섯 번째 영웅의 출현을 목격하고, 「카피타노」와 일시적인 협력 관계를 맺으며 눈앞의 사건은 일단락됐다. 하지만 심연이 계속해서 다가오고 있는 지금은 숨을 돌릴 때가 아니다… | •「회의소」로 돌아가서 상의하기 •「회의소」 떠나기 •「피로의 집」으로 돌아가 잠시 휴식하기 •「피로의 집」으로 돌아가 잠시 휴식하기 •「피로의 집」으로 돌아가 잠시 휴식하기 •「피로의 집」으로 돌아가 잠시 휴식하기 •「비밀근원 유적」의 깊은 곳으로 돌아가기 •밤의 신과 대화하기 •밖으로 나가 상황 살펴보기 | ✅ | 625 27825 3 5 | |
밀려오는 검은 파도 | 심연 마물이 나타를 습격했다. 대규모 전쟁이 시작됐다… | •「피로의 집」을 떠나 전투에 참여하기 •마비카를 통해 전황 확인하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •열기구를 타고 지원 장소로 가기 •지원 장소로 가기 •눈앞의 마물 해결하기 •전사와 대화하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •열기구를 타고 지원 장소로 가기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •주둔 전사와 대화하기 •전달꾼과 대화해 전보 획득하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •열기구를 타고 지원 장소로 가기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •이곳의 용 대피시키기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •마물을 처치하고 심연 경계문 파괴하기 •주둔 전사와 대화하기 •전달꾼과 대화해 전보 획득하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •캐러밴 멤버와 대화하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •마물을 처치하고 심연 경계문 파괴하기 •키니치와 대화하기 •이곳에서 잠시 휴식하기 •키니치와 대화하기 •마물을 처치하고 심연 경계문 파괴하기 •마물을 처치하고 심연 경계문 파괴하기 •키니치와 대화하기 | ✅ | 1125 30 49200 5 9 | |
하늘에 걸린 절망 | 심연의 힘의 진정한 주인이 모습을 드러내며, 땅의 침식이 악화되고 마물의 폭주도 거세졌다. 종말이 머지않은 광경에 모두가 절망에 빠졌다… | •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •주변의 생존자 찾기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •생존자 찾기 •경기장의 전달꾼과 대화하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •생존자 찾기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •소리를 따라 생존자 찾기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •모든 마물 처치하기 •페이몬과 대화하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지원 장소로 가기 •마물을 처치하고 심연 경계문 파괴하기 •주둔 전사와 대화하기 •마물을 처치하고 심연 경계문 파괴하기 •주둔 전사와 대화하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •심연 오염이 떨어진 방향으로 가기 •이곳의 마물 처치하기 •생존자 또는 가치 있는 정보 찾기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •열기구를 타고 지원 장소로 가기 •열기구를 타고 지원 장소로 가기 •지원 장소로 가기 •이곳의 마물 처치하기 •이곳의 사람들과 대화하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •지도를 확인하고 지원 장소 선택하기 •「메아리 아이」의 부족 야영지로 가기 •이곳의 마물 처치하기 •대피 완료. 철수 준비하기 •먼저 철수한 일행과 합류하기 •「꽃깃회」로 가기 •차스카와 추이추를 포위한 마물 처치하기 •차스카와 대화하기 •차스카와 함께 추이추를 경기장으로 돌려보내기 •경기장 중앙에서 영웅들의 모임 지켜보기 •친구들과 대화하기 | ✅ | 1225 53900 5 10 | |
우리는 홀로 싸우지 않는다 | 여섯 영웅이 모두 모이고, 마비카가 신좌의 힘을 일깨워 나타 사람들에게 「밤 사냥꾼 전쟁」의 호각을 불었다. 이제 심연을 무찌를 때다! | •「심연 종양석」이 나타난 장소로 가기 •「심연 종양석」이 나타난 장소로 가기 •마물과 「심연 경계문」 제거하기 •「흐르는 영혼길」에 올라타기 •용의 힘을 빌려 다음 장소로 이동하기 •마물과 「심연 경계문」 제거하기 •「흐르는 영혼길」에 올라타기 •용의 힘을 빌려 다음 장소로 이동하기 •마물과 「심연 경계문」 제거하기 •동료와 전황 정보 공유하기 •마지막 공세로부터 대문 지켜내기 •마지막 공세로부터 대문 지켜내기 | ✅ | 775 34075 3 6 | |
「운명」이라는 이름의 연료 | 이번에 처치한 심연은 밤의 신의 나라의 그림자일 뿐, 나타를 향한 위협은 아직 종식되지 않았다. 또한 우리는 슬픔과 고독, 죽음이라는 난제 역시 마주해야 한다… | •전투 후의 연회에 참가하기 •마비카와 대화하기 •마비카와 대화하기 •마비카와 대화하기 •마비카와 대화하기 •계속 대화하거나, 방으로 돌아가서 휴식하기 •계속 대화하거나, 방으로 돌아가서 휴식하기 •계속 대화하거나, 방으로 돌아가서 휴식하기 •계속 대화하거나, 방으로 돌아가서 휴식하기 •「회의소」로 가서 마비카 찾기 •「회의소」 들어가기 •「당신」의 여정을 계속하기 •「당신」의 여정을 계속하기 •「당신」의 여정을 계속하기 •「당신」의 여정을 계속하기 •마비카와 대화하기 •「회의소」 떠나기 •「회의소」 떠나기 •「회의소」 떠나기 | ✅ | 700 30 31125 1 3 6 | |
숭고한 이름을 위해 | 나타에서의 모험은 계속된다. 얼마 후… | •이틀 후까지 기다리기 •모험가 길드로 가기 •캐서린과 대화하기 •「메아리 아이」로 가기 •실로닌과 대화하기 •약속 장소로 가서 키니치와 합류하기 •이틀 후 오전까지 기다리기 •실로닌과 대화하기 •약속 장소로 가서 시틀라리 기다리기 | ✅ | 600 26025 2 5 | |
흩어진 연기를 찾아 | 약속 장소에 찾아온 시틀라리가 실종된 손자 올로룬을 찾아달라는 요구사항을 제시했다. 그 제안을 수락한 당신은 시틀라리와 함께 올로룬을 찾는 길에 오른다 | •단서 조사하기 •시틀라리 따라가기 •전방의 야영지 조사하기 •계속 전진해 조사하기 •흩어져 조사하기 •계속해서 주변의 단서 조사하기 •현장에 남은 흔적 확인하기 •현장에 남은 흔적 확인하기 •현장에 남은 흔적 확인하기 •시틀라리가 찾은 야영지로 가기 •적 처치하기 •올로룬의 상황 확인하기 •회의소로 가기 •이튿날 저녁 8시까지 기다리기 •약속 장소로 가기 •경기장으로 돌아가기 •경기장으로 돌아가기 •술집으로 가기 •시틀라리를 따라 다른 곳으로 가기 | ✅ | 1000 44000 4 8 | |
둘로 갈라져 흔들리는 등불 | 심연의 침입으로 상황이 급박해졌다. 모두에게 각자의 할 일이 주어진 지금, 당신은 일단 마비카를 찾아가 방금 입수한 중요한 정보에 대해 논의해 보기로 한다… | •여관으로 돌아가서 쉬기 •여관 밖을 살펴보기 •경기장으로 가기 •마비카와 대화하기 •「메아리 아이」로 가기 •캐러밴을 도와주러 가기 •「심연 경계문」 파괴하기 •캐러밴의 상황 확인하기 •「메아리 아이」로 돌아가기 •회의소로 돌아가기 •얼마 전 야외에서 •얼마 전 야외에서 •파낼 장소로 가기 •계속해서 우인단 조사하기 •마비카와 대화하기 •차스카와 추이추에게 작별 인사하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 •시틀라리와 대화하기 | ✅ | 1225 30 53900 5 10 | |
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159 responses to “New in 5.1”
did the font change ? something feels off
Which one? This site or in-game? If it’s the site, it looks the same to me
proof that im not crazy
but then again it could just be a browser thing or a VPN thing im not sure …..
yep it’s a browser thing lol just tested it
I have a question, will there be new saurians in 5.1?
Doesn’t look like there are any. 5.2 should have some though.
it’ll be like the underwater “combat”
1 or 2 more, then never again
hoyo putting any effort into the cool game mechanics already there? nah they’d rather just rehash the “press button to get to x location” again or make something else that’s just as boring and non-interactive
No, because 5.1 doesn’t have a new map. 5.2 probably has because Chasca and Ororon are released in that patch and they probably need some new materials from new areas. (But if 5.2 doesn’t give new Natlan map, then 5.3 at least should give)
hey sauce, it’s back, i’ll pretend i forgot it’s name 😉 it’s so scared of me it’ll never agro me again though 😉
Can you be less vague, Ive heard you talk about this like 10 times and I have no idea who you are referring to. I think a lot of other people are out of the loop too…
what is bro waffling about
don’t ask me what i am talking about because…
even i don’t know what did i talk about :v
least unstable honey hunter user
Hey, older player here. I’ll take your complaints at face value. Yes, I’ve definitely desired some characters but building them is a drag, and it has definitely demotivated me from getting the character. However, I have two answers to this problem which enable me to minimize the issues and continue enjoy the game daily.
First, I give appropriately small focus to the small rewards from endgame combat rewards and a greater focus to non-combat activities like exploring the world and enjoying story/lore. If you skip Floor 12 for a year, you’ll miss out on 2,400 Primogems equaling 15 wishes.If you get 6 stars on floor 12, you’re only missing out on half of that. 15 wishes is not insignificant, but it’s not much either. To put in perspective, F2P players can usually collect a maximum of ~675 wishes per year/nation/major patch (see
Second, I get fewer characters overall but get more constellations and signature weapons.
Genshin has taken a turn for making strong early constellations and non-generic, strong signature weapons. The days of generic, reusable weapons like PJC and weak constellations like Ganyu’s C1 are over; the game is now in the era of broken early constellations (and broken C6 for 4-stars like Faruzan and Chevreuse).
So my strategy to maximize enjoyment and minimize arti grind suffering is to skip most characters and go for C1-2 (and sometimes R1) of new characters. This reduces my grind in multiple ways:
1) I have fewer characters to build.
2) The characters I build can have weaker artifacts because their constellations are strong enough to overcome the disadvantage.
Depending on which 4-stars are featured, the extra wishes for C1+ sometimes gives me a greater chance to get a broken C6 4-star, which yes is another character to build, but again it’s easier to skip the artifact grind if their constellations raise the character’s baseline utility. Not every banner gives me such “bonus” 4-stars, as the game also seems to be doing the HSR thing and mostly releasing 5-stars.
One other related thing you didn’t mention is how Phlogiston mechanics lower the utility of Natlan characters outside of Natlan. (You could make an argument that their utility is RAISED in Natlan, but after a year of enjoying the “benefit” it’ll feel like a nerf when we inevitably take those characters to Snezhnaya). This makes me even less inclined to get Natlan characters and makes me want to just save my Primogems for Snezhnaya.
What do you think?
But Mihoyo always hit the spot where it hurts for the players who are agree to your statement. The answer is Imaginarium Theatre. In which we are forced to build more characters and having them in the first place.
I get your point, you can enjoy exploring, limited time event contents, spiral abyss, or even TCG. But missing that one experience from Imaginarium Theatre is a missing experience nontheless. At the end of the day, building more character has its own value.
We got to decide our own standard in grinding artifacts. Top 20% or 15% in is considerably strong, and you can stop grinding for good. Anything more than that is a waste of time and resin i guess.
Change the goal. It’s not about “content” or “experience”, but “enjoyment”.
If the grind was enjoyable and you still like the game at the end, no problem! This post isn’t about that player. It’s about the player who, at the end of the grind, hates the game. I hate to see players pursuing a reward, just for the pursuit itself to ruin the reward.
And if you think that missing out on those endgame combat rewards is too much to bear, just put it into perspective: Imaginarium Theater incentivizes big rosters with very small rewards. A player who gets only Normal Mode misses out on 360 Primogems per month, or 27 wishes per year. This is EXACTLY 4% of the theoretical 675 wishes a F2P player can get per year based on historical data. The player who gets only Hard Mode misses only half of that.
I am only suggesting that players shouldn’t pursue that 4% if, in doing so, they’ll end up having less fun. Personally, I’d spend the time playing another game. Even saving one hour every month means 12 hours per year you could spend on another game you’ll love.
As non-argumentative as your post is, expect to receive smart-aleck replies/insults over this for no substantial reason, like what usually happens on here.
That aside—
Constellations hardly really matter. The game is easy as is. Cons are just an extra slice of cake. Pulling and farming for characters can get exhausting only if you let it. At the end of the day, there are other things to do and other games to play during burn-out phases. Just play however makes things stay fresh to you.
I appreciate you watching out for me! I’ve been around long enough to know that sassy/insulting comments (and enjoying them haha) is half the reason for this site.
You are right, there are lots of players who find the combat easy, so I would discourage them from getting constellations and making their game more boring. But there are two groups of people who can still stand to consider my points above: 1) the people who find combat easy because they spent painful months grinding for rare artifacts, and 2) the lower-skilled players who feel compelled to simultaneously get more characters and to grind for them in order to have a chance at endgame combat. I care about these two groups because I want them to have more fun.
I myself belonged in group 2. “Skill issue” player. Entering Fontaine, I chose to focus my resources on fewer characters and I got only Lyney C0R1, Furina C2, and Neuvillette C1, who together carried me through my first Abyss 12 and most Abyss 12s since then. I skipped many desirable characters but I enjoyed being relatively free from artifact farming, so I had more fun overall.
For all others who don’t have a burnout problem with getting lots of characters or grinding artifacts, none of my comments apply.
100% agree, although as a recently started player I just accept that I missed years of stuff and don’t even grind artifacts/gear or even do endgame. Probably will just grab archons and skip everyone else which means much less gem income is needed.
I think you made interesting observations about dupes and weapons. Maybe they crunched the sales data from their newer games and realized that having more smaller whales is more profitable than having a lower number of huge whales. Hence the reduction from 2 fate points to 1 point and shifted focus to early copies bait.
Excellent approach. I ignored endgame for over 2 years (I could have tried Floor 12 earlier TBH but I don’t feel too bad about it).
Consider a more nuanced strategy with the archon-only thing. While releasing a single bestseller seems to have been Hoyo’s strategy in version 2, I’ve noticed Hoyo trying to sell multiple bestsellers more recently, not only back-to-back but also who work well together. Consider Neuvillette releasing right before Furina: anyone saving just enough for the archon had to make a tough decision in version 4.1, and I bet many felt coerced to get/buy both Neuvillette and Furina.
I expect this excellent strategy will be executed again in version 5. A support/sub-DPS Pyro archon and an on-field DPS with high synergy. Let’s see how it turns out…
Thank you for the tip though tbh it’s probably not going to affect me too much lol. I’m super casual in genshin to the extent my teams are just random mixes of characters I like/have and gear with no set bonuses. Unlike HSR where I’m super serious and have to worry about synergies when pulling and making sure all the pieces fit.
5.1 Banners (STC)
Phase 1
* Xilonen
* Chiori
Phase 2
* Nahida
* Hu Tao
No Ganyu and Kokomi in sight. Hang in there, kid.
Future rerun and banner info:
* From what I’ve gathered from recent Imaginarium Theater and Spiral Abyss leaks, Wriothesley might be getting a rerun. (This is speculative info)
* 5.3 will have a Chronicled Wish banner. It might be Liyue-themed due to the patch taking place during Lantern Rite.
Placing a chronicle banner in the same patch there is rumor of 2 new 5* characters ? It’s rude. I think I’ll never get Ganyu at this rate xD
dw ab it u can skip debuts and pull for Ganyu, debuts tend to get reruns pretty fast. though if Ganyu is gonna be in the chronicled banner I don’t think I’ll ever get her :'(
at this point i just want the ice archon (and kiana boss or evil paimon whatever ends up happening after all 7 nations are completed)
anyone got any banner lineup news?
thoughts about archon lineup?
i’m an old player, and i tell you my experience: don’t skip, a single combo reaction of 2 unique characters can outdone any c6r1 anytime if Hoyo feels like it, like if they make a sudden patch to glaze a character
the safest bet should be always throw 45 (=1/2*90 pro math right here) on any new banner to get the body of a potential op reaction
Wow pulling 8-16 5*s gets you more power than 2-4??
confirmed this guy tell the truth like me :v is he me :v
Is there any old player skipping Natlan characters because they’re tired of farming?
I started playing three years ago, and I have tons of builds and hundreds of artifacts, so I rarely have to switch things up… and finally, I feel relief in saying I’m giving up.
This situation is beyond absurd; it’s detrimental to the gaming experience and the game itself. I know that most people simply don’t care, which is why this system is still in place instead of being met with a huge backlash against this vomiting business.
People are really too enslaved by this game…
No, seriously, we can’t tolerate this shit, especially us old players. I just refuse to farm endlessly; I want to use my old builds and play without feeling like it’s a job that I’m not even getting paid for. This situation is making me lose interest in the game entirely.
do yourself a favor and quit instead of whining in a place, where no one cares
If you’re burnt out, just take a break. No need to write out a whole essay to justify it to anyone else.
XD. Man u need to touch some grass. U telling people to quit the game on GI Database.
nah, don’t just take a break, that’s a half-assed advice given by conformists that assume you’d come back just to suffer again because they won’t ever bother to change it.
straight up take the opportunity and quit, I did it and never been happier, only come back here to laugh at dumb comments lmao
but for real though, given the fact that they’ve added every single tiny little qol people have been begging for ages, but also doubled down and only made it worse to farm on every new game they release, should tell you anything how much hoyo cares about this issue, especially when said qol barely ever gets into genshin itself
Look, I don’t know who peed in your Wheaties, but it wasn’t me.
it most definitely was you
If you quit the game why are you in the comments section of a niche database website? Looking at dumb comments isn’t an excuse. This game is living rent-free in your head
“why are you here” :>attempts to invalidate the reason
that’s exactly what I meant lmao, you guys are too funny to pass out on
The first para was cringe AF and straight up pathetic to read. How can someone type all that with a straight face is beyond me lmfao. Do yourself a favour and stop visiting this site, It’s clearly taking a toll on your mental health.
bold of you to assume i wrote that with a straight face
but yeah sure the one with mental health issues is me and not y’all being toxic because you can’t accept facts 😉😉
it takes one to know one
it really do
lol the way people told op to quit but now suddenly this guy in particular is the bad guy because of the reasons given and actual criticism of hoyo
actual hoyoshill moment
for real, but it’s all pure ad hominem and 0 arguments lmao
they didn’t even mention the elixirs as i was expecting, that just shows how much they fix
also it’s very funny how apparently im not allowed to care for anything related to the game just because i quit playing, suddenly the whole lore/story/music/art/animations/characters/voice acting/sound effects/exploration (or generally just marketing) they like to parade around whenever someone criticizes the game is not that important anymore, the joke tells itself
you can bet your ass that they would never say a thing to any one of all of the artists that make fanart of the game while not actually playing it
is this all you can come up with after being destroyed in the other section that had a similar comment? sad
Sad for you, fun for me hahaha
I think this guy ran out of Phlogiston
Take a break bro
or quit if it pisses you off that much
You are projecting extremely hard. Just quit and shut up
Hey, older player here. I’ll take your complaints at face value. Yes, I’ve definitely desired some characters but building them is a drag, and it has definitely demotivated me from getting the character. However, I have two answers to this problem which enable me to minimize the issues and continue enjoy the game daily.
First, I give appropriately small focus to the small rewards from endgame combat rewards and a greater focus to non-combat activities like exploring the world and enjoying story/lore. If you skip Floor 12 for a year, you’ll miss out on 2,400 Primogems equaling 15 wishes.If you get 6 stars on floor 12, you’re only missing out on half of that. 15 wishes is not insignificant, but it’s not much either. To put in perspective, F2P players can usually collect a maximum of ~675 wishes per year/nation/major patch (see
Second, I get fewer characters overall but get more constellations and signature weapons.
Genshin has taken a turn for making strong early constellations and non-generic, strong signature weapons. The days of generic, reusable weapons like PJC and weak constellations like Ganyu’s C1 are over; the game is now in the era of broken early constellations (and broken C6 for 4-stars like Faruzan and Chevreuse).
So my strategy to maximize enjoyment and minimize arti grind suffering is to skip most characters and go for C1-2 (and sometimes R1) of new characters. This reduces my grind in multiple ways:
1) I have fewer characters to build.
2) The characters I build can have weaker artifacts because their constellations are strong enough to overcome the disadvantage.
Depending on which 4-stars are featured, the extra wishes for C1+ sometimes gives me a greater chance to get a broken C6 4-star, which yes is another character to build, but again it’s easier to skip the artifact grind if their constellations raise the character’s baseline utility. Not every banner gives me such “bonus” 4-stars, as the game also seems to be doing the HSR thing and mostly releasing 5-stars.
One other related thing you didn’t mention is how Phlogiston mechanics lower the utility of Natlan characters outside of Natlan. (You could make an argument that their utility is RAISED in Natlan, but after a year of enjoying the “benefit” it’ll feel like a nerf when we inevitably take those characters to Snezhnaya). This makes me even less inclined to get Natlan characters and makes me want to just save my Primogems for Snezhnaya.
What do you think?
hey i like this guys’s broken c1 pulling strategy, seems he really know how to play this game :v
my only debate is you should skip 4 star entirely because it is a gacha game low rarity jackpot would be a total bait :v
I definitely don’t mean “pull for 4-stars”. I mean that my C1+ strategy gives a better chance of getting a “bonus” strong character, which might either be good standalone or a boost to the 5-star you’re wishing for.
For example, take Wanderer with a Faruzan banner. You can 99% guarantee C0 Wanderer with 161 wishes, and 99% guarantee C1 Wanderer with 314 wishes. In the 161-wish scenario you only have a 14% chance to get C6 Faruzan, but in the 314-wish scenario you have an 83% chance to get C6 Faruzan.
this is a strong law and a long-kept law which is not going to be change forever of these gacha games, face it pls. Would you know nobody will give their pulls for new characters when the new ones are no better than old ones, for most of players pull one character according to their strength, not likes
Few games can hold their volume, that’s the way them live. Think about it, what will happen if you decide to “PLAY GAMES” instead of choosing to be “PLAYED BY GAMES”
if youre playing a gacha game youre already being played by the game lmao what is that “argument”
a lot of conformists/shills in these comments jeez
I started on day 1, ‘enjoyed’ it all one more year than you 😉
other than maybe SOME support units you won’t miss anything by skipping
I skipped almost all of fontaine except for chevvy and furina and could do all abysses easily, and the reason for skipping is pretty much is what you said
didnt even went for cons of them, it’s not necessary
I was only interested in their utility, and the builds were kinda easy to obtain, so good for me
but yeah farming sucks ass, as much as people want to dismiss your valid complaints in here, and theyre exactly why hoyo doesnt even care, it is what it is
Hot take: If Mavuika turns out to be a DPS instead of a support, would you still pull?
Can’t wait to see how people will react if that ever happens lol
If Mavuika is a DPS I’m gonna make Khaenri’ah look like a joke
that would be so uncreative, annoying, and would make mualani teams be incomplete until they decide to push out real supports for her
but hoyo being hoyo, I wouldnt put it past them either
honestly that means we would have a dps archon, finally.
considering how she is called God of war, it fits.
either Dps or support it fits her…… for me the only way they could go wrong with this is to make her…
now THAT would fuck up the character and make her useless. like 3% of roster want a def support.
If her animations are good, absolutely
Even better if she is a support we can play as a DPS (even if average results) like I do with Nilou, Xianyun, Dehya and will do with Xilonen =D
But honestly, another random fire DPS will be boring, even more when we are lacking so much off field pyro DPS. We have Xiangling and …. noone else.
she’ll become DPS at C6 anyway
I think she’s gonna be a mix of Bennett and Xiangling. So, broken. Off field pyro sub dps and team wide atk buff
What would you pick in this situation?
These new units mixed with old reruns are making me super duper ice scream scooper indecisive. My personal take is kinda different from what I usually see (I’m curious if others feel the same way). I generally prefer to grab constellations for older or less powerful units to make them more competitive and to create more team combos. On the flip side, I don’t go for units that feel incomplete, like Wriothesley—I don’t think I ever will. A unit should be solid at C0 without needing anything extra; if their C1 is good, I might consider it.
1) Zhongli: He’s totally fine at C0 and doesn’t need C2.
BUT, I’ve wanted his C2 forever!
He’s been in my teams since day one, and I always run him with Favonius. I don’t care about the DPS loss because I love his gameplay and petrifying enemies. Plus, his Geo pillars can be tricky to place if there’s already one on the field… so I just want to make things easier. His C2 is super convenient for me; it really changes how I play him—just place pillars and drop meteors!
2) I could snag Nahida’s constellation too. I really like her and her teams, but she’s already super strong, so that would just make them even better than they already are. I think I’ll pass on her again until those teams start to feel weaker.
3) Xilonen: She’s solid at C0, but her C2 makes her even more versatile. She’s like my second Zhongli, not in strength but as a constant presence in my teams. (She’ll be meta for years guys, no need to say at c2…)
4) Chiori: Her C2 makes her WAY better. Geo is pretty rough and we all know it, and yeah, with Xilonen and others, no need to elaborate. Still, her C2 will make her way more flexible instead of just being a bonus character in some teams here and there. Plus, she’s got one of my best builds, so it’ll boost her value a lot. Plus I like afk damage, and that like an universal addition to any weird team if I pick a sub dps.
5 Of course, Mauvika is coming, and I guess she’ll be a super tough—let’s say impossible—skip. I doubt Hoyoverse will make her easy to ignore, so…
I skipped the surfing girl and I’ll be skipping the dendro pixels watermelon bomber too. I have every 5-star except for Wriothesley, pyro-bombs loli, and electro pussy-sword from Fontaine.
If those crap gems cost less… those greedy assholes! we just have to use private servers, they can’t leave those horrifying prices.
don’t pull like that, it wont improve your account
aim for c6s1 zhongli first, because that is a *complete* unit that the end game is balanced around, they doesn’t balance thing around your math
why should he/she aim for c6r1 zhongli, it does not improve his/her account a single bit?! constellations from old units are just not good and apart from that you can also have c0 units and still do the hardest content.
since you mention s1 you are probably from star rail what has better sub dps eidolons for supporter since you don’t have to play them as main dps unlike genshin but even there you don’t need eidolons or superimpositions so saying the end game is balanced behind c6 is not true.
(end game = beating spiral abyss and theater for the highest rewards.)
so how to pull chars: go for the dps char you like the most/consider to be the best dps and build a team arount it and don’t go for too much other 5* stuff and more like for chars/weapons who you think improve your team the most. probably get the constellation you want or/and the weapon for that dps char.
you probably don’t like my strategy but the way i play this game would be: pulling a single c6r1 top tier to solo endgame, then pull whatever support that keep them alive then put amber or somthing on the remaning slots
repeat that for 2 team, then do that for the bis support slots, repeat sp 1,2,3
mihoyo is not a god of f2p, they can suddenly rise up a paywall because they are already the richest chinese, what do they need f2p for bruh
Living up to your name
certified bad pull advisor
I would pick xilonen and mavuika. Not a fan of zhongli, got him years ago and practically didn’t use him. Same opinion with nahida as urs. And cant say anything about chiori cuz i dont like geo characters. Chiori is good in a sense that i like afk damage dealers too and she is very pretty, plus I have a lot of good swords, but I just don’t like her element.
So in my case i will pick Xilonen (Geo kitty waifu 10/10) And Mavuika (Yeah, who would skip pyro archont?)
>Doesn’t like Geo.
>Has a lot of good swords.
>Encourages pulling for Xilonen, who is also Geo Sword.
Are you noob? Definitely. That is what constellation is for. To make the character better or stronger.
Do I need more than C1 to finish all combat mode in the game? No. I do full stars everything.
Do you need it? I think yes, cause you noob, you think characters are viable when they are at least at c1 or c2. Why not say c6 already hahaha
is noob the new word you just learnt or what? spamming that everywhere to pretend you’re any better lmfao
what a pathethic, lame and boring individual you are
You are lame and boring haha
no u
10 year old tier response