Table of Content |
Character |
Weapon |
Item |
Skill |
Achievement Category |
Achievement |
Tutorial |
Stage |
Domain |
Chapter |
Quest |
Shop |
Event |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Rarity | Atk | Sub | Value | Weapon Affix | Ascension Materials |
赦罪 | 5 | 47.54 | CrD% | 9.6% | 暴擊傷害提升 | ||
築雲 | 4 | 42.4 | EM | 36 | 元素能量減少後,裝備者的元素精通提升 | ||
白雨心弦 | 5 | 44.34 | HP% | 14.4% | 裝備者能獲得「療護」效果,持有1/2/3層療護時,生命值上限提升 | ||
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Rarity | Family | Recipe |
分析進度 | 3 | Currency | ||
玩具勳章 | 4 | Currency | ||
希格雯 | 5 | Char Unlock Item | ||
賽索斯 | 4 | Char Unlock Item | ||
克洛琳德 | 5 | Char Unlock Item | ||
希格雯的命星 | 5 | |||
賽索斯的命星 | 4 | |||
克洛琳德的命星 | 5 | |||
膳食均衡餐 | 3 | Crafted Item, Special Food, Buff Item, Food | ||
奇怪的桔香鴨胸肉 | 2 | Crafted Item, Food, Strange Food |
items per Page |
items per Page |
Achievement Category
Icon | Name | Reward |
幻想真境劇詩·第一輯 | 1 | |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Description | Shown | Reward |
n/a | n/a | ✅ | 66 | |
n/a | n/a | ✅ | 66 | |
n/a | n/a | ✅ | 66 | |
協演的歌舞劇 | 幻想真境劇詩:在邀請過表演助理角色的情況下完成整場演出。 | ✅ | 5 | |
無法預測的命運饋贈 | 幻想真境劇詩:在任意難度下完成整場演出時,至少選擇過8次神秘收穫事件。 | ✅ | 5 | |
可靠的敘事者 | 幻想真境劇詩:在任意難度下完成整場演出時,選擇過至少8次奇妙助益或輝彩祝福事件。 | ✅ | 5 | |
比珠寶還珍貴 | 累計獲得3枚玩具勳章。 | ✅ | 5 | |
比珠寶還珍貴 | 累計獲得6枚玩具勳章。 | ✅ | 10 | |
比珠寶還珍貴 | 累計獲得9枚玩具勳章。 | ✅ | 20 | |
魔法的用途 | 在小狼提供的「劇演嘉獎」中,累計學習過3次表演訣竅。 | ✅ | 5 |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Description |
幻想真境劇詩·開啟挑戰 | 透過劇演準備間中的「幻劇之書」,即可開啟「幻想真境劇詩」挑戰。 | |
幻想真境劇詩·演出事件 | 「幻想真境劇詩」的挑戰過程中將出現多種事件,其中夥伴事件可使待命角色轉變為可出戰角色,奇妙助益與輝彩祝福可以為隊伍提供戰鬥增益,神秘收穫可以提供一定輔助效果,但有時也包含一定的風險。 | |
幻想真境劇詩·隊伍配置 | 挑戰過程中,可以選擇重新演出來更改隊伍陣容並再次挑戰,適當安排出戰角色的陣容是完成演出挑戰的關鍵。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 選擇交戰單位後,可以將其部署在我方陣地內的可部署區域,選擇交戰單位期間,可以透過跳躍取消選擇。 交戰單位被部署後,將自動進行戰鬥。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 選擇交戰單位後,可以將其部署在我方陣地內的可部署區域,選擇交戰單位期間,可以透過跳躍取消選擇。 交戰單位被部署後,將自動進行戰鬥。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 選擇交戰單位後,可以將其部署在我方陣地內的可部署區域,選擇交戰單位期間,可以透過跳躍取消選擇。 交戰單位被部署後,將自動進行戰鬥。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 選擇交戰單位後,可以將其部署在我方陣地內的可部署區域,選擇交戰單位期間,可以透過跳躍取消選擇。 交戰單位被部署後,將自動進行戰鬥。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 進攻想定挑戰中,我方的目標是利用交戰單位,摧毀敵方的據點。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 周圍只存在來自單一陣營的單位時,據點旗幟會在一段時間後被該陣營佔領。 控制旗幟的陣營獲得可部署單位的速度提升25%。我方控制旗幟時,還能在旗幟附近部署單位。 | |
安固諸方之述演 | 防禦想定挑戰包含3個輪次,每輪敵人將從不同的方向來襲。戰鬥中,需要保護我方據點,盡量承受較少的傷害。 |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Monsters | Reward |
n/a | |||
n/a | |||
n/a | |||
n/a | |||
n/a | |||
逐影猎人:审判之时(test) | |||
拉瓦特的私人實驗室 | 1 2 2 10000 | ||
逐影猎人:审判之时(test) | |||
揭曉之處 | |||
4.7双子线镜像大世界(test) |
items per Page |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Title | Secondary Title | Rewards |
睡前故事 | 第四章 第六幕 | 旅人 | 3000 131K 13 24 60 2 2 2 | |
謊言的溫度 | 海精之章 第一幕 | 希格雯 | 2025 138K 15 30 60 5 | |
夜色無聲 | 迅捷劍之章 第一幕 | 克洛琳德 | 2025 137K 15 31 60 5 | |
隱藏章節用於4.7觸發多角色挑戰 | 隱藏章節用於4.7觸發多角色挑戰 | n/a | ||
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Description | Objectives | Shown | Rewards |
積存已久的委託 | 妳(你)們來到須彌的冒險家協會,凱瑟琳小姐似乎有一份非常棘手的委託要交給妳(你)們… | •前往須彌冒險家協會,與凱瑟琳對話 •前往維摩莊 •與巴蘭對話 •與阿瑪茲亞對話 •前往阿托莎所指引的地方 •擊退深淵教團的魔物 •與阿托莎對話 | ✅ | 875 38100 4 7 | |
不應存在的記憶 | 至今妳(你)們依然捕捉不到那位失蹤男子的蹤跡,但在深淵教團的魔物出現以後,妳(你)們見到了另一個熟悉的身影… | •回到維摩莊 •與戴因斯雷布對話 •與戴因斯雷布對話 •前往藏匿「耕地機的眼睛」的地方 •進入藏匿「耕地機的眼睛」的地方 •進入遺蹟深處 •擊敗深淵使徒 •與戴因斯雷布對話 | ✅ | 1000 44000 4 8 | |
以世界之格的訴說 | 如戴因所猜測的,「虛假的記憶」是深淵教團的陷阱。此時地脈再次開始擾動,大概已經有事情在發生了… | •返回維摩莊 •查看丘丘人的狀態 •查看丘丘人的狀態 •查看丘丘人的狀態 •與阿瑪茲亞對話 •與巴蘭對話 •對現狀進行推理 •前往阿托莎曾經指引的地方 •進入「意識空間」 •與卡利貝爾對話 •與卡利貝爾對話 •與妳(你)的血親對話 •回到維摩莊 •尋找阿托莎 | ✅ | 1125 60 49200 2 2 2 5 9 | |
(test)判断玩家是否在镜像大世界$HIDDEN | (test)判断玩家是否在镜像大世界$HIDDEN | ❌ | |||
美容專家 | 楓丹廷似乎正在舉辦一場促銷活動,非常熱鬧。 | •在楓丹廷四處逛逛 •詢問希格雯的建議 •收集清單上的材料 •收集清單上的材料 •前往梅洛彼得堡 •和希格雯交談 •將調製好的食材交給韋爾賽 •前往監護室 | ✅ | 500 34075 4 7 | |
偷樑換柱 | 希格雯作為護士長的忙碌一日終於結束,但新的麻煩似乎已經到來… | •等待到次日上午(8-12點) •和希格雯碰面 •找到自稱艾里克的嫌犯 •前往楓丹科學院 •向熟悉拉瓦特的研究員打探情報 •向熟悉拉瓦特的研究員打探情報 •向熟悉拉瓦特的研究員打探情報 •和逐影庭警員們會合 •前往拉瓦特母親的住處 •進入拉瓦特母親的住處 •尋找熱水 •和希格雯交談 | ✅ | 550 38100 4 8 | |
地下的罪行 | 在拉瓦特母親住處意外發現的線索,成為了讓調查能夠繼續下去的關鍵情報。 | •前往拉瓦特的私人實驗室 •進入地下實驗室 •向深處搜尋 •向深處搜尋 •向深處搜尋 •尋找繼續深入的通路 •前往實驗室最深處 •制伏逃犯 •和波頓對話 •原路撤離 •前往波頓的目的地 •進入波頓母親的住處 | ✅ | 650 44000 5 10 | |
曾經的真相 | 由一款美妝產品引發的重重謎案終於被徹底告破,希格雯協助逐影庭完成了最後的收尾工作,而她也準備好向你講述一段往事… | •在楓丹廷四處逛逛 •前往與希格雯約定的地點 •和希格雯交談 | ✅ | 325 60 22000 5 2 5 | |
「審判之時」 | 在楓丹廷的街道上,好像有兩位熟悉的友人需要幫助… | •前往楓丹廷·利奧奈區 •與克洛琳德和娜維婭對話 •前往「千織屋」與其他人會合 | ✅ | 325 22000 2 5 | |
獵人們的相聚 | 「很久很久以前…」 | •前往劇本指示的遊戲場地 •繼續前往遊戲場地 •「開始冒險」 •聽主持人克洛琳德的講解 •前往王城酒館,打聽情報 •與憂愁的女子對話 •在附近區域探索 •與蠻橫的商販對話 •在附近區域探索 •前往王城中心廣場,打聽情報 •與焦慮的男子對話 •與其他人交流現有資訊 •與其他人交流現有資訊 •「繼續冒險」 •前往城外,收集資訊 •前往森林深處 •繼續深入 •繼續深入 •前往魔物出沒的地點 •前往魔物出沒的地點 •擊敗魔物 •擊敗魔物 •擊敗魔物 •擊敗魔物 •擊敗魔物 •擊敗魔物 •與其他人對話 •與其他人交流現有資訊 •與其他人交流現有資訊 | ✅ | 725 49200 6 11 |
items per Page |
Name | Owner | Currency |
n/a | ||
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Reward | Reward (Total) |
飛迸湍流二重奏 | 420 490K 14 6 24 6 6 4 1 4 | ||
紛變繁相豪武譚 | 420 4 160K 24 24 48 4 4 4 | ||
安固諸方之述演 | 1000 2520 5 80 5 1020K 70 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 2 1 4 1 8 | ||
繹思振筆集 | 420 370K 18 4 18 4 4 4 | ||
items per Page |
123 responses to “New in 4.7”
when does 4.8 beta start?
Few days ago.
emilie just got dripped
sorry clorinde your booba popper doesn’t convince me anymore
a filler trash 4* to replace Clorinde okay that’s funny..
The perfume lady Emilie got revealed and she looks really familiar to me. I have a feeling it’s some kind of Honkai expy. Lemme know what’ y’all think.
I’m low key excited for her. I heard she might be a sub dps or support and as someone who refuses to use Nahida I’m happy about that.
I actually only came back here to check if it had updated early or something xD
burning dps it seems
The 4* lineup for Phase I… Agh no Chevreuse in sight 💀
Bennett Impact Strikes Again
I swear to God if Chevreuse was on the banner I would 1000% go for Clorinde
I got c1 Raiden on accident and hit hard pity (saved it for Nahida) BUT NO CHEVREUSE
For once I’m somewhat excited about something new, but still there’s things that would be better if they changed.
It is, of course, the new game mode, the Imaginarium Theater. Text wall incoming.
So, personally, the best game mode I ever played on a gacha was on Pokémon Masters, the Legendary Arena.
Infinite boss battles, infinite rewards (albeit significantly lower after a few wins, like when battle events stop giving primos and only give enhancement ore and mora), as long as you keep on winning, but after using a character once, you can’t use it on another fight. No need to worry for a timer and you could restart to distribute characters differently, but that would reset your win streak and you wouldn’t get any new rewards unless you surpassed your previous record.
Teambuilding was really fun but also the game had a lot more characters and a lot more viable supports.
Pretty similar to what’s coming, with a few key differences.
First, the grind.
In Pokémon Masters it was significantly easier to get all your characters maxxed out, have good builds for them and have materials to spare for any new one you got.
In Genshin, unless you spend money, this is not the case, especially because of the RNG hell that is artifacts and the little rewards they give to f2p players on events.
Second, restrictions for which characters you can use.
While in Pokémon Masters there were some “restrictions” for each of the battle’s mechanics, you could really just use any character to deal damage as long as you used the correct status effects or stat downs on other units, and there were even some characters able to brute force and/or solo the battles while ignoring a significant part of said mechanics, so you wouldn’t be really locked.
In Genshin, this type of teambuilding limitation is accentuated because of the first problem. Like imagine having a full roster of hydro, cryo, dendro and geo on your account, only to be locked out because you didn’t bother building pyro or electro on your team (you’d ideally build anemo anyways lmao). Also Electro units without Dendro is gonna be rough (at least Baizhu havers can still support their electros, but it’s kinda the bare minimum)
Third, restrictions on when you can use every picked character.
So from what I understand, not all characters you choose are gonna be available from start and even that is gonna be RNG. This one is pretty bad IMO as it limits team building even further. In Pokémon Masters you had all your owned units at your selection from start, so in that aspect it was more of a challenge in good distribution to get the most wins possible, instead of whatever this is.
Fourth, the characters themselves.
So, as I said before, Pokémon Masters had and still has more characters than Genshin and a lot more viable supports. Not much to say here other than some characters REALLY need their supports to be able to clear the harder fights (mainly post 1.0 4* DPS), or very high investment and skill.
Fifth and last, the amount of battles.
So with a limit on battles, something that Pokémon Masters didn’t have, it can kinda mitigate the problematic effects of each difference, to an extent. You still need to have decent builds on each character you want to use and you’re still expected to have a certain amount of characters to be able to enter, with a big hit to teambuilding due to character availability, but being an easier game mode and not needing to win the most battles possible but a fixed amount, the grind might not be as awful (it’s still somewhat bad tho).
So, what would I change?
As you can probably tell from my liking of the Pokémon Masters game mode, I’m a big advocate of ‘horizontal’ investment, and without going much into detail, I’d remove the availability restriction and maybe increase the amount of usable characters per challenge (at the cost of being usable once per challenge instead of twice). Elemental restriction can stay I guess, but it’s not of my liking.
Also increased rewards and a rework to the artifact system, but that copium goes into the surveys they make (they’ll ignore it like they’ve been doing the past 3 years lol lmao. Yes, I’ve given very in detail suggestions to improve the game in there since launch, to no avail)
And I’m not gonna comment on the characters’ pages, they look pretty mediocre and uninteresting to say the least.
Well, at least this is not as long as that one comment on the Firefly’s page…
No idea which one you’re talking about, I avoid all other Hoyo games like the plague, but yeah I got inspired with this one lmao
I very much appreciate this and the effort you put into it. I don’t come to Honey Hunter World expecting in-depth game design analysis, but it was great to see it. I’m going to read up on the Legendary Arena to get my own insights, but this was a fantastic starting point. Thanks again!
the character availability was ass and I hated it when it was on that one event, but iirc you couldn’t know which characters and in which order you’d be getting them, at least he have that here but it’s still probably gonna be painful and annoying af.