Name | 苦炮魨 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外觀賞魚, Exterior Furniture, 室內觀賞魚, Indoor Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior, Indoor | |
Regular Variant | 苦炮魨 | |
Related Monster | 苦炮魨 | |
Capturable with Net? | ❌ | |
Attracted by Bait | 飛蠅假餌 | |
Description | 珍貴的觀賞魚,可飼養於「靈沼雲池」和「澄波游影」中。 稀有的炮魨品種,魚如其名,是在水底世界傳播苦澀的傢伙。與普通炮魨相較,牠們射出的水炮速度更慢、體積更小,但卻因為附著了極具刺激性的苦味費洛蒙而讓威力不退反進。在求偶期間,還經常能夠見到雄性和雌性之間互相噴射苦味水炮的奇景,或許向彼此傳遞生命中的苦澀,也是一種愛意的體現吧。 |
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Fish Spawn |
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Fish Spawn
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Quest Fishing Pond
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So I ask: what am I supposed to do with my R5 Talking Stick now? Is it just a very expensive joke? ...