Name | 藍染花鱂 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外觀賞魚, Exterior Furniture, 室內觀賞魚, Indoor Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior, Indoor | |
Regular Variant | 藍染花鱂 | |
Related Monster | 藍染花鱂 | |
Capturable with Net? | ❌ | |
Attracted by Bait | 果釀餌 | |
Description | 珍貴的觀賞魚,可飼養於「靈沼雲池」和「澄波游影」中。 活潑好動的小型鱂魚,以優美的花瓣型魚尾聞名。 早先有種趣聞——將普通花鱂投入藍色染缸,就能得到更貴的藍染花鱂。這類說法大約是從孩童的天真玩笑裡流傳開的,但卻意外提點了不少無良魚販。於是每隔段時間,坊間就會出現「你買的花鱂怎麼還掉色?」之類的對話。對此,總務司市坊署特地張貼過告示——「市場紛亂繁雜,慎防藍魚充數。」 |
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Fish Spawn
Fishing Pond
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Quest Fishing Pond
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They quite literally want to work, the point is the company that employs them, wants to use the pre...