Table of Content |
Character |
Weapon |
Item |
Skill |
Achievement |
Tutorial |
Monster |
Stage |
Chapter |
Quest |
Event |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Rarity | Atk | Sub | Value | Weapon Affix | Ascension Materials |
弥坚骨 | 4 | 43.73 | Atk% | 6% | 冲刺或替代冲刺的能力消耗的体力降低15%;此外,使用冲刺或替代冲刺的能力后,普通攻击造成的伤害提高,提高数值相当于攻击力的 | ||
岩峰巡歌 | 5 | 44.34 | Def% | 18% | 普通攻击或下落攻击命中敌人后,将获得「荣花之歌」:防御力提高 | ||
硕果钩 | 4 | 43.73 | Atk% | 6% | 下落攻击的暴击率提升 | ||
镇山之钉 | 4 | 43.73 | ER% | 6.67% | 攀爬消耗的体力降低15%,元素战技造成的伤害提升 | ||
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Icon | Name | Description | Shown | Reward |
月亮还没有出来 | 在秘源机兵·构型械准备「球状雷炮」时,破坏「汲聚械」打断它的蓄能。 | ❌ | 5 | |
谜境中的将军 | 与愚人众执行官「队长」的正式会面。 | ❌ | 5 | |
未奉献的牺牲 | 他所追寻的究竟是什么… | ❌ | 5 | |
镜与谜烟的彼方 | 完成「镜与谜烟的彼方」。 | ❌ | 10 | |
在夜明之前 | 唯有携手,才能觅见光明。 | ❌ | 5 | |
胜者重燃 | 终于,纳塔再一次迎来了胜利。 | ❌ | 5 | |
命定将焚的虹光 | 完成「命定将焚的虹光」。 | ❌ | 10 | |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Description |
秘源机兵·构型械 | 具备强大的摧毁与破坏的机能的机械体。在角色进入和维持「夜魂加持」状态时,秘源机兵·构型械会积累「应战对策」的进度,进度积累满后,将开始准备「球状雷炮」,过程中,秘源机兵·构型械会启动「汲聚械」开掘固态燃素并汲取燃素。「汲聚械」自身会产生力场,如果想要破坏「汲聚械」以打断「球状雷炮」的蓄能, | |
深邃拟覆叶 | 于深邃晦暗的异界降临,能够模仿各类事象的深渊魔物。战斗中,深邃拟覆叶会为自己赋予虚界力护罩。深邃拟覆叶的部分攻击会施加可叠加的「蚀破」状态,并在一定时间后,使队伍中自己的当前场上角色损失生命值。利用 | |
交映现实与梦 | 在「交映现实与梦」玩法中,旅行者需要进入病人的特殊梦境,找到梦中的扭曲异常之处,将其纠正,从而协助病人改善心理问题。 | |
骑士的剑影 | 在「骑士的剑影」玩法中,旅行者需要在 依据在该关卡中所取得的最高积分,可以在达到指定积分时领取对应的奖励。 | |
攻逐飨会 | 旅行者需要在限定时间内,击败所有的敌人完成挑战。每个挑战都具有独特的「攻逐助佑」,留意其效果并善加利用以在挑战中获得助益。 | |
TEST合成台·自动选择进度 | 选择所需的养成方向后,会根据背包内的培养材料,计算并 若角色为培养计划内角色,则将自动选择 选择所需的合成材料后会综合养成方向与背包内培养材料的情况计算并 | |
寻溯蜜虫之宝 | 深渊侵蚀的燃素蜜虫受到特殊的护罩庇护,护罩破除前,攻击 护罩被破除后,蜜虫将陷入眩晕,此时角色每次攻击能 | |
花车摇曳 | 花车行驶的过程中,可以更换行进路线,从而躲避障碍物。花车撞击障碍物后将 | |
花车摇曳 | 花车行驶的过程中,可以更换行进路线,从而躲避障碍物。花车撞击障碍物后将 | |
花车摇曳 | 花车行驶的过程中,可以更换行进路线,从而躲避障碍物。花车撞击障碍物后将 |
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Icon | Name | Monsters | Reward |
n/a | |||
特拉佐莉的工坊 | |||
「秘源遗迹」 | |||
5.1主线战争镜像大世界(test) | |||
5.1主线火神梦境(test) | |||
「秘源遗迹」 | |||
n/a | |||
n/a | |||
n/a | |||
n/a |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Title | Secondary Title | Rewards |
镜与谜烟的彼方 | 第五章 第三幕 | 纳塔 | 2825 124K 11 23 30 | |
命定将焚的虹光 | 第五章 第四幕 | 纳塔 | 5325 234K 23 43 60 1 | |
抑扬的吟咏 | 祈祝福愿,倾告嵴锋 第三幕 | 「回声之子」 | 1650 143K 14 32 1 60 5 8 | |
赠予她惊喜 | 彩糖与蔷薇的幻色颂 第一份礼物 | n/a | 40 80 40000 4 | |
赠予她甜蜜 | 彩糖与蔷薇的幻色颂 第二份礼物 | n/a | 40 80 40000 4 | |
赠予她回忆 | 彩糖与蔷薇的幻色颂 第三份礼物 | n/a | 40 80 40000 4 | |
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Icon | Name | Description | Objectives | Shown | Rewards |
秘源之下 | 几经波折,你们终于了解「队长」的计划与目的——「重构地脉」。这件事听上去风险颇高,你们决定尽快和玛薇卡商讨对策… | •将「队长」的意图转达玛薇卡 •前往「秘源遗迹」的入口 •击败附近巡视的愚人众 •寻找适合开凿通道的位置 •进入「秘源遗迹」 •深入「秘源遗迹」 •尝试破解锁住机关的法术 •旋转机关拼合图形,打开通路 •阻止「队长」和欧洛伦 •阻止「队长」和欧洛伦 •阻止「队长」和欧洛伦 •离开「秘源遗迹」 •离开「秘源遗迹」 | ✅ | 875 38100 4 7 | |
共睹那日之将落 | 你们在秘源遗迹中见证了第五位英雄的出现,也暂时和「队长」达成了合作的约定,这件事看起来终于告一段落。然而深渊依然不断迫近,现在并不是能松口气的时候… | •回到「话事处」商谈 •离开「话事处」 •回「倦意之屋」稍作休息 •回「倦意之屋」稍作休息 •回「倦意之屋」稍作休息 •回「倦意之屋」稍作休息 •回到「秘源遗迹」的深处 •与夜神交谈 •到房间外查看情况 | ✅ | 625 27825 3 5 | |
席卷而来的暗潮 | 深渊魔物侵入纳塔,一场规模巨大的战争已然拉开了帷幕… | •离开「倦意之屋」,加入战斗 •与玛薇卡交谈,了解战况 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •乘坐热气球,前往支援地点 •前往支援地点 •解决眼前的魔物 •与战士交谈 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •乘坐热气球,前往支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •与驻守战士交谈 •与讯使交谈,获取战报 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •乘坐热气球,前往支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •尝试疏散此地的龙 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败魔物,破坏深渊界门 •与驻守的战士交谈 •与讯使交谈,获取战报 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •与商队成员交谈 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败魔物,破坏深渊界门 •与基尼奇交谈 •在此地稍事休息 •与基尼奇交谈 •击败魔物,破坏深渊界门 •击败魔物,破坏深渊界门 •与基尼奇交谈 | ✅ | 1125 30 49200 5 9 | |
绝望高悬天之上 | 深渊之力的真主终于出现,大地侵蚀加剧,魔物愈发狂躁,这宛如末日般的场景,令人陷入不知所措的绝望之中… | •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •尝试寻找附近的幸存者 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •寻找幸存者 •与竞技场的讯使交流 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •击败所有魔物 •寻找幸存者 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •跟随声音,寻找幸存者 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败所有魔物 •和派蒙对话 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往支援地点 •击败魔物,破坏深渊界门 •与驻守的战士交谈 •击败魔物,破坏深渊界门 •与驻守的战士交谈 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •追逐深渊污染坠落的方向 •清理此地的魔物 •搜寻幸存者或有价值的信息 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •乘坐热气球,前往支援地点 •乘坐热气球,前往支援地点 •前往支援地点 •清理此地的魔物 •与此地的人交谈 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •查看地图,选择支援地点 •前往「回声之子」部族营地 •清理此地的魔物 •疏散完毕,准备撤离 •与先行撤离的队伍会合 •前往「花羽会」 •击败围困恰斯卡与葵可的魔物 •与恰斯卡交谈 •和恰斯卡一同将葵可送回竞技场 •前往竞技场中央,见证英雄齐聚 •与朋友们交谈 | ✅ | 1225 53900 5 10 | |
我们不会孤军奋战 | 六位英雄齐聚,玛薇卡唤醒了神座中的力量,为纳塔众人吹响了「狩夜者战争」的号角。是时候清算深渊了! | •前往「深渊瘤石」出现之处 •前往「深渊瘤石」出现之处 •清除魔物与「深渊界门」 •登上「游隙灵道」 •借用龙的能力,前往下一个地点 •清除魔物与「深渊界门」 •登上「游隙灵道」 •借用龙的能力,前往下一个地点 •清除魔物与「深渊界门」 •与伙伴共享战场情报 •守住大门,抵御最后的攻势 •守住大门,抵御最后的攻势 | ✅ | 775 34075 3 6 | |
名为「命运」的燃料 | 被击碎的深渊只是来自夜神之国的倒影,纳塔的威胁仍未完全解决。我们还需要面对很多难题:悲伤,孤独,以及死亡… | •参加战后的宴会 •与玛薇卡交谈 •与玛薇卡交谈 •与玛薇卡交谈 •与玛薇卡交谈 •继续聊天,或回房休息 •继续聊天,或回房休息 •继续聊天,或回房休息 •继续聊天,或回房休息 •去「话事处」找玛薇卡 •进入「话事处」 •继续「你」的旅途 •继续「你」的旅途 •继续「你」的旅途 •继续「你」的旅途 •与玛薇卡交谈 •离开「话事处」 •离开「话事处」 •离开「话事处」 | ✅ | 700 30 31125 1 3 6 | |
皆为崇高之名 | 纳塔的冒险仍在继续,过了一段时间之后… | •等待至两天后 •前往冒险家协会 •与凯瑟琳对话 •前往「回声之子」 •与希诺宁对话 •前往约定地点与基尼奇会合 •等待两天后的上午 •与希诺宁对话 •前往约定地点等候茜特菈莉 | ✅ | 600 26025 2 5 | |
向着迷烟飘往之处 | 茜特菈莉如约前来,不过,她也提出了一个要求:希望你们帮她找回失踪的孙子欧洛伦。你们接下委托,与茜特菈莉一同踏上寻人之路。 | •调查线索 •跟随茜特菈莉 •调查前方的营地 •继续前进并调查 •分头调查 •继续调查周围的线索 •确认现场残余的痕迹 •确认现场残余的痕迹 •确认现场残余的痕迹 •前往茜特菈莉找到的营地 •击败敌人 •确认欧洛伦的情况 •前往话事处 •等待至次日晚上8点 •前往约定地点 •返回竞技场 •返回竞技场 •前往酒馆 •跟随茜特菈莉换个地方 | ✅ | 1000 44000 4 8 | |
摇曳灯火一分为二 | 深渊入侵,情况变得相当紧急。众人各有任务,此时此刻,你们决定先找玛薇卡谈谈先前取得的重要信息… | •回旅馆休息 •去旅馆外看看 •前往竞技场 •与玛薇卡对话 •前往「回声之子」 •前去支援商队 •击破「深渊界门」 •查看商队的情况 •返回「回声之子」 •返回话事处 •一段时间前的野外 •一段时间前的野外 •前往挖掘地 •继续调查愚人众 •与玛薇卡对话 •送别恰斯卡和葵可 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 •与茜特菈莉对话 | ✅ | 1225 30 53900 5 10 | |
(test)(hide)战场一阶段隐藏逻辑任务$HIDDEN | (test)(hide)战场一阶段隐藏逻辑任务$HIDDEN | ❌ |
items per Page |
Icon | Name | Reward | Reward (Total) |
彩糖与蔷薇的幻色颂 | 970 520K 3 3 3 1 1 1190 5 57 48 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 50 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 1 1 6 12 | ||
攻逐飨会 | 420 18 6 240K 12 12 6 6 | ||
追想练行·烈趣篇 | |||
寻溯蜜虫之宝 | 420 220K 6 15 6 6 12 8 1 | ||
命定将焚的虹光 | 500 | ||
祈祝福愿,倾告嵴锋 | 60 9 6 30 12 15 | ||
彩石与焰泉之国 | 400 | 400 | |
items per Page |
159 responses to “New in 5.1”
Very curious how much people will whale for Kinich, see if he will save 5.0
seems that i am the only one left on this site that only care about the lore and characters not the gameplay
too bad there is no true gamer like me in today’s time and age anymore :v
A: You only care about the lore? “True gamers” don’t care at all about gameplay?
B: This website has lore?
Whatever happened to the site? It hasn’t been updated since 2.7 and it’s still on the socials section. I know there’s up-to-date alternatives now but why is it still here?
Why is Hoyo pumping out less and less Hangout Quests now? During the Sumeru patch cycle, there were four hangout quests, and in Fontaine, there was only one. Really wish they’d make more tho during the Natlan patch cycle, especially the 4*s that only appear in events and nowhere else e.g. Mika, Yaoyao, Xinyan, etc
do you even enjoy that trash for children? lmao
if a tool like gt autoclicker didn’t exist i’d even prefer to don’t get those crumbs they give as “reward”…
Terrible bait
You’re bad at insulting people. Go back to school.
why the hate? he/she is right. a lot ppl really don’t enjoy these quests. every quest where you have to skip unwanted text for more than 20 min is like aneurysm. mihoyo should give us a skip button but text walls are considered part of the endcontent I guess and these quest are not known for being interesting.
There are some people that don’t care about the lore and story of characters and some that do. I’m kinda the latter half.
Sorry that’s not allowed you can’t enjoy character based content
why the hate? he/she is right. a lot ppl really don’t enjoy the Spiral Abyss. every Spiral Abyss you have to fight for more than 10 min is like aneurysm. mihoyo should give us a skip button but Spiral Abyss are considered part of the endcontent I guess and Spiral Abyss are not known for being interesting.
(I hope you like that)
It would be easier if they actually released 4*s
true lol
this game really isn’t as f2p friendly as people like to pretend it is
getting characters? sure, but having them actually built, in a useable state? fuck no
it either takes too long or there’s so much rng that’s it’s a pain in the ass to get good builds
sure, they added the new crafter, but goddamn it they had to fuck that up as well, with the only get one elixir per “cycle” bullshit, the raised cost for certain pieces AND only craft one per set per patch.
even if we craft a good artifact we aren’t even guaranteed good rolls on upgrades, and that’s what happened to each and every artifact I crafted so fuck me and all the elixirs I got I guess
just like the theater, are the many limitations really needed?
so many limitations stacked one of top of the other are what make that gamemode so unfun, and crafting one elixir is already a pain in the ass, why limit how many we can get come the fuck on (obviously rethorical, it’s to sell the battle pass with the extra elixir that you wouldn’t get as f2p)
I really tried to give hoyo, this game, a chance, 4 years of trying
and every step of the way they managed to disappoint me in one way or another, even with this
shit’s really never going to get much better and I just don’t have fun with it anymore
I don’t even know why post here, probably the only place where this rant has some chance of actually being read, it’ll be removed or ignored in other sites but even if in this one it’ll only make the trolls flame me, they still may have read a part of it, and that’s worth something I h(c)ope
If you still have fun with this game, this isn’t me trying to demotivate you, go on with it, I hope you can keep playing and enjoying whatever it is that you like and love from this game (as long as you aren’t a blind shill of it)
It just isn’t there for me anymore y’know, even with all the new stuff natlan came with I can’t feel as engaged as before, and I just gotta move on with life and all
good luck to y’all who still like this game, you’ll need it at some point
The only thing you need strong builds for is spiral abyss, the money required to do resin refreshes/BP is more than you get by doing spiral abyss,, BP comes with the added benefit of resources and a weapon but I still really don’t recommend it
I don’t think artifact the system is GOOD it’s still an RNG hell but it’s not really required to grind it to experience the game
the problem lies in if abyss is the only content you enjoy doing after all this time
such is my case as well
If you don’t want to play the game, don’t play. You could have used the time you whined to do something.
and here it is, the first boring and predictable troll that has nothing to contribute to a comment that probably took 5 mins of writing pretending it took longer
Oh another noob hahaha
seems like you don’t even know the definition of noob hahaha
idk where else to ask. Where can I find this furnishing?
I should have every furniture apart from the google collaboration stuff (1594 in total) and I don’t have it nor can I google it. I guess it does not exist yet?
I think it’s unobtainable. I’ve cross-referenced the wiki and nothing about this furnishing shows up.
Checked the wiki, checked my own recipes and remarkable chest list
I don’t think it’s obtainable
it is always amusing for me to see people still taking care of shitpot… wasting time in decorating something which has a ridiculous and outrageous load limit; just to destroy your creativity for no reason.
Good luck then, I forgot its existance like two years ago.
bitch who asked you? i love my teapot and yes the load limit sucks but they increased it. I was able to add so much stuff to my rooms and islands
I have a wild theory
What if Mauvika increases skill and/or burst level?
that allegedly leak about charas lev 100 is fake, but still remains in game the stuff about “max lev is 15”
so either it’s all a big bullshit, or sooner or later we have to reach that damn 15
I’m pretty sure it just applies to certain events, since the max talent lvl you can actually get rn is 14 with Childe in the team
not 15
and that’s the case of normal atk + constellation
still doesn’t explain that 15
That’s the max outside of events, I don’t remember for sure but I think events have increased them in the past
There really is a lvl 100 fake leak?
Man, even if it is a legit one, we don’t need that.
The power we would get from those 10 levels + ascension would just be ludicrous.
As for the “max lev is 15” I think it’s mostly for “in case we are making more characters that upgrade skills”
Looking at the current state of things hoyo doesn’t seem too keen on giving a free level.
The only unit that does this is Childe and he came out at something like…. 1.2?1.3?
Unless hoyo proves me wrong, the max level is 15 is just bullshit.
Childe released in 1.1
yeah well i want a perfect 100 tho :/
unrelated but what’s better on Chiori, cinnabar spindle or mistsplitter?
the new craftable that gives def% 👍
too less videos on youtube to check it yourself right
I’m asking here exactly because the videos show different opinions, idiot
Skill damage of both is pretty similar but Cinnabar is slightly higher. Mistsplitter can be better for an on-field build but tbh her on-field is pretty poor due to short geo-infusion duration compared to the skill’s cooldown.
I remember from the 5.0 Special Program that Da Wei or someone else said that the main story of Natlan spans from 5.0 to 5.3 i.e. the entire fourth quarter of 2024. Does this mean that we’re getting an Interlude chapter?
I would also love to see a “Return to Fontaine” Interlude chapter as well, which would be cool and possible too.
Didn’t they say 5.0, 5.1 and 5.3? As in no AQ in 5.2? I remember smth like this being mentioned but could be wrong
but hey archon in 5.3 means more time to save
I personally think it’s too soon for Fontaine again but wouldn’t mind something in Mondstadt or even Inazuma (just please don’t be another cancer island)
Aw man if that were true tho but 5.2 means another area to explore in Natlan. I’m on vacation when 5.3 comes out (January 1st) so I’ll have to actively dodge spoilers until I get back.
But yeah Mondstadt could also have something too. I’m thinking Varka’s gonna be playable since he comes back from his expedition, and Dornman Port could be a new place to explore too, since we haven’t got any proper Mondstadt love since Imaginarium Theater, that one potion event in 4.5 and Mika.
It has now been explicitly stated he was the first pyro archon, so that’s cleared up
yeah, he given Pyro authority from “Ronova” the Shade of Death