Name | 獵龍者的犒賞 | |
Type (Ingame) | 食物 | |
Family | Crafted Item, Special Food, Buff Item, Food | |
Rarity | ||
Effect | 隊伍中所有角色暴擊率提升20%,暴擊傷害提升20%,持續300秒。多人遊戲時,僅對自己的角色生效。 | |
Item Source (Ingame) | 烹飪獲得 | |
Description | 基尼奇的特色料理。香味極為濃厚的大塊燉肉,入口辛辣。阿喬喋喋不休地在一旁對妳(你)唸道:「以往這可是我們獵捕到大傢伙之後才會犒勞自己的美味,今天妳(你)能不費半點力吃到,是妳(你)運氣好上了天!還不快快為我進貢美味果汁?」對此基尼奇的補充是:「吃妳(你)的,別聽他廢話。」 |
One response to “獵龍者的犒賞”
Welp, Diluc is now completely useless. All of the ingredients in Kinich’s signature dish are much easier to acquire than the signature dishes of both Diluc and Lyney.
This is the new best ATK-Boosting dish for Trounce Domains.
Use those Bulle fruits on Navia’s signature dish instead.