Name | 鑄石地基-「鴻圖華構」 | |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, 地面, Exterior Furniture, Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior | |
Adeptal Energy | 60 | |
Load | 35 (24) | |
Trust | 60 | |
AE/L Ratio | 1.71 (2.5) | |
Description | 由堅密的石材拼接而成的地板,石板的排布別具特色, 光潔而堅硬的石材應用了璃月的傳統工藝,熔鑄碎石與沙粒製成,牢固耐用,造價低廉,並因此遠銷至大陸各國。 據說這種地板的設計兼顧了美觀與承重能力,足以作為龐大建築的地基,一些慶典與演出也會在鋪設了這種石板的廣場上舉辦。 |
Obtained From
Icon | Name | Recipe |
鑄石地基-「鴻圖華構」 | ||
items per Page |
Unlocked By
Icon | Name | Family | Recipe |
鑄石地基-「鴻圖華構」 | Furniture Recipe, Recipe | ||
items per Page |
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