Name | 秀谷芳榭-「明煦天光」 | |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, 璃月風格, Exterior Furniture, Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior | |
Adeptal Energy | 60 | |
Load | 600 (486) | |
Trust | 60 | |
AE/L Ratio | 0.1 (0.12) | |
Description | 由數根楹柱撐起的璃月觀景建築,結構開敞通透,能將四面的景色盡收眼底,在設計上與遺瓏埠合轍驛門前的水榭有著異曲同工之妙。 據悉,楓丹的水手們稱它為「柔燈遠望」,因為自遺瓏埠門前水榭而起的這段遊廊恰好面朝柔燈港,思念家鄉的楓丹水手們有時會站在這裡,遠眺柔燈港,好在從遺瓏埠到柔燈港之間的航程並不漫長,遺瓏埠居民們的無微不至的關懷也會讓楓丹水手們有種並未離開家鄉的親切感。 |
Obtained From
Icon | Name | Recipe |
秀谷芳榭-「明煦天光」 | ||
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Unlocked By
Icon | Name | Family | Recipe |
秀谷芳榭-「明煦天光」 | Furniture Recipe, Recipe | ||
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the most overrated char in genshin congrats to his simps cause they managed to convince the commun...