Name | 「於散逸的浮煙中」 | |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, 工藝品, Indoor Furniture, Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Indoor | |
Adeptal Energy | 90 | |
Load | 85 (64) | |
Trust | 90 | |
AE/L Ratio | 1.06 (1.41) | |
Description | 以精細打磨的金屬製作的正八邊形香爐,飾有複雜的圖案和鏤空花紋。內部空間充裕,足以容納大量薰香材料,並分布著裝有木炭的濾網,除去燃燒產物中可能存在的有害成分,精巧的煙道構造則能使香味快速並持久地逸散。使用時,繚繞的煙霧清淡得難以被察覺,並不會干擾視線。 薰香是須彌生活中並不起眼,但大量存在的事物。學者們會以特殊的薰香材料協助自己推動研究進度,或進入冥想狀態,普通平民也會在家中使用香爐,充分利用薰香的功效,但據說兩者所用的薰香材料完全不同,前者的配方對於一般民眾完全保密。 |
4 responses to “「於散逸的浮煙中」”
I have no idea what to do with this thing. I own a similar one irl so I thought it could be cute in Ningguang’s room on the table but it’s larger than a small table. It doesn’t seem to produce any smoke and it’s way too large. I haven’t finished gathering all the remarkable chests in Sumeru but it goes with absolutely nothing. I should have kept that extra cash and top up instead.
Enhanced Battle Pass reward too not profitable compared to buying currency
does it actually produce any smoke?
It doesn’t. It seems no produce anything.