
TitleArdent Flames Forge the Soul
WeaponWeapon Sword
ElementElement Geo
Day of Birth1
Month of Birth1
Vision (Introduced)Geo
Constellation (Introduced)Panthera Ocelota
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
DescriptionSeorang Pengukir Marga Nanatzcayan yang sangat terampil dalam mencari keseimbangan antara beban kerja yang berat dan hidup dengan nyaman.
Character Ascension Materials
Prithiva Topaz Sliver
Prithiva Topaz Fragment
Prithiva Topaz Chunk
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Sentry's Wooden Whistle
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Kindling
Guide to Kindling
Philosophies of Kindling
Mirror of Mushin
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus DefMaterialsTotal Materials
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum3
Sentry's Wooden Whistle3
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum3
Sentry's Wooden Whistle3
Prithiva Topaz Fragment3
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core2
Brilliant Chrysanthemum10
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum13
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment3
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core2
Prithiva Topaz Fragment6
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core4
Brilliant Chrysanthemum20
Warrior's Metal Whistle12
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum33
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core6
Warrior's Metal Whistle12
Prithiva Topaz Chunk3
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core8
Brilliant Chrysanthemum30
Warrior's Metal Whistle18
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum63
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core14
Warrior's Metal Whistle30
Prithiva Topaz Chunk3
Prithiva Topaz Chunk6
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core12
Brilliant Chrysanthemum45
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle12
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum108
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core26
Warrior's Metal Whistle30
Prithiva Topaz Chunk9
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle12
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone6
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core20
Brilliant Chrysanthemum60
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle24
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Brilliant Chrysanthemum168
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core46
Warrior's Metal Whistle30
Prithiva Topaz Chunk9
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle36
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Ehecatl's RoarNormal Attack: Ehecatl's Roar
Normal Attack
Melancarkan hingga 3 serangan berturut-turut dengan pedang.

Charged Attack
Mengonsumsi sejumlah Stamina untuk menendang ke arah depan.

Plunging Attack
Menerjang dari udara untuk menghantam tanah di bawahnya, menyerang musuh-musuh di jalurnya dan mengakibatkan DMG Area berdasarkan DEF Xilonen saat mendarat.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Blade Roller
Dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, Xilonen akan berganti ke Mode Blade Roller. Dalam status ini, Normal Attack Xilonen akan dikonversi menjadi tendangan 4 kali berturut-turut dengan sepatu roda Blade Roller, dan tidak akan bisa melancarkan Charged Attack.
Saat melancarkan Normal Attack atau Plunging Attack dalam status ini, mengakibatkan Geo DMG dengan atribut Nightsoul yang tidak bisa ditimpa Elemental Infusion lainnya berdasarkan DMG Xilonen.
DMG Tahap 151.79%56.01%60.22%66.25%70.46%75.28%81.9%88.53%95.15%102.38%109.61%116.83%124.06%131.29%138.51%
DMG Tahap 227.37% + 27.37%29.6% + 29.6%31.83% + 31.83%35.01% + 35.01%37.24% + 37.24%39.79% + 39.79%43.29% + 43.29%46.79% + 46.79%50.29% + 50.29%54.11% + 54.11%57.93% + 57.93%61.75% + 61.75%65.57% + 65.57%69.39% + 69.39%73.21% + 73.21%
DMG Tahap 372.95%78.89%84.83%93.31%99.25%106.03%115.36%124.69%134.02%144.2%154.38%164.56%174.74%184.92%195.1%
DMG Charged Attack91.33%98.77%106.2%116.82%124.25%132.75%144.43%156.11%167.8%180.54%193.28%206.03%218.77%231.52%244.26%
Konsumsi Stamina Charged Attack202020202020202020202020202020
DMG Selama Plunging63.93% DEF69.14% DEF74.34% DEF81.77% DEF86.98% DEF92.93% DEF101.1% DEF109.28% DEF117.46% DEF126.38% DEF135.3% DEF144.22% DEF153.14% DEF162.06% DEF170.98% DEF
DMG Plunging Attack Min./Maks.127.84% DEF / 159.68% DEF138.24% DEF / 172.67% DEF148.65% DEF / 185.67% DEF163.51% DEF / 204.24% DEF173.92% DEF / 217.23% DEF185.81% DEF / 232.09% DEF202.16% DEF / 252.51% DEF218.51% DEF / 272.93% DEF234.86% DEF / 293.36% DEF252.7% DEF / 315.64% DEF270.54% DEF / 337.92% DEF288.38% DEF / 360.2% DEF306.22% DEF / 382.48% DEF324.05% DEF / 404.76% DEF341.89% DEF / 427.04% DEF
DMG Tahap 1 Roller Blade56.02% DEF60.58% DEF65.14% DEF71.66% DEF76.22% DEF81.43% DEF88.59% DEF95.76% DEF102.92% DEF110.74% DEF118.56% DEF126.38% DEF134.19% DEF142.01% DEF149.83% DEF
DMG Tahap 2 Roller Blade55.05% DEF59.53% DEF64.01% DEF70.41% DEF74.89% DEF80.01% DEF87.05% DEF94.09% DEF101.13% DEF108.82% DEF116.5% DEF124.18% DEF131.86% DEF139.54% DEF147.22% DEF
DMG Tahap 3 Roller Blade65.82% DEF71.17% DEF76.53% DEF84.18% DEF89.54% DEF95.66% DEF104.08% DEF112.5% DEF120.92% DEF130.1% DEF139.28% DEF148.47% DEF157.65% DEF166.84% DEF176.02% DEF
DMG Tahap 4 Roller Blade86.03% DEF93.03% DEF100.03% DEF110.04% DEF117.04% DEF125.04% DEF136.04% DEF147.05% DEF158.05% DEF170.05% DEF182.06% DEF194.06% DEF206.07% DEF218.07% DEF230.07% DEF
Yohual's ScratchYohual's Scratch
Biarlah ritme antusiasme menggema ke seluruh daratan! Xilonen berganti ke perlengkapan pertempuran kecepatan tinggi, menerjang ke depan dalam jarak tertentu, dan mengakibatkan Geo DMG dengan atribut Nightsoul berdasarkan DEF Xilonen.
Setelah dilancarkan, Xilonen akan mendapatkan 45 poin Nightsoul dan memasuki status Nightsoul's Blessing. Dalam kondisi ini, Xilonen akan berganti ke Mode Blade Roller.

Source Sample
Xilonen memiliki 3 buah Sampler, akan memunculkan Soundscape yang berbeda berdasarkan jenis elemen Karakter lain yang ada di dalam party, dan saat diaktifkan, akan mengurangi Elemental RES elemen yang sesuai milik musuh di sekitar;
Source Sample yang tercatat oleh Sampler pada awalnya akan berelemen Geo. Untuk setiap satu Karakter berelemen Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, atau Electro, satu Sampler Geo akan dikonversi menjadi jenis elemen yang sesuai;
Saat berada dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, Source Sample Geo yang dimiliki oleh Xilonen akan terus berada dalam status aktif; Setelah membuka Talenta Pasif "Netotiliztli's Echoes", Xilonen akan bisa memicu efek Talenta Pasif "Netotiliztli's Echoes" untuk memulihkan poin Nightsoul diri sendiri; Saat poin Nightsoul mencapai batas tertinggi, Xilonen akan mengonsumsi seluruh poin Nightsoul yang ada untuk akan mengaktifkan tiga Source Sample yang dimiliki Xilonen sendiri selama 15 detik;
Saat Source Sample aktif, Elemental RES elemen yang sesuai milik musuh di sekitar akan berkurang, efek Source Sample dengan elemen yang sama tidak dapat ditumpuk; Saat Xilonen ada di dalam party namun sedang tidak berada di medan pertempuran, efek ini tetap dapat terpicu.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Xilonen
Terus-menerus mengonsumsi poin Nightsoul. Setelah poin Nightsoul habis terkonsumsi atau saat dilancarkan sekali lagi, Nightsoul's Blessing Xilonen akan berakhir. Nightsoul's Blessing memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:
·Berganti ke Mode Blade Roller, meningkatkan kecepatan bergerak dan memanjat Xilonen, dan akan bisa melompat dengan kecepatan tinggi dengan gaya Ocelot__ saat sedang memanjat;
·Nightsoul's Blessing Xilonen memiliki batasan sebagai berikut: Saat berada dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, poin Nightsoul Xilonen dibatasi selama 9 detik. Setelah melewati batasan ini, poin Nightsoul Xilonen akan langsung habis terpakai;

Saat berada dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, Setelah poin Nightsoul mencapai batas maksimum, Xilonen tidak akan bisa menghasilkan poin Nightsoul melalui Talenta Pasif "Netotiliztli's Echoes".

Dalam beberapa hal, kerajinan permata dan pencampuran musik memiliki prinsip yang sama: Menyaring kotoran dan menyisakan bagian yang paling bercahaya untuk disimpan.
Namun, Xilonen tidak pilih-pilih soal keduanya. Lagipula, dia sangat menikmatinya!
DMG Terjangan179.2% DEF192.64% DEF206.08% DEF224% DEF237.44% DEF250.88% DEF268.8% DEF286.72% DEF304.64% DEF322.56% DEF340.48% DEF358.4% DEF380.8% DEF403.2% DEF425.6% DEF
Pengurangan Elemental RES9%12%15%18%21%24%27%30%33%36%39%42%45%48%51%
Durasi Aktivasi Source Sample15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk
Batas Waktu Poin Nightsoul9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk
Batas Poin Nightsoul90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin90 poin
Cooldown7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk7 dtk
Ocelotlicue Point!Ocelotlicue Point!
Menyalakan Phlogiston Stereo Mixer (Edisi Portabel) pada daya keluaran maksimum, mengakibatkan Geo DMG dengan Nightsoul-aligned berdasarkan DEF Xilonen.

Selain itu, akan memicu efek berikut berdasarkan jenis Source Sample yang berbeda:
·Memiliki minimum dua Source Sample yang elemennya sudah dikonversi: Xilonen memainkan irama Ebullient, setiap satu kurun waktu, akan memulihkan HP Karakter aktif di sekitar berdasarkan HP Xilonen;
·Memiliki kurang dari dua Source Sample yang elemennya sudah dikonversi: Xilonen memainkan irama Ardent, melakukan dua ketukan tambahan, mengakibatkan Geo DMG Area dengan atribut Nightsoul yang didasarkan pada DEF Xilonen.

"Oke, berhenti sebentar di sini ya!"
"Tidak masalah, aku sudah rekam ketukannya kok. Kita lihat nanti waktu ritmenya digabung, oke?"
DMG Skill281.28% DEF302.38% DEF323.47% DEF351.6% DEF372.7% DEF393.79% DEF421.92% DEF450.05% DEF478.18% DEF506.3% DEF534.43% DEF562.56% DEF597.72% DEF632.88% DEF668.04% DEF
Pemulihan Berkelanjutan104% DEF + 500.74111.8% DEF + 550.82119.6% DEF + 605.07130% DEF + 663.5137.8% DEF + 726.1145.6% DEF + 792.88156% DEF + 863.82166.4% DEF + 938.94176.8% DEF + 1018.24187.2% DEF + 1101.71197.6% DEF + 1189.35208% DEF + 1281.16221% DEF + 1377.15234% DEF + 1477.31247% DEF + 1581.65
Durasi Ebullient Rhythm12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk12 dtk
DMG Ketukan Tambahan281.28% DEF302.38% DEF323.47% DEF351.6% DEF372.7% DEF393.79% DEF421.92% DEF450.05% DEF478.18% DEF506.3% DEF534.43% DEF562.56% DEF597.72% DEF632.88% DEF668.04% DEF
Cooldown15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk
Konsumsi Energy606060606060606060606060606060

Passive Skills

Racing Through the MountainsRacing Through the Mountains
Saat memicu Nightsoul Transmission, memulihkan 10 Phlogiston dan mendapatkan efek Blazing Pursuit: Membuat Movement SPD anggota party sendiri meningkat 15% selama 10 detik.
Efek Blazing Pursuit tidak dapat ditumpuk.
Night Realm's Gift: Blessing of Forge-FireNight Realm's Gift: Blessing of Forge-Fire
Setelah poin Nightsoul habis terpakai, Xilonen akan mengonsumsi Phlogiston untuk mempertahankan status Nightsoul's Blessing-nya.
Saat ada area dengan Phlogiston Mechanic di Natlan, dapat melancarkan Nightsoul Transmission: Xilonen. Saat Karakter aktif sedang berlari, memanjat, atau sedang bergerak yang dikarenakan oleh Talenta tertentu, atau saat melayang di ketinggian tertentu, dan mengganti Karakter menjadi Xilonen, akan memicu efek: Xilonen akan memasuki status Nightsoul's Blessing dan mendapatkan 20 poin Nightsoul. Dalam kondisi ini, poin Nightsoul Xilonen memiliki batasan selama 4 detik. Setelah melewati batasan waktu ini, poin Nightsoul Xilonen akan langsung terkuras habis. Setelah melancarkan Yohual's Scratch selama durasi batasan ini, maka durasi batasan waktu poin Nightsoul akan diperpanjang 9 detik. Party sendiri dapat memicu satu kali Nightsoul Transmission sekali setiap 10 detik.

Selain itu, saat berada di Natlan dan dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, Xilonen tidak akan mengonsumsi Stamina saat Memanjat.
Netotiliztli's EchoesNetotiliztli's Echoes
Saat dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, Normal Attack dan Plunging Attack Xilonen akan diperkuat berdasarkan tipe Source Sample yang berbeda:
·Memiliki minimum dua Sample Source yang elemennya sudah dikonversi: Saat mengenai musuh, mendapatkan 35 poin Nightsoul, efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap 0,1 detik;
·Memiliki kurang dari dua Sample Source yang elemennya sudah dikonversi: DMG yang diakibatkan meningkat 30%.
Portable Armored SheathPortable Armored Sheath
Saat dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, saat poin Nightsoul Xilonen mencapai batas tertinggi, akan memicu satu kali efek yang setara dengan Nightsoul Burst miliknya, efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap 14 detik.
Selain itu, saat Karakter sekitar di dalam party memicu Nightsoul Burst, DEF Xilonen meningkat 20% selama 15 detik.


Sabbatical PhraseSabbatical Phrase
Konsumsi poin Nightsoul dan Phlogiston Xilonen dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing berkurang 30%, dan batasan waktu poin Nightsoul diperpanjang 45%.
Selain itu, saat Sample Source Xilonen aktif, akan meningkatkan ketahanan Karakter aktif di sekitar terhadap interupsi.
Chiucue MixChiucue Mix
Saat Sample Source Xilonen aktif, seluruh Karakter di sekitar dengan jenis elemen yang sama akan mendapatkan efek yang sesuai:
·Geo: CRIT Rate +30%.
·Pyro: ATK +40%.
·Hydro: Max HP 40%.
·Cryo: CRIT DMG +50%.
·Electro: Memulihkan 20 poin Energy, cooldown Elemental Burst berkurang 5 detik.
Tonalpohualli's LoopTonalpohualli's Loop
Meningkatkan 3 level Yohual's Scratch.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Suchitl's TranceSuchitl's Trance
Setelah Xilonen melancarkan Xilonen Scratch, akan memberikan efek Blooming Blessing terhadap seluruh Karakter di sekitar selama 15 detik.
DMG Normal Attack, Charged Attack, dan Plunging Attack Karakter yang memiliki Blooming Blessing akan meningkat sebesar 65% DEF Xilonen. Efek ini akan hilang setelah terpicu 6 kali atau setelah durasinya berakhir.
Saat serangannya mengenai beberapa musuh sekaligus, jumlah terpicu akan dikurangi berdasarkan jumlah musuh yang terkena serangan. Perhitungan kesempatan terpicu untuk setiap anggota party dihitung terpisah.
Tlaltecuhtli's CrossfadeTlaltecuhtli's Crossfade
Meningkatkan 3 level Ocelotlicue Point!.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Imperishable Night CarnivalImperishable Night Carnival
Saat Xilonen sedang dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, saat Xilonen berlari, melompat, melancarkan Normal Attack atau Plunging Attack, akan mendapatkan Imperishable Night's Blessing, mengabaikan batasan status Nightsoul's Blessing dan meningkatkan DMG Normal Attack dan Plunging Attack selama 5 detik.
Selama berlangsung, batasan waktu poin Nightsoul Xilonen akan dihentikan sementara, poin Nightsoul, Phlogiston, dan Stamina Xilonen tidak akan berkurang lagi, dan saat poin Nightsoul mencapai batas tertinggi, Nightsoul's Blessing Xilonen tidak akan berakhir. Selain itu, DMG Normal Attack dan Plunging Attack Xilonen dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing meningkat sebesar 300% DEF Xilonen.
Imperishable Night's Blessing bisa didapatkan maksimum sekali setiap 15 detik.

Skill Ascension



Audio Language:



311 responses to “Xilonen”

  1. who knows why, but i think that they changed her c2 because of navia… imagining a team with those two girls would be something like “why should i pull c2 navia if with c2 i get the same and even better”
    so if you want that extra rate you should pull navias’ too…
    greedy bitches as always

    • Navia’s sig gives 22 CR, she has 5 base, she gets 36 from her C2 and with Xilonen’s old C2 she’d get 30
      That’s 93 CR, have fun trying not to overcap when getting artifacts or switching to a worse weapon

      • what are you saying bruh
        first of all, “navia’s sig” is not mandatory, so it’s not a valid starting point, because you can be f2p and or just aiming for constellation only (maybe you even have WGS)
        second, crit rate rolling is not guaranteed
        third, in that case, you can still switch to artifacts which have higher crit dmg + atk

  2. V4 changes

    • Geo: DMG +50%
    • Pyro: ATK +45%
    • Hydro: HP +45%
    • Cryo: CRIT DMG +60%
    • Electro: Restore 25 Energy, decrease Elemental Burst CD by 6s

    When Xilonen is in the Nightsoul’s Blessing state, when she sprints, leaps, or uses Normal or
    Plunging Attacks, she will gain Imperishable Night’s Blessing, ignoring the limitations of her
    Nightsoul’s Blessing state and increasing the DMG dealt by her Normal and Plunging Attacks for
    5s. During this time:
    • Her Nightsoul’s Blessing time limit countdown will be paused. Xilonen’s Nightsoul points,
    Phlogiston, and Stamina will not decrease, and when her Nightsoul points reach the maximum, her
    Nightsoul’s Blessing state will not end either.
    • Xilonen deals 300% of her DEF as increased Normal and Plunging Attack DMG while in the
    Nightsoul’s Blessing state.
    • Every 1.5s, heals HP equal to 120% of Xilonen’s DEF for all nearby party members.
    She can gain 1 Imperishable Night’s Blessing once every 15s

    • I have a question about her C6 heals for team wide. she has to be in nightsoul state to continuously heal? really worried she might take too much on field time for the team wide heals.

      • Not officially bro. She is not released yet. This is beta kit, which can be changes on her release.
        I mean, until she is officially released, don’t put too much expectation based on beta kit, just to avoid disappoinment and misleading impression of her.

        But one thing that I am sure. She is hot and that is permanent.

    • Yes you are lost
      In most places when you see the term “DMG”, they all stack additively. This can be elemental DMG, NA DMG, Charged atk DMG and so on. 1 exception is Crit DMG, that is counted separately.

      Assume your xilonen already has 200% DMG from character buffs, artifact, weapon sets etc combined. Her c2 will raise it to 240%, which is actually 25% increase in dmg. So your dmg will go to 12.5k, not 14k. 200% is arbitrary, it can be higher for some characters, lower for others. The higher it is, the lower the dmg increase from c2. The lower your total DMG% from other sources is, the higher dmg increase from c2.

    • C2 is good for Geo, even more now the geo sample stays active off field at C2.

      People talk about nerf because V1 C2 Xilonen had +30% Crit Rate for geo chars and got changed to +40% dmg bonus. +40% dmg bonus is less amazing but still very good.

      Just note that this 40% dmg bonus add to the other sources you have (geo cup, geo res, external buffs like 2p Obsidienne, 4p Natlan support set or Furina’s buff), so it’s not a straight +40% DPS. but still a nice increase to have.

      • i also see this as a QoL update and not a nerf. Sure 30% crit rate would be a bit better than straight dmg% but you would also need to eventualy rebuild your characters for her because you might end up with more than 100% crit rate on your already well build characters. With the straight dmg bonus you can just keep all your builds

    • it’s the same wording as mona, furina and serpent spine damage bonuses for example. They all stack together with other damage bonus multipliers. Mona’s omen does not straight up increase your damage by 60% and you can check it with any of those characters.

    • to me still remains a retard move
      and we just have one fact, not just an opinion (mine), to proof rate is better than dmg: artifact shit rng.
      Do you even know the value to get an extra 30% rate?

    • actually a Xilonen’s buff, no one wants crit rate as a support buff, you want crit in your BUILD. A support should increase your DMG%, not stability (you must work in artifacts if you want better stability). Look kazuha/furina/bennet/nahida/sucrose/etc they increase your DMG scaling instead of a CHANCE to increase your dmg…. that’s why they are OP. Xilonen seems broken, kazuha with heal, prob his replacement after years.

    • The probable reason they changed the geo C2 bonus to dmg% is that you can easily cap on crit rate these days but you cannot cap on dmg%. Bad builds value crit rate more to get a good CR/CD ratio, but good builds don’t really need it anymore.

      • Specifically, I think it is because of Navia. Someone willing to C2 Xilonen for Navia likely has C2 Navia and her signature weapon. And that makes it very easy to overcap. Navia also being why it is DMG rather than def (thankfully).

  3. Despite not having any synergy with Itto in the idealized Itto mono-geo team, Xilonen would be a super strong contender for best geo teammate for Itto in a double geo team.

    For one, transitioning Itto from the premium, one-tone mono-geo teams to a more flexible team setting not restricted or limited to premium teammate options like the repeat Zhongli + Chiori or be indefinitely glued to Gorou. What would be lost from the absence of Gorou’s DEF and Geo damage buff plus those particles generated within the base kit to the 60% crit damage at C6 can be made up for with supports and other teammates from other elements that not only would buff Itto, but provide their own non-negligible damage. One of those is Yelan, who would also wield a Fav bow like Gorou would typically carry, but also provides the ramp-up damage bonus and coordinated attacks that Itto will trigger when regaining Superlative Super Strength stacks. That leads to the next reason.

    The pivotal teammate for an Itto double geo team that can compete and even has an edge against his mono-geo teams is Furina. As we know, Xilonen will only trigger healing on active character in a team composed of two PHEC elements. Xilonen without her C2, within a mono-geo team, also can’t shred geo resistance from off field. So the two important feats for XIlonen as a support needs her in a double PHEC team, which you’d throw Itto in. Furina in an Itto team is a pretty major QoL upgrade. Not only will Furina provide respectable damage off field and give up to 75% damage bonus, which also affects geo characters who didn’t have Kazuha of their own (although moot point with the new Scroll set), but Furina also enables Itto to move on from the outdated Husk of Opulent Dreams set in a resin-inefficient domain to the more modern and strong Marechaussee Hunter set. So, while missing out on 60CV in Crit DMG from Gorou’s C6, Itto gains 72CV from the 36 crit rate from Marechaussee Hunter. The abundance of DMG bonuses from Furina, geo resonance, the Scroll set, Marechaussee 2pc, and even Yelan as flex 4th slot encourages a goblet with DEF% main stat. An ER sands also wouldn’t sacrifice too much either, especially as energy becomes a more potent problem for Itto with only one other geo teammate.

    And the last point is that Xilonen is more obtainable than C6 Gorou, especially when 4* characters aren’t guaranteed and people generally aren’t looking highly into Itto constellations unless they are hardcore Itto mains. Xilonen will also have Scroll of the Hero being far better on her than Exile on Gorou, which is quite a niche 4* set really only applicable to Gorou builds.

    And there you have it- while Xilonen helps very little for Itto in mono-geo, she opens up avenues for Itto to join double geo teams like Noelle wet rock, Navia hot rock, or a plethora of other team combinations. It opens up room for Furina to fit comfortably into Itto teams and give him a new set to rock with. The renewed Itto team will also save Gorou for a Noelle on other half of abyss (rare case though) or save Zhongli for the team on other half, even a Zhongli – Chiori core. If you wanna rock an updated Itto mono geo team, there is always Kachina who can rock the Scroll set, even when its a downgrade to the other mono geo options, leaving those other options for teams on other half of abyss.

    Perhaps, Xilonen is the very key to get Itto out of the prison of mono-geo and out of the grasps of Itto’s 3-geo buff dependency.

  4. I’m reading this and she seems like a character from this game called warframe. The character’s name was octavia and she was busted. She did everything and allowed for essentially every kind of buff. This reads like that.

  5. Is her C1 relevant at all? other than Xilolen DPS?

    With the “nerf” on the GEO buff of her C2 + updated on the weapon banner that makes it easier to reach the pity + buff on her weapon, i guess it`s better to just go for C0R1. You will get basically the same effect of her C2 but with less primos spent

  6. that hero set is too strong to not be so conditional
    and hoyoscam never fails to manipulate people to pull new charas
    did you read that? “when a party MEMBER triggers” etc.
    not the wielder
    hence: if you use xilonen with different teams, she doesn’t get energy
    which is ok but what I mean is that to have the full bonus you need both the wielder and team members to be from natlan

      • Yes, she would trigger the 2-Piece bonus by herself – even solo.

        To test in game, equip Kachina with 2-Piece Hero set, solo party. Deal Elemental DMG to opponent and trigger Nightsoul Burst.
        Elemental Energy increases without any particles generated from mobs.

    • Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City:
      “2-Piece Bonus
      When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, the equipping character regenerates 6 Elemental Energy.”

      The tutorial for “Nightsoul Burst”
      “When your party contains a character from Natlan, when a character deals Elemental DMG to an opponent, a Nightsoul Burst will be triggered. The more characters from Natlan you have in your party, the shorter the CD before another Nightsoul Burst may be triggered: When you have 1/2/3 or more characters from Natlan in your party, the CD between Nightsoul Bursts will be 18/12/9s respectively.”

      TLDR; You only need one Natlan character in party (eg Xilonen) to trigger the 2-Piece Bonus regardless of who is holding the Hero set.

      If you have ANY character from Natlan in your party (Xilonen), any character in your party can trigger Nightsoul Burst if they can deal Elemental DMG to an opponent (triggering 2-Piece Bonus on the Hero set for Xilonen). Nightsoul Burst is not exclusive to being triggered by Natlan characters; it ONLY requires having at least 1 character from Natlan in your party. Unless your party only deals physical damage outside of the Hero set wielder, you will get Nightsoul Burst procs and 2-Piece Hero set procs.
      Having multiple characters from Natlan simply reduces the CD between Nightsoul Bursts so you could get extra procs of the 2-Piece Bonus each rotation depending on rotation length and number of Natlan characters.

    • Yeah, manipulating people into pulling new characters is how live service gachas work. You’re also wrong and stupid.

  7. my question is simple.
    what happens if you use GEO MC, Kachina, and Xiloen bursts at the same time? xiloen plunge?

    does everything resonates like crazy?

    if so then we can also play her like freeze teams, fill everyone with ER, and spam ults non stop.


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