
TitleWondrous Dragonheir
OccupationFortress of Meropide
WeaponWeapon Bow
ElementElement Hydro
Day of Birth30
Month of Birth3
Vision (Introduced)Hydro
Constellation (Introduced)Nereides
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
Character Ascension Materials
Varunada Lazurite Sliver
Varunada Lazurite Fragment
Varunada Lazurite Chunk
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
Water That Failed To Transcend
Romaritime Flower
Transoceanic Pearl
Transoceanic Chunk
Xenochromatic Crystal
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Equity
Guide to Equity
Philosophies of Equity
Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus HP%MaterialsTotal Materials
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower3
Transoceanic Pearl3
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower3
Transoceanic Pearl3
Varunada Lazurite Fragment3
Water That Failed To Transcend2
Romaritime Flower10
Transoceanic Pearl15
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower13
Transoceanic Pearl18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment3
Water That Failed To Transcend2
Varunada Lazurite Fragment6
Water That Failed To Transcend4
Romaritime Flower20
Transoceanic Chunk12
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower33
Transoceanic Pearl18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Water That Failed To Transcend6
Transoceanic Chunk12
Varunada Lazurite Chunk3
Water That Failed To Transcend8
Romaritime Flower30
Transoceanic Chunk18
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower63
Transoceanic Pearl18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Water That Failed To Transcend14
Transoceanic Chunk30
Varunada Lazurite Chunk3
Varunada Lazurite Chunk6
Water That Failed To Transcend12
Romaritime Flower45
Xenochromatic Crystal12
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower108
Transoceanic Pearl18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Water That Failed To Transcend26
Transoceanic Chunk30
Varunada Lazurite Chunk9
Xenochromatic Crystal12
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone6
Water That Failed To Transcend20
Romaritime Flower60
Xenochromatic Crystal24
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Romaritime Flower168
Transoceanic Pearl18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Water That Failed To Transcend46
Transoceanic Chunk30
Varunada Lazurite Chunk9
Xenochromatic Crystal36
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Targeted TreatmentNormal Attack: Targeted Treatment
Normal Attack
Melancarkan hingga 3 serangan berturut-turut.

Charged Attack
Melancarkan sebuah Serangan Membidik yang lebih akurat untuk mengakibatkan DMG lebih besar.
Saat membidik, kekuatan Hydro akan berkumpul di ujung anak panah. Setelah Charge selesai, setiap kurun waktu tertentu, Sigewinne akan menembakkan Mini-Stration Bubble yang bergerak perlahan ke arah musuh dan mengakibatkan Hydro DMG. Saat dilepaskan, anak panah yang dipenuhi arus air akan mengakibatkan Hydro DMG saat mengenai musuh.

Plunging Attack
Melancarkan hujan panah dari udara dan menerjang tanah dengan kecepatan tinggi, mengakibatkan DMG Area saat mendarat.
DMG Tahap 152.61%56.9%61.18%67.3%71.58%76.47%83.2%89.93%96.66%104%111.35%118.69%126.03%133.37%140.71%
DMG Tahap 251.07%55.23%59.39%65.32%69.48%74.23%80.76%87.3%93.83%100.95%108.08%115.21%122.33%129.46%136.59%
DMG Tahap 378.29%84.66%91.04%100.14%106.51%113.8%123.81%133.82%143.84%154.76%165.69%176.61%187.53%198.46%209.38%
DMG Membidik43.86%47.43%51%56.1%59.67%63.75%69.36%74.97%80.58%86.7%92.82%98.94%105.06%111.18%117.3%
DMG Membidik Penuh114.08%122.64%142.6%155%151.16%159.71%171.12%182.53%193.94%205.34%216.75%228.16%242.42%256.68%270.94%
DMG Mini-Stration Bubble22.82%24.53%28.52%31%30.23%31.94%34.22%36.51%38.79%41.07%43.35%45.63%48.48%51.34%54.19%
DMG Selama Plunging56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
DMG Plunging Attack Rendah/Tinggi113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.17% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
Rebound HydrotherapyRebound Hydrotherapy
Menggunakan senapan gelembung yang khusus dibuat oleh Benteng Meropide untuk mengembuskan Bolstering Bubblebalm yang bisa merangsang peredaran darah dan membuat pasien tertidur pulas.
Bolstering Bubblebalm akan melambung saat berada di sekitar musuh. Saat mengenai musuh, akan mengakibatkan Hydro DMG yang didasarkan pada Max HP Sigewinne; Saat melambung, akan memulihkan HP seluruh anggota party di sekitar (selain Sigewinne) yang didasarkan pada Max HP Sigewinne.
Setelah melambung 5 kali, Bolstering Bubblebalm akan hilang dan akan memulihkan HP Sigewinne berdasarkan Max HP-nya.
Saat tidak ada musuh, Bolstering Bubblebalm akan melambung di sekitar. Maksimum ada satu Bolstering Bubblebalm yang bisa diciptakan oleh Sigewinne sendiri pada waktu yang bersamaan.
Saat ditahan, akan melakukan Charge dan melancarkan Bolstering Bubblebalm.

Mode Tahan
Memasuki Mode Membidik dan melakukan Charge, lalu mengembuskan Bolstering Bubblebalm yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat!
Bolstering Bubblebalm akan menjadi semakin besar seiring durasi tombol Skill ditahan, hingga membesar dua level. Untuk setiap peningkatan level, DMG saat mengenai musuh meningkat 5%, jumlah pemulihan HP meningkat 5%; Setelah melambung, akan mengecil 1 level, demikian seterusnya sampai menjadi Bolstering Bubblebalm biasa.
Setelah musuh yang relatif lemah terkena Bolstering Bubblebalm yang relatif besar, musuh tersebut akan terperangkap dan tidak bisa bergerak.

Selain itu, saat dilancarkan, akan menghasilkan 2 Sourcewater Droplet di sekitar Sigewinne. Untuk setiap satu Sourcewater Droplet yang diserap, akan memberikan Bond of Life kepada Sigewinne sebesar 10% Max HP-nya.
Saat Bond of Life Sigewinne dihapus, untuk setiap 2.000 poin Bond of Life yang dihapus, akan memulihkan 1 poin Energy untuknya. Pemulihan Energy yang bisa diperoleh Sigewinne dengan cara ini adalah maksimum 5 poin Energy.

Arkhe: Ousia
Setiap satu kurun waktu tertentu, Bolstering Bubblebalm akan menjatuhkan Surging Blade di posisi target dan menyebabkan Ousia-aligned Hydro DMG yang didasarkan pada Max HP Sigewinne

"Gimana menurutmu? Terapi air seperti ini bukan cuma bisa merangsang sistem peredaran darah, tapi juga bisa membuat mereka semangat. Ooh, bukan cuma itu, bahkan terapi ini bisa membantu pasien yang harus istirahat untuk tidur siang yang cukup ...."
DMG Bolstering Bubblebalm2.28% Max HP2.45% Max HP2.62% Max HP2.85% Max HP3.02% Max HP3.19% Max HP3.42% Max HP3.65% Max HP3.88% Max HP4.1% Max HP4.33% Max HP4.56% Max HP4.85% Max HP5.13% Max HP5.42% Max HP
Pemulihan Bolstering Bubblebalm2.8% Max HP + 269.633.01% Max HP + 296.63.22% Max HP + 325.813.5% Max HP + 357.273.71% Max HP + 390.983.92% Max HP + 426.944.2% Max HP + 465.144.48% Max HP + 505.594.76% Max HP + 548.295.04% Max HP + 593.235.32% Max HP + 640.435.6% Max HP + 689.875.95% Max HP + 741.556.3% Max HP + 795.496.65% Max HP + 851.67
Pemulihan Saat Lambungan Berakhir50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP50% Max HP
DMG Surging Blade0.68% Max HP0.74% Max HP0.79% Max HP0.86% Max HP0.91% Max HP0.96% Max HP1.03% Max HP1.09% Max HP1.16% Max HP1.23% Max HP1.3% Max HP1.37% Max HP1.45% Max HP1.54% Max HP1.62% Max HP
Jeda Surging Blade10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk
Cooldown18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk
Super Saturated SyringingSuper Saturated Syringing
Menarik alat suntik yang khusus dibuat oleh Benteng Meropide, menerjang ke area depan dengan kebaikan dan obat penuh, terus-menerus mengakibatkan Hydro DMG Area yang didasarkan pada Max HP Sigewinne.
Selain itu, saat dilancarkan, Sigewinne akan menyerap maksimum 2 Sourcewater Droplet yang berada dalam radius tertentu di sekitar.

"Hei, overdosis obat itu sama saja dengan overdosis racun ya! Bahaya loh itu! Tapi pasien itu butuh perawatan dan perhatian. Kalau itu sih tidak bakal bisa overdosis!"
DMG Skill11.77% Max HP12.65% Max HP13.54% Max HP14.71% Max HP15.6% Max HP16.48% Max HP17.66% Max HP18.83% Max HP20.01% Max HP21.19% Max HP22.36% Max HP23.54% Max HP25.01% Max HP26.48% Max HP27.96% Max HP
Durasi2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk2.5 dtk
Cooldown18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk18 dtk
Konsumsi Energy707070707070707070707070707070

Passive Skills

Emergency DoseEmergency Dose
Saat berada di dalam air, jika HP Karakter diri sendiri yang aktif berada di bawah 50%, maka akan memulihkan HP-nya setiap 2,5 detik, dengan total pemulihan sama dengan 50% Max HP-nya, dan dalam 10 detik berikutnya, akan mengurangi 10% Elemental RES dari semua elemen dan Physical RES. Efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap 20 detik.
Requires Appropriate RestRequires Appropriate Rest
Saat melancarkan Rebound Hydrotherapy, Sigewinne memberikan efek "Semi-Strict Bedrest" yang berlangsung 18 detik kepada dirinya sendiri: Selama berlangsung, Sigewinne mendapatkan 8% Hydro DMG Bonus dan 10 lapis Convalescence. Saat Elemental Skill Karakter yang ada di dalam party namun sedang tidak berada di medan pertempuran selain Sigewinne mengakibatkan DMG, mengonsumsi 1 lapis Convalescence dan meningkatkan DMG Elemental Skill kali ini: Untuk setiap 1.000 poin HP Sigewinne yang melebihi 30.000, DMG meningkat 80 poin. Maksimum peningkatan DMG Elemental Skill kali ini yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini adalah 2.800 poin.
Detailed Diagnosis, Thorough TreatmentDetailed Diagnosis, Thorough Treatment
Saat Sigewinne memberikan pemulihan, akan meningkatkan jumlah pemulihan kali ini berdasarkan total dari Bond of Life yang dimiliki seluruh anggota party saat ini: Untuk setiap 1.000 poin Bond of Life, akan meningkatkan 3% jumlah pemulihan, hingga maksimum 30% peningkatan yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini.


"Can the Happiest of Spirits Understand Anxiety?"
Bolstering Bubblebalm dari Rebound Hydrotherapy bisa melambung 3 kali lagi. Tiga lambungan pertama tidak akan membuat Bubblebalm yang besar menjadi mengecil.
Selain itu, efek Talenta Pasif "Requires Appropriate Rest" diperkuat: Saat Bolstering Bubblebalm melambung, akan memberikan 1 lapis Convalescence untuk Sigewwine, dan mengubah efek Convalescence menjadi: Untuk setiap 1.000 poin HP Sigewinne yang melebihi 30.000, DMG meningkat 100 poin. Maksimum peningkatan DMG Elemental Skill yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini adalah 3.500 poin. Harus membuka Talenta Pasif "Requires Appropriate Rest" terlebih dahulu.
"Can the Most Merciful of Spirits Defeat Its Foes?"
Saat melancarkan Rebound Hydrotherapy dan Super Saturated Syringing, akan menghasilkan 1 perisai Bubbly yang bisa menyerap DMG sebesar 30% Max HP dan memiliki 250% pertahanan terhadap Hydro DMG, berlangsung sampai Skill ini selesai dilancarkan.
Selain itu, setelah Bolstering Bubblebalm Rebound Hydrotherapy melambung atau setelah Super Saturated Syringing mengenai musuh, Hydro RES musuh ini berkurang 35% selama 8 detik.
"Can the Healthiest of Spirits Cure Fevers?"
Meningkatkan 3 level Rebound Hydrotherapy.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
"Can the Loveliest of Spirits Keep Decay at Bay?"
Durasi Super Saturated Syringing diperpanjang selama 3 detik.
"Can the Most Joyful of Spirits Alleviate Agony?"
Meningkatkan 3 level Super Saturated Syringing.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
"Can the Most Radiant of Spirits Pray For Me?"
Saat Sigewinne memberikan pemulihan, akan meningkatkan CRIT Rate dan CRIT DMG Super Saturated Syringing berdasarkan Max HP-nya: Untuk setiap 1.000 poin Max HP, akan meningkatkan 0,4% CRIT Rate dan 2,2% CRIT DMG selama 15 detik. Maksimum peningkatan yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini adalah 20% CRIT Rate dan 110% CRIT DMG.

Skill Ascension



Audio Language:


* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 2
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 3
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 4
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 5
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 6
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 4
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 6

188 responses to “Sigewinne”

  1. I’m happy to see that Sigewinne’s elemental skill damage increase got buffed, but even then she still seems like the worst Fontaine 5* character. Perhaps I am overlooking something?

  2. In a rough spot my sige-winners… could pull for Baizhu cons, Wanderer C0, and then there’s even Furina cons coming soon. I usually like new units over constellation hunting, but I wish Sige’s kit was tied together a little better. A few well placed tweaks could push her over the “OK but ultimately niche” barrier.

    If they keep her current middling kit and throw Chevy on her phase instead of Clorinde’s just to draw people to her banner… I’m going to be so upset. I’m not even planning on pulling Clorinde but it’s such a typical Hoyo move at this point.

  3. Isnt she pretty good in Nilou triple hydro? Did I miss something?
    Siggy have teamwide heal off field
    Furina can just build crit
    Nahida full em can on field and make bloom by herself since the others are hydro
    And no, Kokomi can’t do that. With Kokok either you will have only active character healed and lost Furina dmg or on field koko and lost Nahihi Application also cause dmg lost

    • As someone who’s been running triple Hydro Nilou Bloom since Nahida came out because I wanted her to be the driver, and started using Furina very soon after her own release, the problem with that team is very poor for consistent off-field hydro application.

      Even in that 3x hydro situation with KKM as the healer, the off-field hydro isn’t rapid enough to offset Nahida’s dendro spam. Unless she’s outright hugging an enemy with Nilou’s E3 aura *and* said enemy is in KKM’s jellyfish range, Nahida will very quickly become the one setting up aura first, and the non-EM hydros will be triggering the blooms for like 20kish instead of the almost 60k of a Nahida bloom crit.

      I love Sigewinne lots, but while her off-field healing is better than KKM’s due to it being partywide, her hydro application is even worse: dropping KKM’s jellyfish for Sigewinne’s bubble means the off-field hydro application speed for that team is almost zero. Nahida will easily overpower all three of them with her AA spam.

      • How about replace Furina with XQ
        Nilou, XQ, KKM and Nahi used to be top speedrun so can Nilou, XQ, Siggy, Nahi at least comparable

        • The hydro might be better like that because then it’s mostly XQ doing the work, but the particle gen from Sigewinne will be lower than KKM (unless using FavBow over KKM’s usual TTDS) so XQ might need a bit more ER than normal.

          Still possible/feasible though, perhaps.

        • I’ve managed to prefarm everything for her so far except the common mob drop because hundreds and hundreds of those damn things, but I really don’t know what to start farming for her artifacts.

          As a healer with an offensive lean, the natural pick would be OHC, but Sige’s slow rate of healing means that the 4pc bubble pop is only going to have value from one, *maybe* two pulses of healing. Meanwhile SoDP is just generally a weaker OHC (though with the six second ‘charge’ time, maybe Sige would like the weak option better just because she can record more pulses per use).

          Alternatively, the only other thing I can think of would be 2pc/2pc with HP%/HP% or HP%/Hydro%. But 2pc/2pc never feels good over a full set effect.

        • With the fact Sigewinne buffs the hits of off field E skill and that is Furina pets that would be a larger loss going to Xingqiu. Need to consider Furina pets still hits like a truck and can even out pace the damage Yelan with equal investment can do.

          I prefer a double hydro double dendro team so I can use a hydro to get ownership on the vast majority of all the blooms. Nilou, Barbara, Nahida, Baizhu. With Barbara on a full EM set her healing becomes too low to out heal self bloom damage so Baizhu picks up the healing and his burst makes you feel far more tanky too. Barbara E skill also has a fun interaction on applying hydro which allows me to stagger application between different enemies which allows to waste less bloom hits due to bloom ICD. I have been seeing over 86k blooms off my Barbara as a result and she gets 2/3 to 3/4ths ownership on all the blooms.

          As for Sigewinne I am thinking of building her for her elemental skill buff and making good use of that with Furina, Chiori, Yae Miko, etc. Today is the day that Baizhu rerun banner starts and I am about 210 wishes saved. I am skipping everything till Sigewinne so I will see how many wishes I got then.

          • The main thing to remember there is that Sigewinne’s E damage buff only lasts for ten hits total, not per person. Each Furina’s three turrets would take up one of those hits every attack, and Nahida’s own E procs will chew through the rest. Even Nilou will steal some if she’s used after Sigewinne’s bubble comes out.

            At base C0, she caps at 2800 per hit, so across ten hits that’s an added 28000 damage. While that’s a nice chunky “crit” hit by DPS standards for basically free, it’s still possible/likely that a properly built Yelan/XQ outdoes it over the duration of a Q (like if fighting a beefy boss or domain) just due to how fast the team will eat Sigewinne’s stacks, which she can only reapply every 20 seconds minimum (18s for the CD plus the time to fully charge it).

            If getting C1, that makes it a bit more palatable, since that’s now a 3500 cap, and she gets eight extra uses of the buff, making the grand total a very respectable 63,000 damage for ‘free’, *if* one can get her to 65,000 HP. Doesn’t fix her poor hydro application rate and purely damage focused Burst, though.

          • I will add that is all assuming single target. If Crabaletta and Nahida hit multiple enemies, then Sigewinne’s buff could be entirely expended in less than a second.

  4. This character is, well, strange, that’s true. I don’t see a single reason to pull her despite she may be a good healer for Clorinde (but why should Clorinde need her?), but she’s definitely not useless. Can heal a lot and deal decent damage with ultimate. So I don’t see a single reason for spending primos, but maybe… And no, she’s definitely not Dehya in terms of power. At least she has only one scaling stat.

    • “One scaling stat” but still has to decide between doing that “decent damage” or investing in her buff. She’s not like Nilou who can go full HP and lose nothing. If you go HP/DMG/Crit, her buff will suck. If you go triple HP, her Q is a DPS loss. Heck, even HP/HP/Crit isn’t good enough. I really hope they change that.

  5. I don’t care, she’s cute and legal, and I wanna make tons of babies with her.

    And this is a game, a way to escape reality. I’m tired from office works, and my irl wife also says its fine to enjoy what i like.

  6. They buffed her A1 scaling to 85 per 1000 and 2800 cap, but then they also changed her C1 to no longer give extra bounces and instead increase the A1 scaling further, to 100 per 1000, and cap of 3500.

    But that’s not really enough HP-per-100 to be feasible because they’re still asking for 65,000 HP to hit that cap. There are only two bows with HP% in the game, and one of them is going to be her signature, which has now gone from being a small QoL BiS to basically a needed BiS because the other HP% bow is a junk bow.

      • Recurve gives 59% less HP than her sig, but besides that they both do nothing else if you’re trying to cap out her buff with 65k HP. If you actually care about the crit, you can just use a crit bow. Get anywhere close to 65k HP and her burst does crap damage, with no other utility besides damage.


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