불타오르는 화염의 마녀

불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불타오르는 화염의 마녀Name불타오르는 화염의 마녀
Type (Ingame)성유물 세트
FamilyArtifact Set
Artifact Affix불타오르는 화염의 마녀
2-Piece불 원소 피해 보너스+15%
4-Piece과부하, 연소, 발화 반응으로 주는 피해가 40% 증가하고 증발, 융해 반응의 보너스 계수가 15% 증가한다. 원소전투 스킬 발동 후 10초 동안 2세트의 효과가 50% 증가한다. 최대 중첩수: 3회

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Main Stats

불타오르는 마녀 모자
마녀의 불타는 깃털
마녀의 염화 꽃
마녀의 파멸의 시간
마녀 마음속의 불꽃
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Health %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Attack %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Defense %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%
Energy Recharge %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%
Elemental Mastery25.232.339.446.653.760.86875.182.289.496.5103.6110.8117.9125132.2139.3
Attack Flat4254667890102113125137149161173185197209221232
Critical Rate %4.2%5.4%6.6%7.8%9.0%10.1%11.3%12.5%13.7%14.9%16.1%17.3%18.5%19.7%20.8%22.0%23.2%
Critical Damage %8.4%10.8%13.1%15.5%17.9%20.3%22.7%25.0%27.4%29.8%32.2%34.5%36.9%39.3%41.7%44.1%46.4%
Additional Healing %4.8%6.2%7.6%9.0%10.3%11.7%13.1%14.4%15.8%17.2%18.6%19.9%21.3%22.7%24.0%25.4%26.8%
Health Flat645828101111941377155917421925210822912474265728393022320533883571
Pyro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Electro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Cryo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Hydro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Anemo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Geo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Dendro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Physical Damage %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%


Health %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Attack %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Defense %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%
Energy Recharge %7.8%10.0%12.2%14.4%16.6%18.8%21.0%23.2%25.4%27.6%29.8%32.0%34.2%36.4%38.6%40.8%43.0%45.2%47.4%49.6%51.8%
Elemental Mastery2835.943.851.859.767.675.583.591.499.3107.2115.2123.1131138.9146.9154.8162.7170.6178.6186.5
Attack Flat47607386100113126139152166179192205219232245258272285298311
Critical Rate %4.7%6.0%7.3%8.6%9.9%11.3%12.6%13.9%15.2%16.6%17.9%19.2%20.5%21.8%23.2%24.5%25.8%27.1%28.4%29.8%31.1%
Critical Damage %9.3%12.0%14.6%17.3%19.9%22.5%25.2%27.8%30.5%33.1%35.7%38.4%41.0%43.7%46.3%49.0%51.6%54.2%56.9%59.5%62.2%
Additional Healing %5.4%6.9%8.4%10.0%11.5%13.0%14.5%16.1%17.6%19.1%20.6%22.1%23.7%25.2%26.7%28.2%29.8%31.3%32.8%34.3%35.9%
Health Flat7179201123132615301733193621392342254527492952315533583561376439674171437445774780
Pyro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Electro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Cryo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Hydro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Anemo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Geo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Dendro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Physical Damage %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Obtained From


무망 인구 밀궁
무망 인구 밀궁
화염 슬라임
거대 화염 슬라임
츄츄 돌격병
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화염의 심연 메이지
모험 경력100
호감도 경험치15
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수호자의 마음
수호자의 마음
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
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축성 비경: 열화 I
축성 비경: 열화 I
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거대 화염 슬라임
모험 경력100
호감도 경험치15
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
수호자의 마음
수호자의 마음
축성 비경: 열화 II
축성 비경: 열화 II
츄츄 돌격병
불도끼 츄츄 폭도
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호감도 경험치20
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
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축성 비경: 열화 III
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츄츄 돌격병
불도끼 츄츄 폭도
모험 경력100
호감도 경험치20
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
수호자의 마음
수호자의 마음
축성 비경: 열화 IV
축성 비경: 열화 IV
풀 츄츄 샤먼
불도끼 츄츄 폭도
화염의 심연 메이지
모험 경력100
호감도 경험치20
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
수호자의 마음
수호자의 마음
모험 경력100
호감도 경험치25
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
불타오르는 화염의 마녀
불 위를 걷는 현인
수호자의 마음
수호자의 마음
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2 responses to “불타오르는 화염의 마녀”

  1. I did some math to finially understand how 15% melt and vape dmg works since it’s not a 1:1 multiplier it always was a bit less to me. If you don’t want a explanation skip to the exemple at the end on how to calculate with it.
    to understand how em affects vape and melt we have this formula: [x]=2.78*(em/(em+1400)). if you f.e. have 93 em we end up with [x]=0,173. so now if we take the reverse reaction form aka the 1.5 multiplier.
    to get the exact dmg increase of 93 em vapes it’s like this -> 1.5*0.1731=0.2598 and now we add this to the 1.5 so we end up with 1.5+0.2598=1.7598
    1.7598x dmg increase with a 1.5 vape with 93 em (that’s also what my em calcuator tells me)
    I did some testing and without vape I do 29918 dmg and with vape, 15% vape/melt increase and 93 em I do 59401 dmg. -> 59401/29918=1.9855 that’s a 1.9855x dmg increase.
    1.7598*1.15(cw effect) should do 2.0238 but it does 1.9855. so no 1:1 multiplier it’s less.
    I guess it’s more like this: [x]=2.78*(em/(em+1400)) -> 1.5*([x]+0.15)=[y] -> 1.5+[y]=true dmg // [x]=0.173 -> 1.5 * (0.173+0.15)= 0,4845 -> 1.5+0.4845=1,9848 what is almost 1.9855 (probably rounding errors f.e. the 2.78 is actually sth like 2.7845..)(I have to admit I didn’t tested it out with other values because my brain needs a break xD but I’m pretty sure it’s like this and 0.0007 is a pretty close mathematical approache and very unrealistic, therefore, to be wrong)

    conclusion: since 1.5*([x]+0.15)=[y] is the same like 1.5*[x]+1.5*0.15=[y] means the 15% is just multiplied with the base 1.5 reaction but not with em at all. In fact the em multiplier and the 15% melt/vape multiplier are calculated separately and then added together.
    so you always get with 1.5 exactly 1.5×0.15=0.225 and with 2.0 it’s always 2×0.15= 0.3 added

    with 93 em and a 1.5 reaction it’s 2.78*(93/(93+1400))=0.1732 (add +1 to this value for simplyfication=1.1732) -> 1.5*1.1731=1.7598x that’s your base 1.5 reaction dmg without the 15% vape/melt buff now we add the 0.225 and end up with 1.7598+0.225= 1.9848x.
    1.5 reaction adds 0.225 independent from em
    2.0 reaction adds 0.3 independent from em
    2.78 and 1400 are also constant and always the same
    if someone want to test it out or prove me wrong feel free to do so.


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