Name | 悲號回唱 | |
loc_gcg_name_hash | 雷音權現·悲號回唱 | |
loc_gcg_card_name_hash | 影幻牌面 | |
Rarity | ||
loc_gcg_tags | GCG_TAG_TALENT GCG_TAG_SLOWLY | |
loc_gcg_silver_variant | 悲號回唱 | |
loc_gcg_source | Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge against the Thunder Manifestation at The Cat's Tail and achieving all corresponding challenge objectives in a Friendly Fracas | |
Description | 「七聖召喚」中,可以獲得的牌面,不知道利用了什麼樣的印刷方法,在不同的角度觀看牌面的牌畫時,似乎能夠看到牌畫中的內容也有些微的不同… | |
loc_gcg_desc_hash | 驅動雷音權現的是更為原始純粹的憤怒… |
I love to be the one to tell you this: Ororon works just fine with Mavuika. Nightsoul aligned attac...