Name | 真果角魨 | |
Type (Ingame) | 魚 | |
Family | Ingredient, Processing Ingredient, Fishing, Fish | |
Rarity | ||
Ornate Variant | 真果角魨 | |
Related Monster | 真果角魨 | |
Attracted by Bait | 甘露餌 | |
Item Source (Ingame) | 釣魚獲得 | |
Description | 體型圓潤的中型魚類,生有犄角般的軟骨結構,據說牠們會用這一結構開鑿水下洞穴,建造棲身之所,或是驅趕試圖傷害自己的生物。 體表呈現出青綠色彩的角魨是這一族群中最常見的品種,狀如枝頭尚未成熟的果實,因而得名「真果」。 雖說這種角魨魚刺極少,肉質肥美,但要是處理的方式不當,或是摘除膽囊的時間較晚,魚肉就會像未熟果實般的酸澀。因此,「能否製作鮮美的角魨料理」也成了衡量須彌廚師技藝的標準之一。 |
Table of Content |
Fish Spawn |
Used By |
Map Location |
Gallery |
Fish Spawn
Fishing Pond
items per Page |
Quest Fishing Pond
Icon | Name | Anytime | During Day | During Night | Guaranteed Spawn | Recipe |
難度測試魚點24(臨時) | 100.0% | 100.0% | Anytime | |||
items per Page |
Used By
Icon | Name | Recipe |
魚肉 | or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or | |
items per Page |
I love to be the one to tell you this: Ororon works just fine with Mavuika. Nightsoul aligned attac...