Of course the dwellers of the land of war would have dripping sexy attire, the archon will have cri...
Trailblazers, assemble! Live updated to 5.4. Audio added.
Beta updated to 5.4.51. Added missing artifact sets.
ZZZ WIP is here. You may do your stuff, comments WILL NOT be deleted.
잃어버린 마도서
잃어버린 마도서
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임무 아이템
신출귀몰한 마도서. 「악장」 선율의 영향을 받아 드디어 얌전해졌다. 기회가 되면 녀석을 다시 책장에 넣어보자
I'd say OCodex is a decent placeholder, just because natlan main dps. But thunderingfury if you hav...