Name | 赤脅鴿 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外動物, Exterior Furniture, Furniture, Furniture Capturable | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior | |
Related Monster | 赤脅鴿 | |
Capturable with Net? | ✅ | |
Adeptal Energy | 100 | |
Load | 350 (350) | |
AE/L Ratio | 0.29 (0.29) | |
Description | 提瓦特常見的鳥類,肉質肥美,訓練後也能遠程傳信。 多在山區活躍的鴿子,羽毛上沾染了山岩與紅土的顏色,因此更顯得優雅貴氣。長期沐浴在壺中洞天的垂暮天光中後,個別赤脅鴿的明亮身姿甚至能吸引趨光的太陽蟹。 |
So I ask: what am I supposed to do with my R5 Talking Stick now? Is it just a very expensive joke? ...