Table of Content |
Stats |
Skills |
Skill Ascension |
Related Items |
Gallery |
Sounds |
Quotes |
Stories |
Lv | HP | Atk | Def | CritRate% | CritDMG% | Bonus CritDMG% | Materials | Total Materials |
1 | 763 | 26.07 | 49.06 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
20 | 1978 | 67.62 | 127.26 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 1 3 3 20000 | 1 3 3 20000 |
20+ | 2632 | 89.97 | 169.33 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
40 | 3939 | 134.62 | 253.37 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 3 2 10 15 40000 | 1 13 18 60000 3 2 |
40+ | 4403 | 150.5 | 283.26 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 9.6% | ||
50 | 5066 | 173.16 | 325.89 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 9.6% | 6 4 20 12 60000 | 1 33 18 120K 9 6 12 |
50+ | 5686 | 194.33 | 365.74 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | ||
60 | 6355 | 217.22 | 408.82 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | 3 8 30 18 80000 | 1 63 18 200K 9 14 30 3 |
60+ | 6820 | 233.1 | 438.71 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | ||
70 | 7495 | 256.19 | 482.18 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | 6 12 45 12 100K | 1 108 18 300K 9 26 30 9 12 |
70+ | 7960 | 272.07 | 512.07 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 28.8% | ||
80 | 8643 | 295.43 | 556.02 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 28.8% | 6 20 60 24 120K | 1 168 18 420K 9 46 30 9 36 6 |
80+ | 9108 | 311.31 | 585.91 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 38.4% | ||
90 | 9797 | 334.85 | 630.21 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 38.4% |
Active Skils
普通攻擊·流天射術 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
進行至多六段的連續弓箭射擊。 進行傷害更高、更為精準的 瞄準時,冰寒之氣會在箭矢上持續匯聚,並隨攻擊發射出去。根據蓄力時間長短,能造成不同的效果: ·一段蓄力:射出附有寒氣的箭矢,造成 ·二段蓄力:發射霜華矢,造成 從空中射出箭雨,並迅速下墜衝擊地面,在落地時造成範圍傷害。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
山澤麟跡 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
甘雨留下一朵冰蓮並迅速後退,遠離一切魑魅魍魎,造成 ·持續嘲諷周圍的敵人,吸引敵人攻擊; ·耐久度按比例繼承甘雨的生命值上限; ·被摧毀或持續時間結束時,會劇烈地綻放,造成 「妳(你)說妳(你)看到我了?那應該是錯覺吧。那個時間我應該在加班才對。」 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
降眾天華 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
凝聚大氣中的霜雪,召喚退魔的冰靈珠。 存在期間內,冰靈珠會持續降下冰稜,攻擊範圍內的敵人,造成 甘雨當然可以降下清甜之雨。但是對於邪魔外道,這些都會變成寒苦之雪。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Passive Skills
藏弓待用 | |
鍛造弓類武器時,歸還15%消耗的礦石。 |
唯此一心 | |
發射霜華矢後的5秒內,會使接下來發射的霜華矢及這些霜華矢引發的霜華綻放暴擊率提高20%。 |
天地交泰 | |
飲露 | |
二段蓄力重擊的霜華矢或霜華綻放命中敵人時,會使敵人的 此外,命中時會為甘雨恢復2點元素能量。每次二段蓄力重擊只能觸發一次元素能量恢復效果,無論霜華矢與霜華綻放是否都命中目標。 |
獲麟 | |
雲行 | |
至多提升至15級。 |
西狩 | |
在 受傷害加成初始為5%,每3秒提升5%,至多提升至25%。 離開領域後,效果至多持續3秒。 |
折草 | |
至多提升至15級。 |
履蟲 | |
施放 |
Skill Ascension
360 Spin
Idle #1
Idle #2
Elemental Skill
Elemental Burst
Title | EN | CN | JP | KR |
Party Switch | ||||
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP | ||||
Party Switch under 30% HP | ||||
Opening Chest | ||||
Normal Attack | ||||
Medium Attack | ||||
Heavy Attack | ||||
Taking Damage (Low) | ||||
Taking Damage (High) | ||||
Battle Skill #1 | ||||
Battle Skill #3 | ||||
loc_combat_sound_1000500 | ||||
Sprinting Starts | ||||
Sprinting Ends | ||||
Jumping | ||||
Climbing | ||||
Heavy Breathing (Climbing) | ||||
Open World Gliding (Start) | ||||
Open World Idle | ||||
Fainting | ||||
Idle Performance |
Audio Language:
Title | VoiceOver |
初次見面… | |
閒聊·鬆弛 | |
閒聊·聆聽 | |
閒聊·焦慮 | |
下雨的時候·擔憂 | |
下雨的時候·聽雨 | |
雨過天晴… | |
陽光很好… | |
起風的時候… | |
早安… | |
午安… | |
晚上好… | |
晚安… | |
關於甘雨自己… | |
關於我們·工作 | |
關於我們·請求 | * 好感等級達到6後開放 |
關於我們·評價 | * 好感等級達到6後開放 |
關於「神之眼」… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
有什麼想要分享… | |
感興趣的見聞·名字 | |
感興趣的見聞·清心 | |
關於摩拉克斯·信任 | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於摩拉克斯·追隨 | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於凝光… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於刻晴·隔閡 | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於刻晴·改觀 | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於行秋… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於香菱… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於北斗… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於瑤瑤… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於魈… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於煙緋… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於申鶴… | * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
關於夜蘭… | * 好感等級達到4級後開啟 |
關於閒雲… | * 好感等級達到4後開啟 |
想要瞭解甘雨·其一 | |
想要瞭解甘雨·其二 | * 好感等級達到3級後開啟 |
想要瞭解甘雨·其三 | * 好感等級達到4級後開啟 |
想要瞭解甘雨·其四 | * 好感等級達到5級後開啟 |
想要瞭解甘雨·其五 | * 好感等級達到6級後開啟 |
甘雨的愛好… | |
甘雨的煩惱… | |
喜歡的食物… | |
討厭的食物… | |
收到贈禮·其一 | |
收到贈禮·其二 | |
收到贈禮·其三 | |
生日… | |
突破的感受·起 | * 突破等級「1」階後開啟 |
突破的感受·承 | * 突破等級「2」階後開啟 |
突破的感受·轉 | * 突破等級「4」階後開啟 |
突破的感受·合 | * 突破等級「6」階後開啟 |
元素戰技·其一 | |
元素戰技·其二 | |
元素戰技·其三 | |
元素爆發·其一 | |
元素爆發·其二 | |
元素爆發·其三 | |
元素爆發·其四 | |
衝刺開始·其一 | |
衝刺開始·其二 | |
衝刺結束·其一 | |
打開寶箱·其一 | |
打開寶箱·其二 | |
打開寶箱·其三 | |
生命值低·其一 | |
生命值低·其二 | |
生命值低·其三 | |
同伴生命值低·其一 | |
同伴生命值低·其二 | |
倒下·其一 | |
倒下·其二 | |
倒下·其三 | |
普通受擊·其一 | |
受重擊·其一 | |
加入隊伍·其一 | |
加入隊伍·其二 | |
加入隊伍·其三 |
Title | Text |
角色詳細 | 在璃月,百姓們大多對「玉京臺」的生活心馳神往,對其中的運轉規則卻知之甚少。 人們知道「璃月七星」是人中翹楚,掌握著城市的命脈。但他們很難瞭解,每個決議背後的數字支撐,是如何建立起來的。 人們知道每一年新頒佈的條例都會給市場帶來全新的變數,卻不知道它們是怎樣從繁雜的會議紀要中被摘錄出來,逐漸整編成為曉暢的文字的。 甘雨,「月海亭」的秘書,承擔了諸多世人看不見的工作。 縱然世人得知甘雨的地位,恐怕他們也很難將「月海亭」的秘書與破曉時分站在碼頭上、安靜享用早點的少女聯繫起來。 但在旭日東昇之前,她一定會重新回到高踞玉京臺之上的月海亭,繼續完成她的「契約」。 ——那是遠在三千年前,她與「岩王帝君」簽訂的契約。 |
角色故事1 | 甘雨並非七星中「某一顆星」的秘書,而是輔助「璃月七星」這個整體的秘書。 在文靜溫柔的表象下,甘雨具備著磐石一般的毅力。 關於這點,統領仙人的岩王帝君早已察覺。 千百年前,當「璃月七星」之位最初顯現於璃月時,甘雨就成為了初代七星的秘書。 此後多年裡,璃月七星不斷更迭,唯有甘雨始終陪伴左右。 這也意味著,璃月各司各部、方方面面的文書事務,在這些年間層層匯聚積壓,最終落到了甘雨肩上。 但即使面對七倍、百倍、千倍的工作量,她的責任感依舊千百年如一日,從未衰減。 曾有人探究過甘雨動力的來源,得到的回答卻稍稍對不上提問。 「我所做的,距離帝君的功績…還差得遠呢。」 * 好感等級達到2後開放 |
角色故事2 | 「我的工作,是為璃月的多數生命謀求最大的福祉。」 在絕大多數情況下,甘雨都是一名值得託付信任的秘書。 很難想像在面對這樣龐大工作量的情況下,還有誰能比她做得更出色。更不用提她對璃月所有的事物,都有獨到而敏銳的見解。 但甘雨的可靠性,只能維持在「絕大多數情況」之下。 愈是在關鍵的節點上,愈是努力想要做到分毫不錯,甘雨就愈是緊張,往往會在巨大的心理壓力之下忙中出錯。 例如「七星請仙典儀」,可謂璃月一年中最重要的儀式。 甘雨卻在某年的「七星請仙典儀」上遲到了三分鐘,在眾目睽睽之下,勉強擠入了人群。 事後,甘雨紅著臉支支吾吾,說不出個所以然來,只是在心裡對「岩王帝君」道歉了一千遍。 朝夕相處的同僚們,都猜想這次的疏忽應該事出有因。 關係淡漠些的,見帝君毫不在意,也就不再多舌。 私交好一些的,則在私底下關心著她的狀況,詢問是否需要調整工作量,或者安排短期休假,甘雨卻搖著頭拒絕。 「今年出席典儀時的衣飾穿戴,和去年相比應該怎樣調整?為此舉棋不定了兩小時…」 ——這種理由,甘雨是絕對說不出口的! * 好感等級達到3後開放 |
角色故事3 | 千年有多長? 長到開滿荻花洲的琉璃百合,在洪水後絕跡;長到歸離原人聲鼎沸的集鎮,在戰後化為斷壁殘垣。 千年有多短? 對甘雨來說,正如白駒過隙間。 在這凡人難以想像的漫長時光裡,甘雨一直端坐玉京臺,處理各種事務。 親手記錄每一座樓閣的落成,親眼見證每一個產業的繁榮。 甘雨對於時間流逝的客觀感受,來自於白紙上不斷龐大的數字,來自於總是需要更多顏色才能區分內容的表格。 時間幾乎沒能改變甘雨的心智,她的內心始終在「人」和「仙獸」之間搖擺。 一方面,身為麒麟的她,難以理解人類世界的諸多紛爭。 而另一方面,人類的血脈卻總是提醒她,要對融入社會抱有希望。 * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
角色故事4 | 一旦脫離了工作的範疇,甘雨就很容易顯露出本性上的與眾不同之處。 她有睡午覺的習慣,同時彷彿內置了極其精準的生理時鐘。一旦到了午休時間,便不分地點不分場合,只要將身子蜷作一團就能立刻睡著,即使吵鬧到有一群丘丘人圍在她身邊跳舞,也不會醒來。 這種習性,最初也只是「璃月七星」內部流傳的笑談。 然而,有次陪同某一代的「天璇星」,在午間外出就餐後,酒足飯飽的甘雨直接縮進了路邊的乾草堆裡,被一路運去了荻花洲,直到卸貨時腦袋砸到了地面,才醒了過來。 在這往返的三小時內,四處找不見甘雨、又深知甘雨不會不告而別的那位「天璇星」,險些填報了人口失蹤資料。 在那之後,面對「今後只能在安全之地午睡」的告誡,甘雨有些委屈地回應: 「璃月全境…不都是安全的地方嗎。」 究其原因,或許是身為仙獸的混血後裔,甘雨對於世間事物的認知,與多數的人類原本就有所不同。 * 好感等級達到5後開放 |
角色故事5 | 甘雨有著仙獸「麒麟」血脈這件事情,在璃月港鮮為人知。 每當路經緋雲坡,有不明真相的路人問起她長髮間顯眼的突起時,她總謊稱那是家傳的頭飾。 「如果讓大家知道真相的話,就會和大家更疏遠了…」 雖然實際上也不曾跟市民們親近過,但在甘雨心裡,疏遠總不是好事。 當然,更重要的原因是,一旦老實告訴大家「這是麒麟的角」,就無法保證不會有人懷著好奇的心情,伸手來摸。 ——而角這種器官也是有感覺的,無論心理上還是生理上。 同樣被甘雨特地隱藏起來的秘密,還有「需要保持體型」一事。 儘管麒麟一族是嚴格的素食主義者,但璃月料理作為天下美食之集大成作,即使是素菜,也會令食客難以控制食慾。 因此,習慣了城市生活的甘雨,會非常在意自己的體型與體重。 不自覺地便會被美味吸引,又要嚴格控制好自己的進食——對甘雨來說,困難程度不亞於在龍脊雪山上找到烈焰花。 但甘雨絕不會在半山腰放棄。 她曾在數千年前的魔神戰爭中,因為體胖如球而卡住了巨獸的食道,最終輕鬆降伏了對手。 這樣令人啼笑皆非的過往,甘雨是無論如何也不想它再次重現的。 * 好感等級達到6後開放 |
玉京臺植物誌 | 記載著玉京臺常見植物形態特徵及習性的手抄本,秀美的字體正是出自甘雨本人的手筆。 手冊分類清晰,內容簡練而翔實,甚至涵蓋了市面上少見的難點歸納,諸如琉璃百合的養護要點、霓裳花的嫁接方法等等。 其可讀性和科普性,作為正式的刊物出版都毫不為過。 ——以上,是從前往後翻閱時的閱讀體驗。 而如果從後往前翻閱,就不免令人瞠目結舌。 手冊的最後幾頁,是觸目驚心的大量黑色塗改痕跡。 如果有足夠耐心細加辨認的話,或許能夠勉強發現,這裡原先記錄著各類蔬菜的培養方法。 「如果自己學會種菜的話,肯定會更加難以控制食慾。」 甘雨緊握拳頭強忍著慾望,才將好不容易總結出來的成果刪去。 但過了一段時間,因為能量攝入不足而餓著肚子去澆花的甘雨,就已把整個腦袋湊入霓裳花堆裡,幻想著那是甜甜花來安慰自己了。 在不知不覺地襲來的午覺中,她夢見了滿山的甜甜花。 * 好感等級達到4後開放 |
神之眼 | 麒麟是仙獸中的仁獸,飲必甘露,食必嘉禾。 不履生蟲,不折生草,不群居,不旅行,不入阱陷,幽閒則循循如也,動則有容儀,是溫柔而優雅的一族。 而當海中巨獸為非作惡、足下的土地遭遇危機時,和平便不再是生活的選項。 三千年前,甘雨回應岩之神摩拉克斯的召喚,成為他在魔神戰爭中的助力。 戰爭結束後,她選擇留在璃月幫助人們建設更完美的城邦。 初代璃月七星需要輔佐,甘雨毅然接過這一差事,出任他們的秘書。 她作出這一決定的瞬間,「神之眼」在腰間顯現,令她擁有了超越肉身、與世界共鳴的力量。 這一刻,甘雨內心充滿了平和的安定感。 即使變得更為強大,也無需驅動「神之眼」之力,而是將「神之眼」作為保護璃月的終極手段。 身為仙獸與人類的混血,她選擇成為兩個種族的橋樑。「神之眼」便是她的新責任與新見證。 * 好感等級達到6後開放 |
102 responses to “甘雨”
…But ganyu is still good
just not great
Plenty great, what are you smoking?
got the most toxic fanbase
to be fair raiden’s fanbase is worse
both the braindeds from twitter and the meta players
Agree. If you fail to say her real name “Ei”, you’ll be crucified and burnt at a stake by her fanbase.
Not even close, hater
Ganyu is still the apex absolute bestest dps in the game it is just a fact. It is also a fact nothing will change it because mihoyo has realized they cant just bring out anymore dps like ganyu which will ridicule the game. aint gonna argue with noobs simps on copium.
“Ganyu Mains Since The Beginning”
Fun fact about Ganyu: she’s currently taking care of Yaoyao, a child from Liyue harbor. However, Yaoyao seems to be more of an assistant to Ganyu, and has left some notes at Wangshu Inn, discussing Ganyu’s needs.
Yaoyao writes things like “Can the owner please refrain from putting chilis in Ganyu’s food? She often stays up late and has a sensitive stomach, which chilis do absolutely no favors for.”
The owner later teases Yaoyao, saying that GANYU is the one that needs to be taken care of, not Yaoyao. So maybe we’ll get Ganyu In a quest involving Yaoyao?! I wonder if Ganyu and Yaoyao have a mother-daughter relationship
Ganyu is still very pretty and very strong. I don’t know what more y’all need from her.
Plus, I’d say she’s a relatively old unit, so the fact she’s still up there is impressive, you can’t lie.
I’m not one of them but I feel bad for the people who got Ganyu back in 1.2, when she was ridiculed as “Cryo Amber” by trolls. Now too many newbs have rerolled for Ganyu to get the best cryo dps and the essential part of a freeze team, one of the two meta teams in Genshin (the other meta team has Raiden).
Original Ganyu owners since 1.2 should get a unique costume or an Amos bow “Special True Ganyu Main Edition” to distinguish them from fake Ganyu mains.
Ridiculous and full of petty salt. Ganyu is great in her own right. She doesn’t need “special Edition” item to shine. You don’t represent actual Ganyu Mains (new or old). True Ganyu mains also know there are more than two meta teams in Genshin. But you do you.
there are other meta teams…yeah…but still melt ganyu is way better dps wise to freeze ayaka…and evryone knows ayaka is best at her freeze team
Source: Trust me bro?
source…speedruns on youtube…but i bet you dont wanna see them cause you are biased…watch some of the recent abyss speedruns
Speedrun on YouTube. That hit so hard. You had me dying of laugh LMFAO
Ayaka main coping so hard.
@LOL WHAT?…Nah…you died when you saw the speedruns…hahahaha
Like I said, you do you. It doesn’t change the fact that Ganyu isn’t the only meta unit regardless of whether you say she’s “better” than an another character. That wasn’t the point I was trying to make.
Come on dude, I can use Venti, Bennett & Ganyu to beat the abyss, but that doesn’t mean melt Ganyu is my first choice. You can’t just use other people’s speedrun clip to support your theory(and it’s very hard to achieve) , you have to realize that most people doesn’t have C6R5.
Ganyu is the best cyro dps and one of the two meta team beside raiden’s???I swear to god I’m not joking bro. Omg please… I’m not joking bro like she’s the best bro wdym ???
Let him cope
the fastest speedruns in recent abysses are basicaly raiden hypercarry or melt ganyu…so your the one whose coping…like goddamn just go and watch the fucking speedruns yourself and stop shitting in comment section here because no one at the end gonna pull on a character over your comments
Source : i made it up?
source…aliss runs in abyss 12
Dude probably watched Aliss videos and thinking all Ganyu mains can do the same ?
Of course it’s Aliss. It is like 0.00000001% chance you can do the same even if you have C6 R5 Ganyu. Aliss is just different breed. He got skills that most of players barely has. He is fast and very good at aiming. He is very skilled on what he do not only with melt Ganyu but other teams too. I have no idea why someone is using his footage to make a conclusion melt Ganyu is just that good like his melt Ganyu is something that anyone’s can play
@Sweet Paradise…yeah with a bit more money to make my weapon r5 i can do what aliss is doing…because im good at playing…now go and cry…hahahaha
Sure dude! A whale with C6+R5 characters recording a pure showcase video on YouTube with like a 100 trials for entertainment purpose is surely the power of average melt Ganyu indeed.
Melt ganyu so strong, so powercrept baby. Yes sir
Meanwhile what therychafters actually says about melt ganyu :
This one too ??
the average melt ganyu is my alt account witch is completely f2p doing 55 k in noramal and 107 in bloom melt paired with c0 diona and c5 bennet and xiangling…also my ganyu weapon is r3 hamayumi…stats…50 crit rat and 190 crit dmg with 140…in a rotaion she can do 5 charged shot witch is 5x162k equal to 810k in a 15 second duration of benny and xiangling ult time…imo this f2p is beyond cracked specialy with the fact that her 4 star weapon isnt at r5…ohhhh…and by the way i have her c6r1 on my main….if you you cant afford to c6 a character thats not my problem
Also take into account that a freeze teams wether be ganyu or ayaka is absoulutely useless against bosses…thats why people either go nuke hypercarry raiden or melt ganyu or vape hutao or vape yoimiya or the goddamn nuke eula…because these are boss killers…freeze is useless against bosses
It is very impossible to do 5CA on a single rotation without running out of buff and the fact you are using diona as your shielder make it even more suspicious. Not to mention Ganyu slow CA and many other things that just doesn’t make any sense
Sweet Paradise…Then go and try it for yourself because you don’t know about her ca obviously and the fact that i wasted my time explaining her kit to you turn out to be a waste of time…and just for your own knowledge…her ca take almost 2.2 seconds….but you must be precise to do it on time to get 5 ca on time…my diona is also c6 which gives me 200 em….that’s why i use her…and yeah…her shield is enough if you build her hp to be high
You’re right. Everyone should definitely try out your guide so they can finally knows how terrible it was
If anything, that just shows you shouldn’t listen to Ayzel about Ganyu. The only Meltyu variation that’s anywhere close to being that low is the definitively worst one, using Kazuha as the pyro applicator. The other pyro applicators, Xiangling, Nahida, and Jean hover around 45k-50k dps (although Jean gets there by running Diona as a shielder, but gets away with her shorter shield duration with a much shorter CAing phase)
In fact, considering similar past sussy takes he’s had (like Hu Tao only getting 5 CAs per rotation), it’s probably best practice to not listen to Ayzel about anything
cringe mf
It has been 2 years but ganyu mains still can’t move on from 1.2 where is ganyu being praised alot during that time ?
All big and reliable TCs such as Zajef, Tenten, and Ayzel had pointed out Ganyu is now getting balanced and mostly overrated by her stans.
why is Ganyu getting balanced? ( is Ganyu still good in 3.0? ) by KQM’s Zajef
why Ganyu is overrated? ( top 5 most overrated characters by genshin community) by Tenten
She still as strong as usual but rather not the best option (anymore) because we have alot of new characters who are similar or uses the same team but can do it (perform) better than her.
Speaking about Ganyu vs Ayaka (since many commenters on this page likely your’s too). I think genshin players in general has acknowledged that Ayaka is stronger and better in term of DPS. So It’s pointless if you still using that comparison in order to troll people that coming to this page
All pro Genshin players and serious theorycrafters agree that Ganyu is the strongest cryo dps and one of the two meta dps (the other is Raiden).
I have not seen any of them saying that but okay. You do you. Have a nice day
First of all… We dont need theory when we can play the game ourself…second…this guy zajef is just a biased person like you…at the end the result in the game speak for themself…and for your own knowledge…nobody use a freeze team against a boss when you cant freeze them…and dps wise ganyu is way better than ayaka in melt team…if we were talking about freeze ganyu maybe….but we talking about melt team…ayaka could beat ganyu if she could work in melt teams….for example i used ayaka with sunfire jean but even sunfire jean couldnt keep up to make ayaka burst melt at all of it ticks…but you can easily use ganyu CA to melt both of normal and bloom frostflake…also the reason ayaka is being used more is genshin players are mostly on mobile and on both mobile and playstation controller its har to aim so they go with a burst nuke like ayaka
Tenten, Zajef and other TCs from KQM are the person behind elemental gauge, quadratic scaling, multi-reaction combo/taser and ICD theories. They are reliable and has good credibility atleast way more trustworthy than any thoughts that you wrote on this page. They’re not biased, they are the ones that telling you how good Ganyu was during her shinning era
Sweet Paradice…I don’t even know who the hell they are…so don’t tell me they told you how good melt ganyu was…and ganyu shining era is to this day…okay?…they are still biased??
Finally got Ganyu C1 with Amos, WOW she is awesome like everyone says. Sad to put my C6 Ayaka on the bench but she is just too clunky and weak for the abyss.
Ranged freeze gameplay is your style. For some people, Ganyu is very strong, but awkward to play (especially on mobile). But if you’re C6 Ayaka is too weak for the Abyss, you’re definitely doing something wrong. lol
C6 Ayaka is too weak for the abyss lmao. Are you using her lvl 1 with lvl 1 dull blade, lvl 1 talents and no artifact? Good try troll.
C0 Ayaka with amenoma is MORE than enough for all of the abyss rotations from 2.0 except anti-freeze one
2 years has passed but this guy still doing his best to sell ganyu. Makes me wonder how long it gonna take to make him forget about slandering ayaka ?
This aged like milk
melt ganyu is still setting highest records on par with raiden team.just go and watch 3.0 speedruns on yt
Is she still relevant???
of course, she’s still one of the best DPS in genshin, her DPS potential is so crazy with ~600% multiplayer damage. I just got her and build her and she deals 26k damage per charge shot. lvl 80, 4pc wanderer, prototype crescent r3 lvl 80, normal attack talent 7, no reaction.
Lv 89 4pc wanderer, EM sand piece, skyward harp, NA talent 10, bennett burst, zhongli shield, xiangling = 53k+90k melt damage per CA no food on lv90 raiden boss
Replace xiangling with kazuha, it becomes 70k+120k melt damage per CA, but it gets way too dank to play
I tried using prototype crescent with kazuha and adjust my artifck to compensate for the extremely high atk stat surplus, it becomes 65k+110k damage, which is just about less than 10% lower damage, but completely F2P.
My friend who owns hunter’s path bow does 80k+135k damage…. that’s eula burst final damage every 2s, 5 times per rotation. But despite ganyu’s melt damage, she’s still not the best hyper carry out there. My xq+yelan+zhongli homa hutao does 80k damage per CA, and does 8 to 9 CA per rotation while also doing a fk ton of dmg with xq+yelan and hutao’s own NA damage is not bad, ocassionally doing 25k-30k damage when not on ICD, that is despite my hutao still not having the best artifck due to me giving up on witch set but own an abundant amount of insanely good wanderer set with over 40% crit value per piece. I’m waiting for hutao rerun for her C1 so I can do 11 CA per rotation using dash cancel, effectively increasing team total DPS by over 25% to 37%.
No one wants her anymore tbh
what do you expect?
-dendro, which is the current fad, doesn’t need her
-Ayaka powercrept her ages ago
-Her venti comp is already long forgotten
-she doesn’t have good roles in the story other than be a background
-Most mobile players don’t like her
Just look at her sales. It was only kokomi who carried her because of her new found relevance with dendro.
Mihoyo put brought her when there was a drought of good units. That is that reason why she was still regarded as great. She is good, but she had already become replaceable now that there are far far better alternatives to her.
Freeze Ayaka > Freeze Ganyu
Childe International > Melt Ganyu
She’s just mediocre nowadays.
While she certainly isn’t the best in teams anymore, her large power in all teams, even as a support, means she is a master of all trades, which is still very valuable. Also, most people have a lot of good wanderer’s pieces. This makes her a very strong f2p option imo, as her versatility allows her to be much more flexible.
Freeze Ayaka < Freeze Ganyu, Freeze Ayaka has long dead time and doesn't work with Rifthound or continous spawn enemies
Childe International < Melt Ganyu, she has higher dps to single target
She's still a beast nowadays.
Your comparison to Ayaka and Ganyu against Rift Hounds is situational. Just because Ganyu excels in that specific scenario doesn’t maker her better overall. The same can be said about Ayaka in the areas where she excels. Against multiple waves of enemies, give Ayaka enough ER, slap Favonious weapons on her supports, and/or use Amenoma, and she can Burst off cooldown.
At this point, it’s just a competition of egos comparing two great characters that excel in different areas. Pick the one you like and suits you most (or use both to tackle various content) and get over it.
^ Hi, troll. Always a pleasure. ^^
Not you but the person above you is high on copium
Oh, my mistake. lol I’m not sure what “copium” means entirely, but that person I replied to is definitely in some serious denial while grasping at straws.
melt ganyu is only second to raiden hypercarry dps wise…so your claim is bullshit as fuck
which c is the raiden in ur context? c0? then ayaka would be in the negative spot
Melt Ganyu is just for nuking and it is highly overrated.
It was never been a good team due to its inconsistency and poor energy management. Unless you have C6 Ganyu, fast hands and godly aim like Aliss, it will never be a good thing. That is why most people still prefer national and international teams over melt Ganyu. It is easier and does more damage too. Melt Ganyu was also never had any place in top of meta teams
Sweet paradise it sounds like you can’t aim, l2play. Don’t talk about meta if you have no clue about meta.
Meta is most effective tactic available which makes melt ganyu instantly lose its credibility because it harder to play and very inconsistent
I agree that its harder to play…but its damage is absolutely better than freeze ayaka or any national team except raiden one…the fact that its harder to play is the reason its not as famous as other meta teams…. because most of genshin players are either lacking at playing the game or are mobile players that cant aim
Melt Ganyu in fact is inferior to national and international teams, freeze ayaka, double hydro or even mono geo in some condition
@Sweet Paradise Melt Ganyu has been on top of meta for 2 years are you blind. Just another bad player that cant aim and call the unit bad because of his own terrible aiming
Ganyu was a very meta unit back then. She is on the top of meta before Inazuma act introduced. She is on there not because of her melt team but rather she was there because of her morgana which is the strongest team around that time. But, it’s all changed when Inazuma is released. We have more bosses and enemies that are not pullabe with venti, making her morgana a little bit balanced. She also getting more and more competitors that are just as strong or even stronger than her.
Melt ganyu was not a thing not because it is not strong. It is very strong on its own but in the other side it is also very inconsistent, a little bit clucky to use, easy to get interrupted and bad at regaining energy. Making it struggle on repeating the rotation and end up losing some dps (this is why this team is only good for nuking). Melt Ganyu also shares the same support characters with national and international teams which technically a better option to use because they’re easier, better energy management, more damage and more consistent
@Sweet Paradise look…let me end this shit because its frustrating… damage wise melt ganyu is too strong…you don’t wanna admit its better that ayaka freeze thats on you…i don’t care…but dont talk about energy problem because with only 180 er on xiangling you’re ready to go…second…best team for raiden is hypercarry and it can be used without bennet with kazuha and yae and kujou sara or if you don’t have yae you can use xingque or yelan instead… xiangling is absolutely bad in raiden national because it’s reaction with electro make little enemy’s get shoot to oblivion…this make your benny and xiangling to be free for your melt ganyu or for any other team…period
I will admit if it was really better but in fact it is not. Many TCs has made a calculation on every teams that we had today and Melt Ganyu is always inferior, way more inferior even against her Morgana team. I have no idea how you made a conclusion but it seems like you have a mindset higher damage per screenshot is better than damage per second
And the way you theorize and making calc on melt Ganyu is surprising bad. It is sounds impossible you can do 5CA on single rotation without running out of buff because Ganyu’s CA is actually very slow (without her c6) and the fact you are using diona make it even more suspicious.
Sweet Paradice…its not theory dummy…i dont know why you people emphasize on theory when you can use it in abyss…5 ca is easily possible because her ca take 2.2 second but i bet you either dont own the character that make you instead go and use those stupid theorys or you have skill issue which means you dont shoot ca at the right time and its causes you to shoot your 5 ca out of benny ult…now go and do your theorys…Im done whith these nonsense
Ganyu’s CA actually takes about 1.8 seconds if you’re properly animation canceling, so in fact 6 CAs are doable during Bennett’s burst in traditional Meltyu. 5 is pretty reasonable and gives you some decent leeway. Getting only 4 off is the bare minimum and any less than that and you genuinely suck at the game.
I can’t help but notice that Ganyu’s loudest detractors invariably know nothing about playing her.
People are still comparing characters from gigachad c6r5 300cd 1000 runs youtube videos lol.
ganyu segs