Displayed Name | 煉武秘境:測度 | |
Sub | loc_level_6 | |
Open in Weekday | Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday | |
Allows Multiplayer? | INVOLVE_SINGLE_MULTIPLE | |
Recommended Party Level | 59 | |
Required AR | 30 | |
Entry Cost | 20 | |
Recommended Elements | ||
Disorders | (test)队伍中每有一种元素,获得15%/30%/60%元素伤害加成,最多叠加3层 (test)护巢者:自身①米范围内的其他怪物抗性提高②。另外附加血攻词缀,与机制词缀共同由关卡传参 | |
Description | 巨龍曾在大地上豎立諸多構型奇特的建築。古老的傳說中,巨龍的羽翼相互勾連便可遮住天光,或許這個形容並未有誇張之處,又或者這句話其實是他們覬覦天外之域的隱喻。 不過如今遠古之龍行跡已絕,現在人們只能從那巨大構造的殘型與紋路裡,窺得一些古老文明的鑄就之法。 |
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It was rumored that she'll be in standard banner from 5.5 and maybe has a chance to be in chronicle...