
WeaponWeapon Bow
ElementElement Anemo
Day of Birth1
Month of Birth1
Vision (Introduced)
Constellation (Introduced)神鹫座
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
Character Ascension Materials
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
Juvenile Fang
Seasoned Fang
Tyrant's Fang
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Conflict
Guide to Conflict
Philosophies of Conflict
Silken Feather
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritRate%MaterialsTotal Materials
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang3
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang3
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment3
Juvenile Fang15
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment3
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment6
Seasoned Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Seasoned Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk3
Seasoned Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Seasoned Fang30
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk3
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk6
Tyrant's Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Seasoned Fang30
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk9
Tyrant's Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone6
Tyrant's Fang24
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Seasoned Fang30
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk9
Tyrant's Fang36
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Phantom Feather FlurryNormal Attack: Phantom Feather Flurry
Normal Attack
Melancarkan hingga 4 tembakan panah berturut-turut menggunakan busur.

Charged Attack
Melancarkan sebuah Serangan Membidik yang lebih akurat untuk mengakibatkan DMG yang lebih besar.
Saat membidik, angin kuat akan berkumpul di ujung anak panah. Panah dengan angin kuat yang terkumpul penuh akan mengakibatkan Anemo DMG. Plunging Attack
Melancarkan hujan panah dari udara, menerjang tanah dengan kecepatan tinggi, menyerang musuh di jalur terjangan, dan mengakibatkan DMG Area saat mendarat.
DMG Tahap 148.01%51.92%55.82%61.41%65.31%69.78%75.92%82.06%88.2%94.9%101.6%108.3%115%121.69%128.39%
DMG Tahap 244.59%48.22%51.85%57.03%60.66%64.81%70.51%76.22%81.92%88.14%94.36%100.58%106.8%113.03%119.25%
DMG Tahap 329.7%×232.11%×234.53%×237.99%×240.4%×243.17%×246.96%×250.76%×254.56%×258.7%×262.85%×266.99%×271.14%×275.28%×279.42%×2
DMG Tahap 476.4%82.62%88.84%97.72%103.94%111.05%120.82%130.59%140.37%151.03%161.69%172.35%183.01%193.67%204.33%
DMG Membidik43.86%47.43%51%56.1%59.67%63.75%69.36%74.97%80.58%86.7%92.82%98.94%105.06%111.18%117.3%
DMG Membidik Penuh124%133.3%142.6%155%164.3%173.6%186%198.4%210.8%223.2%235.6%248%263.5%279%294.5%
DMG Selama Plunging56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
DMG Plunging Attack Rendah/Tinggi113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.17% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
Spirit Reins, Shadow HuntSpirit Reins, Shadow Hunt
Chasca beresonansi dengan kehendak yang bermukim di dalam senjatanya, mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG Area.
Setelah dilancarkan, Chasca akan mendapatkan 80 poin Nightsoul dan memasuki status Nightsoul's Blessing.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Chasca
Mengonsumsi seluruh poin Nightsoul. Saat seluruh poin Nightsoul dikonsumsi, atau saat dilancarkan sekali lagi, Nightsoul's Blessing Chasca akan berakhir. Status Nightsoul's Blessing memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:
·Saat menaiki "Soulsniper: Ritual Staff", meningkatkan kecepatan bergerak Chasca dan ketahanan Chasca terhadap interupsi. Dalam kondisi ini, Chasca akan terus mengonsumsi poin Nightsoul atau Phlogiston untuk mempertahankan status melayang. Saat Berlari atau meningkatkan ketinggian, akan mengonsumsi poin Nightsoul atau Phlogiston tambahan.
·Saat melancarkan Normal Attack atau Charged Attack, akan melancarkan "Multitarget Fire" dengan cara yang berbeda berdasarkan Mode Tahan atau Mode Tekan.

Multitarget Fire
Mode Tekan
Mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG terhadap musuh yang ada di depan. DMG ini akan dianggap sebagai DMG Normal Attack.
Mode Tahan
Memasuki status membdiik dan akan mengisi peluru ke magasin, lalu memilih musuh dalam jumlah tertentu di area tertentu, melancarkan maksimum 6 buah Shadowhunt Shell terhadap musuh yang terpilih berdasarkan durasi Charge; Satu kurun waktu setelah menekan Mode Tahan, Chasca akan menyelesaikan pengisian peluru, dan akan langsung menembakkan X buah Shadowhunt Shell terhadap musuh yang terpilih.

Shadowhunt Shell
·Mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG, DMG ini dianggap sebagai DMG Charged Attack;
·Peluru Shadowhunt Shells keempat, kelima, dan keenam yang diisi ke magasin akan mengalami Elemental Absorption berdasarkan jenis elemen Karakter lain yang berada di dalam party; Untuk setiap satu Karakter berelemen Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, atau Electro di dalam party, satu Shadowhunt Shell akan dikonversi menjadi "Shining Shadowhunt Shell" dengan jenis elemen yang sesuai, mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Elemental DMG dengan tipe elemen yang sesuai. DMG ini dianggap sebagai DMG Charged Attack;
Peluru Shadowhunt Shell yang terakhir diisi ke magasin akan lebih dulu ditembakkan.

Secara teorinya sih, asal dia setuju, tali kekangnya bisa diikatkan ke benda apa pun. Tapi ... Memangnya ada yang lebih keren dari meriam tangan raksasa?
DMG Aktivasi60%64.5%69%75%79.5%84%90%96%102%108%114%120%127.5%135%142.5%
DMG Tekan Multi-Bidikan__36%38.7%41.4%45%47.7%50.4%54%57.6%61.2%64.8%68.4%72%76.5%81%85.5%
DMG Jetstream Paintball60.8%65.36%69.92%76%80.56%85.12%91.2%97.28%103.36%109.44%115.52%121.6%129.2%136.8%144.4%
DMG Elemental Jetstream Paintball191.84%206.23%220.62%239.8%254.19%268.58%287.76%306.94%326.13%345.31%364.5%383.68%407.66%431.64%455.62%
Batas Poin Nightsoul80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin80 poin
Cooldown6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk6.5 dtk
Soul Reaper's Fatal RoundSoul Reaper's Fatal Round
Chasca mengumpulkan kehendaknya dan menembakkan sebuah "Galesplitting Soulreaper Shell", mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG Area. Setelah ini, Galesplitting Soulreaper Shell akan terbelah menjadi enam Soureaper Shell yang akan menyerang musuh di sekitar.

Soulreaper Shell
·Mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG;
·Untuk setiap satu Karakter berelemen Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, atau Electro di dalam party, dua buah Soulreaper Shell akan dikonversi menjadi "Radiant Soulreaper Shell" dengan jenis elemen yang sesuai, mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned DMG jenis elemen yang sesuai.

Tidak ada yang bisa selamat dari bisikan malam dan cahaya rembulan yang tak berhenti, sama layaknya tidak ada musuh yang bisa selamat dari mata tajamnya begitu terlihat olehnya.
DMG Skill88%94.6%101.2%110%116.6%123.2%132%140.8%149.6%158.4%167.2%176%187%198%209%
DMG Windsoul Shot103.4%111.16%118.91%129.25%137.01%144.76%155.1%165.44%175.78%186.12%196.46%206.8%219.73%232.65%245.58%
DMG Elemental Windsoul Shot103.4%111.16%118.91%129.25%137.01%144.76%155.1%165.44%175.78%186.12%196.46%206.8%219.73%232.65%245.58%
Cooldown15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk
Konsumsi Energy606060606060606060606060606060

Passive Skills

Life TalentLife Talent
Night Realm's Gift: Everburning HeartNight Realm's Gift: Everburning Heart
Setelah poin Nightsoul habis terkonsumsi, Chasca akan mengonsumsi Phlogiston untuk mempertahankan status Nightsoul's Blessing-nya.
Saat ada area dengan Phlogiston Mechanic di Natlan, akan bisa melancarkan Nightsoul Transmission: Chasca. Saat Karakter aktif berada melayang di ketinggian tertentu, dan saat mengganti Karakter menjadi Chasca, akan memicu: Chasca memasuki status Nightsoul Transmission dan mendapatkan 32 poin Nightsoul. Nightsoul Transmission party sendiri dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
Lalu, saat melancarkan Spirit Rein, Shadow Hunt dengan Mode Tahan dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing, Chasca akan melancarkan Nightsoul-aligned Plunging Attack, dan saat tombol Skill dilepaskan, Plunging Attack akan terhenti dan akan terus melayang di udara. Saat mendarat selama masa Plunging Attack, Nightsoul's Blessing Chasca akan berakhir.
Bullet TrickBullet Trick
Saat melancarkan Multitarget Fire dari Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt, jika ada 1/2/3 Karakter berelemen Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, atau Electro di dalam party, maka memiliki 33%/67%/100% kemungkinan untuk memicu "Spiritbinding Conversion". Efek ini akan mengakibatkan peluru Shadowhunt Shell ketiga yang diisi ke magasin dikonversi menjadi Shining Shadowhunt Shell dengan jenis elemen yang sesuai.
Intent to CoverIntent to Cover
Saat Karakter di sekitar memicu Nightsoul Burst, Chasca akan menembakkan "Burning Shadowhunt Shot" terhadap musuh di sekitar, mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG yang setara dengan 150% DMG Shadowhunt Shell dari Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt miliknya. Jika ada Karakter berelemen Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, atau Electro di dalam party, maka Burning Shadowhunt Shot akan mengalami Elemental Absorption dan mengakibatkan Nightsoul-aligned Elemental DMG dengan tipe elemen yang sesuai, DMG ini setara dengan 150% DMG yang diakibatkan oleh Shining Shadowhunt Shell milik Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt.
DMG yang diakibatkan dengan cara ini dianggap sebagai DMG Charged Attack.


Magazines, the Restless RouletteMagazines, the Restless Roulette
Memicu efek "Spiritbinding Conversion" dari Talenta Pasif "Bullet Trick" akan mengakibatkan Shadowhunt Shell kedua yang dimasukkan ke magasin peluru berubah menjadi Shining Shadowhunt Shell.
Selain itu, kemungkinan untuk memicu "Spiritbinding Conversion" akan meningkat: Jika dalam party terdapat 1/2/3 Karakter dengan elemen Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, atau Electro, maka ada kemungkinan 66%/100%/100% untuk memicu "Spiritbinding Conversion".

Harus membuka Talenta Pasif "Bullet Trick" terlebih dahulu.

Selain itu konsumsi Phlogiston dan poin Nightshoul Chasca dalam status Nightsoul's Blessing akan berkurang 30% selagi berada di luar pertempuran.
Muzzle, the Searing SmokeMuzzle, the Searing Smoke
Saat Shadowhunt Shell atau Shining Shadowhunt Shell dari serangan Multitarget Fire milik Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt mengenai musuh, akan mengakibatkan DMG Elemental Area sebesar 400% ATK Chasca yang elemennya sesuai dengan jenis elemen dari Shadowhunt Shell atau Shining Shadowhunt Shell. Efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap kali Chasca melancarkan Multitarget Fire.
Reins, her Careful ControlReins, her Careful Control
Meningkatkan 3 level Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Sparks, the Sudden ShotSparks, the Sudden Shot
Saat Radiant Soulreaper Shell dari Elemental Burst Soul Reaper's Fatal Round mengenai musuh, akan memulihkan 1,5 Energy untuk Chasca dan mengakibatkan DMG Elemental Area sebesar 400% ATK Chasca yang elemennya sesuai dengan jenis elemen dari Radiant Soulreaper Shell. Efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap kali Chasca melancarkan Soul Reaper's Fatal Round.
Brim, the Sandshadow's SilhouetteBrim, the Sandshadow's Silhouette
Meningkatkan 3 level Elemental Burst Soul Reaper's Fatal Round.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Showdown, the Glory of BattleShowdown, the Glory of Battle
Setelah efek "Spiritbinding Conversion" dari Talenta Pasif "Bullet Trick" terpicu, Chasca akan memasuki status "Fatal Rounds": Dalam 3 detik berikutnya, saat Chasca melancarkan Multitarget Fire dari Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt kali berikutnya, tembakannya akan langsung selesai men-charge dan CRIT DMG dari Multitarget Fire tersebut akan meningkat 120%.

Harus membuka Talenta Pasif "Bullet Trick" terlebih dahulu.

Skill Ascension



Audio Language:



56 responses to “Chasca”

  1. Assuming she’s fighting one enemy, she shoots six bullets at them. The first three have a basic multiplier, and then the final three have tripled elemental damage? Can she trigger reactions with that, like vape or melt? Her full rotation of damage would be 1472.25% against a single enemy assuming every instance of damage hits, and an additional 1089.004% from her burst with all hits landing. How is this not insane? Sure, in multitarget the damage from her burst will be more spread out, and even in single target the skill activation damage will be inconsistent, but if she can get three or more charged attacks off, she might become top five dps. Factoring in maybe a Furina/Bennet/Mona (prototype amber for extra heals and energy regen), she could be top three even. If she can trigger vaporize then this team would get even better, and getting c1 Mona would make it even better. My question is why do people assume she’s not good? She can move around while sharging, so interruption resistance is less of a problem, most melee attacks can’t even hit her, She can probably clear smaller to medium waves with one to two charged attacks, or even just burst them out of existence (maybe even have a projectile left over for the next wave). The only thing I see her struggling with is geo shields and ranged enemies that can knock her out of her charged attack. For the different element checks in spiral abyss she could literally SWAP HER ELEMENT to beat them. For example: In some future abyss rotation maybe we get the Iniquitist Baptist again, and she needs hydro for the pyro shield, pyro for the cryo shield, and cryo for the electro shield. She could just have all of them, with her anemo to help a bit more. If her damage is blunt she could deal with geo shield a bit too (I can 100% see her skill attack bullets and the initial burst damage being at least partially blunt, if not the same level as claymore attacks.), and the only shield left is dendro, which can be destryed with hydro electro and pyro. Please note that in the following lists of characters I will only list characters that directly buff her damage, otherwise I left them out. For a cryo team she could use Diona (heals with shield, c6 for em buff to increase potential swirl damage), Shenhe (cryo damage buff and damage buff, Chongyun (temporary cryo shred, c2 for decreased rotation times), Layla (thicc shield and potential battery, c4 for hp based damage increase), Ganyu (cryo damage buff), Rosaria (crit buff and potential battery). For pyro she could have Xiangling (potential attack buff from a4 passive with a weird setup, c6 for extra pyro damage bonus), Bennett (attack buff and heals, c6 for extra pyro damage bonus [only for those willing to activate]), Klee (mainly just c4 for def shred), Amber (elegy wielder and c6 for movement speed and attack buff), Hu Tao (crit buff), Dehya (interruption res and decreased damage taken), Yoimiya (double dps potential with attack buff from her a4 passive), Thoma (interruption res and c6 for charged attack damage buff [interruption res isn’t optimal because of charged attack focused playstyle]), Yanfei (mostly c4 for shield), Chevreuse (copium 40% attack buff when an electro member is present, useless without). For electro teams she would have the options of Lisa (def shred), Beidou (Ironically Beidou works with Chasca’s unique charged attack focused playstyle, unlike Yelan, Xingqui, etc. Additionally c1 for shield and c6 for electro res shred), Raiden Shogun (burst damage buff, battery, c4 for attack buff, c6 for quicker burst rotations), Kujou Sara (temporary attack buff, potential battery, c6 for electro crit damage buff), Yae Miko (c4 mostly for electro damage buff), Dori (heals and battery). For hydro teams there are some obvious options like Furina (Massive damage bonus), Mona (massive damage bonus, c1 for extra potential vape and hydro swirl damage, c4 for a crit rate buff), Xingqui (while not as good, he still provides interruption resistane, and if you can squeeze and an extra normal attack you can exploit the hydro res shred from his c2 for at least one charged attack and maybe her burst), Yelan (while also not as good with Chasca, it’s still a ramping damage bonus with no strings attached.), Barbara (heals and c2 hydro damage bonus, c6 for a free revive [good players won’t usually need it though]), Nilou (c2 mostly for hydro res shred). For c1 Chasca it opens up more possibilites, including: Jean (mostly c2 for movement and attack speed buff, c4 for anemo res shred, vv artifacts), Venti (crowd control, c4 and c4 for various res shreds, vv artifacts), Kazuha (crowd control, massive elemental damage buff, c2 em buff for swirl damage, vv artifacts), Faruzan (anemo damage buff, attack based damage buff, c6 for anemo crit damage buff and crowd control, vv artifacts), Zhongli (shield, all element res shred, archaic petra artifacts, c6 for heals), Noelle (shield, a4 passive gives life support shield), Albedo (a4 em buff for extra swirl damage, potential crystalize shields), Chiori (potential crystalize shields), Kachina (scroll artifacts, potential crystalize shields, Xilonen (scroll artifacts, heals, PECH res shred), Nahida (em buff for swirl damage). Personally I don’t like her design and her playstyle looks boring, but she does seem extremely powerful, and very flexible.

  2. Natlan is what happened when Hoyo took inspirations outside of Teyvat and called it a day. where is this war they speak of, we’ve seen more war proceeding in Inazuma. all we see in Natlan is Pals, smol explorable lands, and powercreeps. as nations patches goes, Natlan ranked the lowest imo. it rank almost higher if there no plhogiston nonsense. and now we got this cowgirl/witch as a failed concept

  3. since she seems to have little uptime and frontloaded dmg im guessing mona will be better than furina here
    extremely rare, but ill take it
    (inb4 they nerf the interaction to screw over mona enjoyers once again)

    • There may be hope, don’t despair yet. The Wayob Manifestations and Mualani/Kinich’s early constellations seem to indicate that they want players doing a lot of front-loaded damage quickly. The trend may continue with Chasca.


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