
TitleA Thousand Scents Traced
WeaponWeapon Polearm
ElementElement Dendro
Day of Birth1
Month of Birth1
Vision (Introduced)Dendro
Constellation (Introduced)Pomum de Ambra
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
Character Ascension Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver
Nagadus Emerald Fragment
Nagadus Emerald Chunk
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
Fragment of a Golden Melody
Lakelight Lily
Meshing Gear
Mechanical Spur Gear
Artificed Dynamic Gear
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Order
Guide to Order
Philosophies of Order
Silken Feather
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily3
Meshing Gear3
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily3
Meshing Gear3
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Fragment of a Golden Melody2
Lakelight Lily10
Meshing Gear15
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily13
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Fragment of a Golden Melody2
Nagadus Emerald Fragment6
Fragment of a Golden Melody4
Lakelight Lily20
Mechanical Spur Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily33
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody6
Mechanical Spur Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Fragment of a Golden Melody8
Lakelight Lily30
Mechanical Spur Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily63
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody14
Mechanical Spur Gear30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Nagadus Emerald Chunk6
Fragment of a Golden Melody12
Lakelight Lily45
Artificed Dynamic Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily108
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody26
Mechanical Spur Gear30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Artificed Dynamic Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6
Fragment of a Golden Melody20
Lakelight Lily60
Artificed Dynamic Gear24
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily168
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody46
Mechanical Spur Gear30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Artificed Dynamic Gear36
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)
Normal Attack
Melancarkan hingga 4 serangan tombak berturut-turut.

Charged Attack
Mengonsumsi sejumlah Stamina untuk menebas ke atas.

Plunging Attack
Menerjang dari udara untuk menghantam tanah di bawahnya, menyerang musuh di jalur terjangan dan mengakibatkan DMG area saat mendarat.
DMG Tahap 148.56%52.51%56.47%62.11%66.07%70.58%76.79%83.01%89.22%95.99%102.77%109.54%116.32%123.1%129.87%
DMG Tahap 244.9%48.55%52.2%57.42%61.08%65.26%71%76.74%82.48%88.75%95.01%101.28%107.54%113.8%120.07%
DMG Tahap 359.3%64.13%68.95%75.85%80.68%86.19%93.78%101.36%108.95%117.22%125.5%133.77%142.05%150.32%158.59%
DMG Tahap 475.1%81.22%87.33%96.06%102.17%109.16%118.77%128.37%137.98%148.46%158.94%169.42%179.9%190.38%200.86%
DMG Charged Attack91.33%98.77%106.2%116.82%124.25%132.75%144.43%156.11%167.8%180.54%193.28%206.03%218.77%231.52%244.26%
Konsumsi Stamina Charged Attack252525252525252525252525252525
DMG Selama Plunging63.93%69.14%74.34%81.77%86.98%92.93%101.1%109.28%117.46%126.38%135.3%144.22%153.14%162.06%170.98%
DMG Plunging Attack Rendah/Tinggi127.84% / 159.68%138.24% / 172.67%148.65% / 185.67%163.51% / 204.24%173.92% / 217.23%185.81% / 232.09%202.16% / 252.51%218.51% / 272.93%234.86% / 293.36%252.7% / 315.64%270.54% / 337.92%288.38% / 360.2%306.22% / 382.48%324.05% / 404.76%341.89% / 427.04%
Fragrance ExtractionFragrance Extraction
Menciptakan Lumidouce Case dan mengakibatkan Dendro DMG Area.

Lumidouce Case
·Menembakkan Puff of Pureduw secara berkala terhadap musuh yang ada di dekatnya, mengakibatkan Dendro DMG;
·Saat musuh yang ada di dekatnya berada dalam status Burning, akan menghasilkan Scent secara berkala, Scent yang bisa dihasilkan dengan cara ini adalah satu buah setiap 2 detik. Lumidouce Case akan mengumpulkan Scent yang ada di sekitarnya, setelah berhasil mengumpulkan dua buah, maka levelnya akan meningkat, dan saat menembakkan Puff of Puredew, akan menembakkan satu Puff of Puredew tambahan, dan akan meningkatkan DMG dan radius serangan yang disebutkan di atas.
·Hanya bisa ada satu Lumidouce Case yang diciptakan Emilie sendiri dalam satu waktu. Saat diciptakan, level Lumidouce Case awal adalah level 1, dan akan bisa meningkat hingga level 2. Saat ada di medan pertempuran, jika dalam 8 detik berikutnya tidak berhasil mengumpulkan Scent, maka level Lumidouce Case akan kembali menjadi level 1.

Arkhe: Pneuma
Setiap satu kurun waktu, setelah Emilie menggunakan cara ini untuk menciptakan Lumidouce Case, dia akan menjatuhkan Spiritbreath Thorn yang menembus musuh di hadapannya, dan mengakibatkan Pneuma-aligned Dendro DMG.

"Pemandangan di dunia bagaikan perpaduan dari wewangian, keindahan, dan suara nyanyian yang tiada habisnya."
DMG Skill47.08%50.61%54.14%58.85%62.38%65.91%70.62%75.33%80.04%84.74%89.45%94.16%100.05%105.93%111.82%
DMG Serangan Lumidouce Case Level 139.6%42.57%45.54%49.5%52.47%55.44%59.4%63.36%67.32%71.28%75.24%79.2%84.15%89.1%94.05%
DMG Serangan Lumidouce Case Level 239.6%×242.57%×245.54%×249.5%×252.47%×255.44%×259.4%×263.36%×267.32%×271.28%×275.24%×279.2%×284.15%×289.1%×294.05%×2
Durasi Lumidouce Case22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk
DMG Spiritbreath Thorn38.52%41.41%44.3%48.15%51.04%53.93%57.78%61.63%65.48%69.34%73.19%77.04%81.86%86.67%91.49%
Jeda Spiritbreath Thorn10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk
Cooldown Skill14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk
Aromatic ExplicationAromatic Explication
Memandu wewangian yang dikumpulkan Lumidouce Case dan mengubahnya menjadi kekuatan Dendro murni, menciptakan Lumidouce Case level 3, dan menarik Lumidouce Case yang sudah ada.
Selama Lumidouce Case level 3 ini ada di medan pertempuran, tidak akan mengumpulkan Scent yang ada di sekitar, sebagai gantinya, akan terus menjatuhkan Scented Dew, menyerang musuh yang ada di dalam radiusnya, dna mengakibatkan Dendro DMG. Selama berlangsung, akan menjatuhkan satu buah Scented Dew setiap 0,3 detik, dan setiap musuh hanya bisa terpilih menjadi target satu kali setiap 0,7 detik.
Setelah durasinya berakhir, akan menciptakan kembali Lumidouce Case level 1; Jika saat melancarkan Aromatic Explication, ada Lumidouce Case yang berhasil disimpan, maka akan meletakkan Lumidouce Case yang disimpan tersebut dan akan mengulang durasinya.
Selama Aromatic Explication berlangsung, Elemental Skill "Fragrance Extraction" tidak akan menciptakan Lumidouce Case lagi.

Apa pun parfumnya, semuanya akan berubah begitu berhubungan dengan udara, dan pada akhirnya akan menguap seiring dengan embusan angin, pepohonan, dan dedaunan. Sehingga, tidak ada dua orang yang sama yang akan bisa menikmati wewangian yang sama.
Demikian juga dengan jalur seluruh manusia. Oleh sebab itu, kamu boleh mengibaratkan wewangian sebagai penjelasan dari kehidupan manusia.
DMG Serangan Lumidouce Case Level 3217.2%233.49%249.78%271.5%287.79%304.08%325.8%347.52%369.24%390.96%412.68%434.4%461.55%488.7%515.85%
Durasi Lumidouce Case Level 32.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk
Cooldown13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk
Konsumsi Energy505050505050505050505050505050

Passive Skills

Headspace CaptureHeadspace Capture
Saat ada Lumidouce Box yang diciptakan oleh Emilie sendiri di medan perang, Pyro RES seluruh anggota party yang ada di sekitar terhadap DMG Burning meningkat 85%.
Lingering FragranceLingering Fragrance
Untuk setiap dua Scent yang dikumpulkan, Lumidouce Case level 2 akan mengonsumsi Scent dan mengeluarkan Cleardew Cologne, mengakibatkan Dendro DMG Area terhadap musuh yang setara dengan 600% ATK Emilie. DMG ini tidak dianggap sebagai DMG Elemental Skill.
DMG yang disebabkan Emilie terhadpa musuh dalam status Burning akan meningkat berdasarkan ATK Emilie: Untuk setiap 1.000 poin ATK, DMG meningkat 15%, maksimum peningkatan yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini adalah 36%.


Light Fragrance LeachingLight Fragrance Leaching
DMG yang disebabkan Fragrance Extraction dan Cleardew Cologne dari Talenta Pasif "Lingering Fragrance" meningkat 20%. Peningkatan DMG untuk Talenta Pasif harus membuka Talenta Pasif "Lingering Fragrance" terlebih dulu.
Selain itu, saat anggota party di sekitar memicu reaksi Burning terhadap musuh atau mengakibatkan Dendro DMG terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Burning, akan menghasilkan 1 Scent tambahan. Efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap 2,9 detik.
Lakelight Top ToneLakelight Top Tone
Saat Cleardew Cologne yang dihasilkan oleh Fragrance Extraction, Aromatic Explication, atau Talenta Pasif "Lingering Fragrance" (harus membuka Talenta Pasif yang bersangkutan lebih dulu) mengenai musuh, Dendro RES musuh ini berkurang 30% selama 10 detik.
Exquisite EssenceExquisite Essence
Meningkatkan 3 level Fragrance Extraction.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Lumidouce HeartLumidouce Heart
Durasi Aromatic Explication diperpanjang 2 detik, dan jeda setiap musuh yang dijadikan target oleh Scented Dew berkurang 0,3 detik.
Puredew AromaPuredew Aroma
Meningkatkan 3 level Aromatic Explication.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Marcotte TraceMarcotte Trace
Saat melancarkan Fragrance Extraction atau Aromatic Explication, Emilie akan mendapatkan Abiding Fragrance yang berlangsung 5 detik.
Selama berlangsung, setelah Emilie melancarkan Normal Attack atau Charged Attack, akan menghasilkan satu Scent, Normal Attack dan Charged Attack Emilie akan dikonversi menjadi Dendro DMG yang tidak bisa ditimpa Elemental Infusion lainnya, DMG yang dihasilkan juga akan meningkat sebesar 300% ATK Emilie.
Efek Abiding Fragrance akan dihapus setelah menghasilkan 4 Scent melalui cara ini atau setelah durasinya berakhir. Efek Abiding Fragrance dapat terpicu sekali setiap 12 detik.

Skill Ascension



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263 responses to “Emilie”

  1. When Emilie’s was first posted here on Honey Hunter with her initial line up of skills and stats, I posted a comment stating that I felt that Emilie would be around high tier (A), about the same level of Yae Miko.

    With the buffs she has gotten late in the beta, I now believe she is possibly top tier (S) now.

    Emilie’s seems to be well rounded as a Sub-DPS, having excellent range, great single target damage, good AOE damage, low field time, and the lack of conditions to trigger her skills. In addition, both her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst have great offensive potential.

    In my view, this makes Emilie comparable in power to other top tier sub DPS characters. This pertains for both 4* characters (Xiangling, Fischl and Xinqiu) and 5* characters (Yelan, Nahida, and Furina).

    I would still consider Emilie to be less powerful overall than those 6 characters I mentioned. This is due to Emilie lacking any form of supportive capabilities and that she relies on the burning reaction to reach her full potential.

    However, I think Emilie is just too strong to be merely a high tier now character now. She is now significantly better than Yae Miko, who while having comparable damage, suffers from long field times and very high energy cost burst.


    In terms of teams, at least for version 4.8 I still think her main teams will be either Pure Burn or Burn-Melt.

    Pure Burn will pair Emilie with a Pyro character(preferably a main DPS), with last two part slots being another Pyro, another Dendro, and/or a infusion capable Anemo character to swirl pyro.

    Arlecchino and Lyney will bet the best 5* Pyro characters to be on field for this team setup due their high raw Pyro damage, but I think Pure Burn with Emilie will be Klee’s new best team thanks to her very high Pyro application. The defense shred from Klee’s C2 will also be very helpful in buffing Emilie’s damage. Dehya could be a decent choice as well. While her raw damage is lacking compared to the first 3, she could work as a less fragile option.

    For 4*s, Gaming, with his high raw damage from his plunge attacks is a great option (this is what I plan on doing after getting C6 Gaming on my way to obtaining C2 Furina). Other 4* main DPS characters (like Yanfei) likely don’t have enough raw Pyro damage to be worth using on a Pure Burn Team.

    For Burn-Melt, Emilie is now clearly better than Nahida (in terms of team damage). Wriothesley could very well become the new best Cyro main DPS now with a Burn-Melt team with Emilie. Ganyu could also get a new lease of life with Burn-Melt as well. For 4*s, Chongyun is really the only Cyro character that could work as main DPS in this team, but I have my doubts on how effective it would be compared to Wriothesley and Ganyu.

    Overall, Emilie reminds me of another fashionable young lady from Fontaine: Navia. Crystalize is a garbage reaction but Navia at least make it worth using, and and I also consider her a top tier character (albeit maybe on the lower end).

    I’m really looking forward to Emilie’s release now, assuming Hoyo doesn’t do any major nerfs late in the beta period.

    • IMO she’s still A as the buffs aren’t that big (other than the self nerf removal) but she’s definitely better than before

    • agreed, but also, many times they added useful units later on
      i expect the same for her, sagewine, and whatever will come next
      they’ll take time maybe (they’re not smart, we know it) but i hardly doubt they won’t do it
      we took 3 years with xiao to give him 3 broken supports for his damage style, maybe they’ll take time to give us proper burning supports (and we’ll need for every element and every reaction to me… we got chevreyse for overload, why not a specific unit for electro charge, vape, freeze, etc? we have sara and faruzan specific for anemo, gorou for geo but defense, why not other units for the remaining elements?)
      c’mon hoyo, make your tiny brain work, this will benefit your community but even yourself, because everybody will love these units
      im joking guys, i know they’re too retard to understand it

  2. So… who are y’all thinking of for Deepwood holders? Emilie wants Reverie pretty badly, so someone else is gonna have to take the hit pre-C2.

    Nahida is an obvious pick, but who else besides her and Collei? Is Kirara capable of covering enough AOE with her Skill/Burst? Are there non-dendro holders that are worth looking into?

    • thoma is decent for her support , and there are no must pick artifact for him like Zhongli with Tenacity, so you can use deepwood for him.

      tbh i’ll pair Emilie with Clorinde Thoma and Yae/Yunjin.
      I need to try it first for Yae is it enough to maintain burn with Emilie dendro apply and Thoma pyro apply + overload reaction which is apply another pyro, if not i’ll use yunjin instead.

    • zhongli , yaoyao , dehya, toma, baizu , dendro mc, shinobu, dori
      these are the one that have continuous E/Q that don’t do much dmg so you don’t lose anything.

      Other like yae, fischl Rosaria yelan, xq chiori etc they do too much dmg to use as Deepwood holder.

      there’s diona, layla, qiqi, mona, kokomi but I’m not sure if they will fit Emilie burn comps

    • I’m thinking just straight up using deepwood on Emilie. Farming Artifacts sets is my least favorite thing and I farmed the he’ll outta deepwood after I spent an eternity in Emblem Domain prior to that.

      it’s a loss of potential not having the burning set on emilie but perfectly acceptable to use deepwood as well to save time and resource I’m my humble opinion.


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