
TitleA Thousand Scents Traced
WeaponWeapon Polearm
ElementElement Dendro
Day of Birth1
Month of Birth1
Vision (Introduced)Dendro
Constellation (Introduced)Pomum de Ambra
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
Character Ascension Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver
Nagadus Emerald Fragment
Nagadus Emerald Chunk
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
Fragment of a Golden Melody
Lakelight Lily
Meshing Gear
Mechanical Spur Gear
Artificed Dynamic Gear
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Order
Guide to Order
Philosophies of Order
Silken Feather
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily3
Meshing Gear3
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily3
Meshing Gear3
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Fragment of a Golden Melody2
Lakelight Lily10
Meshing Gear15
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily13
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Fragment of a Golden Melody2
Nagadus Emerald Fragment6
Fragment of a Golden Melody4
Lakelight Lily20
Mechanical Spur Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily33
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody6
Mechanical Spur Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Fragment of a Golden Melody8
Lakelight Lily30
Mechanical Spur Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily63
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody14
Mechanical Spur Gear30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Nagadus Emerald Chunk6
Fragment of a Golden Melody12
Lakelight Lily45
Artificed Dynamic Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily108
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody26
Mechanical Spur Gear30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Artificed Dynamic Gear12
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6
Fragment of a Golden Melody20
Lakelight Lily60
Artificed Dynamic Gear24
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Lakelight Lily168
Meshing Gear18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Fragment of a Golden Melody46
Mechanical Spur Gear30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Artificed Dynamic Gear36
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)
Normal Attack
Melancarkan hingga 4 serangan tombak berturut-turut.

Charged Attack
Mengonsumsi sejumlah Stamina untuk menebas ke atas.

Plunging Attack
Menerjang dari udara untuk menghantam tanah di bawahnya, menyerang musuh di jalur terjangan dan mengakibatkan DMG area saat mendarat.
DMG Tahap 148.56%52.51%56.47%62.11%66.07%70.58%76.79%83.01%89.22%95.99%102.77%109.54%116.32%123.1%129.87%
DMG Tahap 244.9%48.55%52.2%57.42%61.08%65.26%71%76.74%82.48%88.75%95.01%101.28%107.54%113.8%120.07%
DMG Tahap 359.3%64.13%68.95%75.85%80.68%86.19%93.78%101.36%108.95%117.22%125.5%133.77%142.05%150.32%158.59%
DMG Tahap 475.1%81.22%87.33%96.06%102.17%109.16%118.77%128.37%137.98%148.46%158.94%169.42%179.9%190.38%200.86%
DMG Charged Attack91.33%98.77%106.2%116.82%124.25%132.75%144.43%156.11%167.8%180.54%193.28%206.03%218.77%231.52%244.26%
Konsumsi Stamina Charged Attack252525252525252525252525252525
DMG Selama Plunging63.93%69.14%74.34%81.77%86.98%92.93%101.1%109.28%117.46%126.38%135.3%144.22%153.14%162.06%170.98%
DMG Plunging Attack Rendah/Tinggi127.84% / 159.68%138.24% / 172.67%148.65% / 185.67%163.51% / 204.24%173.92% / 217.23%185.81% / 232.09%202.16% / 252.51%218.51% / 272.93%234.86% / 293.36%252.7% / 315.64%270.54% / 337.92%288.38% / 360.2%306.22% / 382.48%324.05% / 404.76%341.89% / 427.04%
Fragrance ExtractionFragrance Extraction
Menciptakan Lumidouce Case dan mengakibatkan Dendro DMG Area.

Lumidouce Case
·Menembakkan Puff of Pureduw secara berkala terhadap musuh yang ada di dekatnya, mengakibatkan Dendro DMG;
·Saat musuh yang ada di dekatnya berada dalam status Burning, akan menghasilkan Scent secara berkala, Scent yang bisa dihasilkan dengan cara ini adalah satu buah setiap 2 detik. Lumidouce Case akan mengumpulkan Scent yang ada di sekitarnya, setelah berhasil mengumpulkan dua buah, maka levelnya akan meningkat, dan saat menembakkan Puff of Puredew, akan menembakkan satu Puff of Puredew tambahan, dan akan meningkatkan DMG dan radius serangan yang disebutkan di atas.
·Hanya bisa ada satu Lumidouce Case yang diciptakan Emilie sendiri dalam satu waktu. Saat diciptakan, level Lumidouce Case awal adalah level 1, dan akan bisa meningkat hingga level 2. Saat ada di medan pertempuran, jika dalam 8 detik berikutnya tidak berhasil mengumpulkan Scent, maka level Lumidouce Case akan kembali menjadi level 1.

Arkhe: Pneuma
Setiap satu kurun waktu, setelah Emilie menggunakan cara ini untuk menciptakan Lumidouce Case, dia akan menjatuhkan Spiritbreath Thorn yang menembus musuh di hadapannya, dan mengakibatkan Pneuma-aligned Dendro DMG.

"Pemandangan di dunia bagaikan perpaduan dari wewangian, keindahan, dan suara nyanyian yang tiada habisnya."
DMG Skill47.08%50.61%54.14%58.85%62.38%65.91%70.62%75.33%80.04%84.74%89.45%94.16%100.05%105.93%111.82%
DMG Serangan Lumidouce Case Level 139.6%42.57%45.54%49.5%52.47%55.44%59.4%63.36%67.32%71.28%75.24%79.2%84.15%89.1%94.05%
DMG Serangan Lumidouce Case Level 239.6%×242.57%×245.54%×249.5%×252.47%×255.44%×259.4%×263.36%×267.32%×271.28%×275.24%×279.2%×284.15%×289.1%×294.05%×2
Durasi Lumidouce Case22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk22 dtk
DMG Spiritbreath Thorn38.52%41.41%44.3%48.15%51.04%53.93%57.78%61.63%65.48%69.34%73.19%77.04%81.86%86.67%91.49%
Jeda Spiritbreath Thorn10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk
Cooldown Skill14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk14 dtk
Aromatic ExplicationAromatic Explication
Memandu wewangian yang dikumpulkan Lumidouce Case dan mengubahnya menjadi kekuatan Dendro murni, menciptakan Lumidouce Case level 3, dan menarik Lumidouce Case yang sudah ada.
Selama Lumidouce Case level 3 ini ada di medan pertempuran, tidak akan mengumpulkan Scent yang ada di sekitar, sebagai gantinya, akan terus menjatuhkan Scented Dew, menyerang musuh yang ada di dalam radiusnya, dna mengakibatkan Dendro DMG. Selama berlangsung, akan menjatuhkan satu buah Scented Dew setiap 0,3 detik, dan setiap musuh hanya bisa terpilih menjadi target satu kali setiap 0,7 detik.
Setelah durasinya berakhir, akan menciptakan kembali Lumidouce Case level 1; Jika saat melancarkan Aromatic Explication, ada Lumidouce Case yang berhasil disimpan, maka akan meletakkan Lumidouce Case yang disimpan tersebut dan akan mengulang durasinya.
Selama Aromatic Explication berlangsung, Elemental Skill "Fragrance Extraction" tidak akan menciptakan Lumidouce Case lagi.

Apa pun parfumnya, semuanya akan berubah begitu berhubungan dengan udara, dan pada akhirnya akan menguap seiring dengan embusan angin, pepohonan, dan dedaunan. Sehingga, tidak ada dua orang yang sama yang akan bisa menikmati wewangian yang sama.
Demikian juga dengan jalur seluruh manusia. Oleh sebab itu, kamu boleh mengibaratkan wewangian sebagai penjelasan dari kehidupan manusia.
DMG Serangan Lumidouce Case Level 3217.2%233.49%249.78%271.5%287.79%304.08%325.8%347.52%369.24%390.96%412.68%434.4%461.55%488.7%515.85%
Durasi Lumidouce Case Level 32.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk2.8 dtk
Cooldown13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk13.5 dtk
Konsumsi Energy505050505050505050505050505050

Passive Skills

Headspace CaptureHeadspace Capture
Saat ada Lumidouce Box yang diciptakan oleh Emilie sendiri di medan perang, Pyro RES seluruh anggota party yang ada di sekitar terhadap DMG Burning meningkat 85%.
Lingering FragranceLingering Fragrance
Untuk setiap dua Scent yang dikumpulkan, Lumidouce Case level 2 akan mengonsumsi Scent dan mengeluarkan Cleardew Cologne, mengakibatkan Dendro DMG Area terhadap musuh yang setara dengan 600% ATK Emilie. DMG ini tidak dianggap sebagai DMG Elemental Skill.
DMG yang disebabkan Emilie terhadpa musuh dalam status Burning akan meningkat berdasarkan ATK Emilie: Untuk setiap 1.000 poin ATK, DMG meningkat 15%, maksimum peningkatan yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini adalah 36%.


Light Fragrance LeachingLight Fragrance Leaching
DMG yang disebabkan Fragrance Extraction dan Cleardew Cologne dari Talenta Pasif "Lingering Fragrance" meningkat 20%. Peningkatan DMG untuk Talenta Pasif harus membuka Talenta Pasif "Lingering Fragrance" terlebih dulu.
Selain itu, saat anggota party di sekitar memicu reaksi Burning terhadap musuh atau mengakibatkan Dendro DMG terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Burning, akan menghasilkan 1 Scent tambahan. Efek ini dapat terpicu sekali setiap 2,9 detik.
Lakelight Top ToneLakelight Top Tone
Saat Cleardew Cologne yang dihasilkan oleh Fragrance Extraction, Aromatic Explication, atau Talenta Pasif "Lingering Fragrance" (harus membuka Talenta Pasif yang bersangkutan lebih dulu) mengenai musuh, Dendro RES musuh ini berkurang 30% selama 10 detik.
Exquisite EssenceExquisite Essence
Meningkatkan 3 level Fragrance Extraction.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Lumidouce HeartLumidouce Heart
Durasi Aromatic Explication diperpanjang 2 detik, dan jeda setiap musuh yang dijadikan target oleh Scented Dew berkurang 0,3 detik.
Puredew AromaPuredew Aroma
Meningkatkan 3 level Aromatic Explication.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
Marcotte TraceMarcotte Trace
Saat melancarkan Fragrance Extraction atau Aromatic Explication, Emilie akan mendapatkan Abiding Fragrance yang berlangsung 5 detik.
Selama berlangsung, setelah Emilie melancarkan Normal Attack atau Charged Attack, akan menghasilkan satu Scent, Normal Attack dan Charged Attack Emilie akan dikonversi menjadi Dendro DMG yang tidak bisa ditimpa Elemental Infusion lainnya, DMG yang dihasilkan juga akan meningkat sebesar 300% ATK Emilie.
Efek Abiding Fragrance akan dihapus setelah menghasilkan 4 Scent melalui cara ini atau setelah durasinya berakhir. Efek Abiding Fragrance dapat terpicu sekali setiap 12 detik.

Skill Ascension



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254 responses to “Emilie”

  1. Don’t think I’ve seen this question asked yet but does anyone know what kind of damage her A1 does if it is not Elemental Skill damage? If the Scent generation from her E is quick enough, her A1 could be a good source of damage for her. Also some of her cons assist in Scent generation so that could mean more procs of her A1. Thoughts on how good it could be?

    • it’s simply not assigned.
      it’s not E, Q, normal, charge attack type.
      the closest thing might be extra DMG instance you get from weapon.
      I think they made it so that burning artifact set is good on her as it buff all DMG type.

      A1 props quite frequently. it should be around 20-30℅ of her DMG per rotation.

  2. Is it just me or Nahida just get worse every patch?
    Furina + Baizhu already a powerful quickbloom core better than all Nahida pure hyperbloom or pure quicken comp. Baizhu literally has higher usage than her last patch.
    Now Emilie kicks Nahida out of all burnmelt, vapeburn too since Emilie does better than her in those.
    And both Furina + Baizhu core, Emilie not need to skill debeff every wave and lost main dps skill uptime.
    Nahida is now only bis for Nilou and maybe Yaenari but pretty much it.

    • wrong, nahida are still usefull, furina + baizhu is great but furina can’t buff hyperbloom core damage, and we still don’t know yet if emilie ICD can keep burning aura to the enemies while we using melt burn teamcomp, but nahida can keep burning aura using melt burn teamcomp thanks to her elemental skill ICD

    • As melt/vape units : Ganyu, Wriothesley, Rosaria, Neuvillette, Furina
      As pyro subDPS/Supports : Thomas (don’t know if pure shielder or full EM is the most useful here), Dehya, Xiangling
      If Pyro damage dealers in the team : Sucrose, Kazuha, Petra Zhongli

    • i think it’s any Fire DPS… you could even put her in Burnmelt Ganyu. She is Dendro Sub-DPS that love to do Arson like a certain explosive kid, and despises lightning because the plants she had can’t handle the storm (jokes).

    • melt burn: emilie, kazuha, wrio or ganyu, bennett
      burn semi burgeon: emilie, furina, thoma, any pyro dps
      burn: any pyro dps, bennett, nahida, emilie

      to be honest, emilie can unlock new team party that are fun to play

  3. Multiple sections to this comment:
    Questions (part one). If I’m reading this right, every third hit on her skill will be level two? Does her skill revert to level one after an attack? Also, her ultimate does aoe attacks but every 0.7s it does an extra attack on a single enemy? Does her skill snapshot, and would using her ultimate cancel all the snapshots?

    Theorycrafting (part two). For her weapons, I think Dragon’s bane, Missive windspear, Kitain Cross, Moonpiercer, and Prospector’s drill? 5 star weapons would be PJWS, Calamity Queller, Lumidouce elegy would be best? For her artifacts, Unfinished Reverie or Golden Troupe for pure dmg, Deepwood Memories could be used in burgeon, Vouruasha’s glow could be used if she’s on-feild for a few seconds, Flower of Lost Paradise or Gilded Dreams for an em build in Nilou teams, Emblem of Severed Fate for a burst damage build, Noblesse Oblige or Tenacity of the Millelith for a support-oriented build. For a c6 Emilie, her best weapons would be Lumidouce Elegy, PJWS, Moonpiercer, Deathmatch, Blackcliff Pole, Prototype Starglitter, Dragon’s Bane, White Tassel. C6 Emilie artifacts would look like: Gladiator’s Finale, Shimenawa’s Reminiscence, Echoes of an Offering, Marechaussee Hunter (with burning or Furina), or Unfinished Reverie. In burning teams, her best teammates would look like: Burning: Xiangling, Bennett, Thoma, Gaming, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Arlecchino, Lyney, Collei, Yaoyao, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Nahida, Albedo, Zhongli, Chiori, Sucrose, Lynette, Venti, Kazuha. For Burnmelt it would be: Xiangling, Bennett, Thoma, Collei, Yaoyao, Baizhu, Nahida, Albedo, Zhongli, Chiori, Sucrose, Lynette, Venti, Kazuha, Chongyun, Shenhe, Ganyu, Wriothesley, Ayaka. For Burgeon it would be: Xiangling, Bennett, Thoma, Gaming, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Arlecchino, Lyney, Collei, Yaoyao, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Nahida, Albedo, Zhongli, Chiori, Sucrose, Lynette, Venti, Kazuha, Barbara, Xingqui, Candace, Kokomi, Yelan, Furina, Ayato, Sigewinne. For Hyperbloom: Collei, Yaoyao, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Nahida, Albedo, Zhongli, Chiori, Sucrose, Lynette, Venti, Kazuha, Barbara, Xingqui, Candace, Kokomi, Yelan, Furina, Ayato, Sigewinne, Lisa, Beidou, Kuki, Fischl, Dori, Sethos, Clorinde, Cyno, Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun, Keqing. For quicken/spread aggravate: Lisa, Beidou, Kuki, Fischl, Dori, Sethos, Clorinde, Cyno, Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun, Keqing, Collei, Yaoyao, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Nahida, Sucrose, Lynette, Kazuha, Venti, Zhongli, Albedo, Chiori. I might have missed some team archetype or some part members. Also, for those haters, yes, I do know that electro cute her damage by 90% and blocks her Cleardew Cologne, but I put it in her anyways because why not? If people want to play it, let them play it. It’s their account, their life, their desicion, not yours. If you think someone shouldn’t do something, offer your opinion, don’t put 700 hate comments saying “you suck at this game” or “your playing [character name] wrong”.

    Personal opinion (part three). In my opinion, Emilie’s concept art was better. To make her better, they could have made her outfit a lighter color to match her hair, made her hair a darker color to match her outfit, and made her hair longer. Also, take off the glasses please, or get contacts. Her splash art matches her hair too, and her weapon doesn’t go well on any character in the game.

    I personally will be pulling for Emilie because I think her playstyle is an interesting twist on burning. Will I be using her with electro teams? Sometimes. Will I listen to haters? Heck no. If people want to tell me how to play the game, they can go leave a note in my suggestions box. You can find it nowhere. If you got offended by this comment than you have anger issues. For those of you who read this comment and understood my intentions (to bring more information into the world about this unique character), than I implore you to share this comment with any and all of your genshin-playing friends. We need more love in the world, and doomposting on some random leaks site isn’t going to get your opinion validated. If you really have a problem with a genshin character, make a post on social media and actually try to get Hoyoverse’s attention. If Hoyoverse doesn’t know there’s a problem, they won’t fix it. Thank you all for your time, and have a wonderful day.

  4. I feel like people don’t realize that while yes she utilizes burning, her main role is off-field dendro dps. she would probably work very well on burgeon teams or just em burning. In all honesty, burning isn’t that bad. People just don’t like it when you can’t see the health bar of enemies tank all at once.

    burgeon: Hydro, Kazhua, Bennet, Emilie

    burning: Pyro dps, Kazhua, Baizhu, Emilie

    • Nah, a lot of people don’t like her current kit because she does not modify the burn reaction. Hyperbloom and burgeon ain’t a nuke of a damage but people still love it.

    • She doesn’t use or upgrade burning in any way
      she doesn’t even care if burn does dmg it’s like Chevreuse, look as she doesn’t have any EM scaling, if you focus on EM you lose personnal dmg because burn dmg are just underwhelming, that’s probably why her kit only want burn to happen without focusing on it as it’s just not worth

  5. Oh she’s bad? Nah. Just say you have zero team building skills. Just go to your clickbait content creators. Since thinking is not your specialty.

      • She is like the strongest off field dendro dmg dealer so far, better than Nahida for burning or burnmelt/vape. She also reduces burning damage taken which is actually a large issue for Wriothesley where Nahida owns the burning reaction and thus really high burning dmg dealt to yourself even with Thoma. So Emilie is great for burnmelt and melee burn-based teams.

        She’s also multi-wave safe since she will apply dendro regardless of new waves of enemies unlike Nahida. I think we will need a slow hydro applying dps so maybe Neuvillette. Could think of Emilie, Dehya, flex, and Neuvillette.

  6. So her only niche is one of the worst reactions in the game. She’s literally 5 star Freminet. Dead on arrival.


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