
TitleCandlebearer, Shadowhunter
OccupationTrial Court
WeaponWeapon Sword
ElementElement Electro
Day of Birth20
Month of Birth9
Vision (Introduced)Electro
Constellation (Introduced)Rapperia
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
DescriptionPetarung Juara tak terkalahkan. Dengan pedang di tangannya, dia mempertahankan keadilan di Court of Fontaine.
Character Ascension Materials
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone
Fontemer Unihorn
Transoceanic Pearl
Transoceanic Chunk
Xenochromatic Crystal
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Justice
Guide to Justice
Philosophies of Justice
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritRate%MaterialsTotal Materials
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl3
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl3
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment3
Fontemer Unihorn2
Transoceanic Pearl15
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl18
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment3
Fontemer Unihorn2
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment6
Fontemer Unihorn4
Transoceanic Chunk12
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl18
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment9
Fontemer Unihorn6
Transoceanic Chunk12
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk3
Fontemer Unihorn8
Transoceanic Chunk18
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl18
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment9
Fontemer Unihorn14
Transoceanic Chunk30
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk3
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk6
Fontemer Unihorn12
Xenochromatic Crystal12
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl18
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment9
Fontemer Unihorn26
Transoceanic Chunk30
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk9
Xenochromatic Crystal12
Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone6
Fontemer Unihorn20
Xenochromatic Crystal24
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver1
Transoceanic Pearl18
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment9
Fontemer Unihorn46
Transoceanic Chunk30
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk9
Xenochromatic Crystal36
Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Marechaussee CreedNormal Attack: Marechaussee Creed
Normal Attack
Melancarkan hingga 5 serangan pedang berturut-turut.

Charged Attack
Mengonsumsi sejumlah Stamina, menggunakan pistolet untuk menembakkan Suppresing Shot dengan radius berbentuk kipas.

Plunging Attack
Menerjang dari udara untuk menghantam tanah di bawahnya, menyerang musuh di jalurnya dan mengakibatkan DMG Area saat mendarat.
DMG Tahap 154.06%58.46%62.86%69.15%73.55%78.58%85.49%92.4%99.32%106.86%114.41%121.95%129.49%137.03%144.58%
DMG Tahap 251.63%55.83%60.03%66.04%70.24%75.04%81.64%88.25%94.85%102.06%109.26%116.46%123.67%130.87%138.08%
DMG Tahap 334.19% + 34.19%36.97% + 36.97%39.75% + 39.75%43.73% + 43.73%46.51% + 46.51%49.69% + 49.69%54.06% + 54.06%58.43% + 58.43%62.81% + 62.81%67.58% + 67.58%72.35% + 72.35%77.12% + 77.12%81.89% + 81.89%86.66% + 86.66%91.43% + 91.43%
DMG Tahap 423.13% + 23.13% + 23.13%25.02% + 25.02% + 25.02%26.9% + 26.9% + 26.9%29.59% + 29.59% + 29.59%31.47% + 31.47% + 31.47%33.63% + 33.63% + 33.63%36.58% + 36.58% + 36.58%39.54% + 39.54% + 39.54%42.5% + 42.5% + 42.5%45.73% + 45.73% + 45.73%48.96% + 48.96% + 48.96%52.19% + 52.19% + 52.19%55.41% + 55.41% + 55.41%58.64% + 58.64% + 58.64%61.87% + 61.87% + 61.87%
DMG Tahap 590.01%97.34%104.66%115.13%122.46%130.83%142.34%153.85%165.37%177.93%190.49%203.05%215.61%228.17%240.72%
DMG Charged Attack128.14%138.57%149%163.9%174.33%186.25%202.64%219.03%235.42%253.3%271.18%289.06%306.94%324.82%342.7%
Konsumsi Stamina Charged Attack202020202020202020202020202020
DMG Selama Plunging63.93%69.14%74.34%81.77%86.98%92.93%101.1%109.28%117.46%126.38%135.3%144.22%153.14%162.06%170.98%
DMG Plunging Attack Min./Maks.127.84% / 159.68%138.24% / 172.67%148.65% / 185.67%163.51% / 204.24%173.92% / 217.23%185.81% / 232.09%202.16% / 252.51%218.51% / 272.93%234.86% / 293.36%252.7% / 315.64%270.54% / 337.92%288.38% / 360.2%306.22% / 382.48%324.05% / 404.76%341.89% / 427.04%
Vigil's HuntingVigil's Hunting
Mempersiapkan pistoletnya dan memasuki status "Night Watch" yang menggabungkan pedang dan pistol__ untuk bertarung. Dalam status ini, Normal Attack Clorinde akan dikonversi menjadi tembakan pistolet "Wild Hunt", DMG dikonversi menjadi Electro DMG yang tidak bisa ditimpa Elemental Infusion lainnya; Jika Elemental Skill dilancarkan, akan dikonversi menjadi "Impale the Night": Menerjang dan menyerang, mengakibatkan Electro DMG. DMG yang diakibatkan dengan cara di atas akan dianggap sebagai DMG Normal Attack.

Wild Hunt
·Saat Bond of Life lebih dari atau sama dengan 100% Max HP, melancarkan tembakan pistolet;
·Saat Bond of Life lebih kecil dari 100% Max HP, saat menembakkan pistolet, akan memberikan Clorinde Bond of Life dalam tertentu yang didasarkan pada Max HP Clorinde, peluru yang ditembakkan akan bisa menembus musuh dan akan mengakibatkan DMG yang lebih tinggi terhadap musuh di sepanjang jalurnya.

Impale the Night
Menentukan efek Impale the Night berdasarkan persentase Bond of Life Clorinde saat ini:
·Bond of Life adalah 0%, akan melancarkan serangan terjangan;
·Saat Bond of Life kurang dari 100% Max HP, akan memulihkan HP Clorinde berdasarkan nilai Bond of Life, dan meningkatkan radius serangan dan DMG serangan kali ini;
·Saat Bond of Life lebih besar atau sama dengan 100% Max HP, melancarkan Impale the Night: Pact, memulihkan HP Clorinde dengan persentase yang lebih tinggi dan meningkatkan radius serangan dan DMG terjangan kali ini lebih lanjut.

Selain itu, Saat Clorinde berada dalam status Night Watch, efek pemulihan selain dari Impale the Night tidak akan efektif dan akan dikonversi menjadi Bond of Life untuknya berdasarkan persentase pemulihan yang diterima.

Status Night Watch akan dihapus saat Clorinde meninggalkan medan pertempuran.

Arkhe: Ousia
Setiap satu kurun waktu tertentu, saat Wild Hunt Clorinde mengenai musuh, Surging Blade akan dijatuhkan ke posisi musuh berada dan mengakibatkan Ousia-aligned Electro DMG.

Meski kejahatan yang bersembunyi dalam bayang malam telah dibasmi selama ribuan tahun, namun hati manusia dipenuhi dengan awan bayangan yang tak bisa dijangkau oleh cahaya.
Bahkan sekarang, peringatan yang ditinggalkan oleh Golden Hunter sudah diukir dalam ingatannya: Those of the Night Watch, peganglah tinggi-tinggi lilin yang sudah dinyalakan untuk melawan kegelapan, teruslah bersikap waspada, dan jangan sampai rusak oleh kegelapan yang dingin.
DMG Wild Hunt26.76% / 38.79%28.94% / 41.94%31.12% / 45.1%34.23% / 49.61%36.41% / 52.77%38.9% / 56.38%42.32% / 61.34%45.75% / 66.3%49.17% / 71.26%52.9% / 76.67%56.64% / 82.08%60.37% / 87.49%64.11% / 92.91%67.84% / 98.32%71.58% / 103.73%
Perolehan Bond of Life Wild Hunt35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP35% Max HP
DMG Impale the Night32.97% / 43.96% / 23.39%*3__35.66% / 47.54% / 25.3%*3__38.34% / 51.12% / 27.2%*3__42.17% / 56.23% / 29.92%*3__44.86% / 59.81% / 31.82%*3__47.93% / 63.9% / 34%*3__52.14% / 69.52% / 36.99%*3__56.36% / 75.15% / 39.98%*3__60.58% / 80.77% / 42.98%*3__65.18% / 86.9% / 46.24%*3__69.78% / 93.04% / 49.5%*3__74.38% / 99.17% / 52.77%*3__78.98% / 105.31% / 56.03%*3__83.58% / 111.44% / 59.3%*3__88.18% / 117.58% / 62.56%*3__
Pemulihan Impale the Night0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life0% / 104% / 110% Bond of Life
Konversi Bond of Life80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan80% Pemulihan
DMG Surging Blade43.2%46.44%49.68%54%57.24%60.48%64.8%69.12%73.44%77.76%82.08%86.4%91.8%97.2%102.6%
Jeda Surging Blade10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk10 dtk
Durasi Night Watch9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk9 dtk
Cooldown16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk16 dtk
Last LightfallLast Lightfall
Memberikan Bond of Life berdasarkan Max HP sendiri, lalu mengelak dengan gesit dan menyerang dengan teknik serangan senjata dan pistol, mengakibatkan Electro DMG Area.

Konon katanya, seni kuno untuk melawan makhluk selain manusia adalah dengan tubuh manusia fana, ini bisa ditelusuri kembali pada zaman Lochknight yang melawan Kerajaan Remuria.
Meski demikian, asalkan ada yang bisa menemukan cara untuk mengontrol level kekuatan yang digunakan, bukan berarti cara ini tidak akan bisa digunakan di dalam pertempuran dengan musuh biasa.
DMG Skill126.88%x5136.4%x5145.91%x5158.6%x5168.12%x5177.63%x5190.32%x5203.01%x5215.7%x5228.38%x5241.07%x5253.76%x5269.62%x5285.48%x5301.34%x5
Perolehan Bond of Life66% Max HP72% Max HP78% Max HP84% Max HP90% Max HP96% Max HP102% Max HP108% Max HP114% Max HP120% Max HP126% Max HP132% Max HP138% Max HP144% Max HP150% Max HP
Cooldown15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk15 dtk
Konsumsi Energy606060606060606060606060606060

Passive Skills

Night Watch's YieldNight Watch's Yield
Memperlihatkan lokasi produk khas Fontaine di sekitar pada peta kecil.
Dark-Shattering FlameDark-Shattering Flame
Setelah Karakter dalam party di sekitar memicu reaksi terkait Electro terhadap musuh, meningkatkan Electro DMG yang diakibatkan oleh Normal Attack Clorinde dan Last Lightfall Clorinde sebesar 20% ATK Clorinde. Efek ini berlangsung 15 detik dan dapat ditumpuk sampai 3 lapis, durasi setiap lapisnya dihitung terpisah. Maksimum peningkatan DMG yang bisa diperoleh Clorinde melalui cara ini adalah sebesar 1.800.
Lawful RemunerationLawful Remuneration
Jika Bond of Life Clorinde lebih besar atau sama dengan 100% Max HP, saat nilai Bond of Life bertambah atau berkurang, CRIT Rate Clorinde meningkat 10%. Efek ini berlangsung 15 detik, dapat ditumpuk sampai 2 lapis, durasi setiap lapisnya dihitung terpisah.
Selain itu, status Night Watch dari Hunt the Night akan diperkuat: Selama status ini aktif, rasio konversi jumlah pemulihan menjadi Bond of Life meningkat 100%.


"From This Day, I Pass the Candle's Shadow-Veil"
Saat status Night Watch dari Vigil's Hunting berlangsung, saat Electro DMG Normal Attack Clorinde mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Nightvigil Shade di sekitar musuh untuk melancarkan 2 kali serangan terkoordinasi, masing-masingnya mengakibatkan Electro DMG sebesar 30% ATK Clorinde.
Efek ini dapat terpicu maksimum 1,2 detik sekali, dan DMG yang diakibatkan dengan cara ini dianggap sebagai DMG Normal Attack.
"Now, As We Face the Perils of the Long Night"
Efek Talenta Pasif "Dark-Shattering Flame" diperkuat: Saat Karakter anggota party di sekitar memicu reaksi terkait Electro terhadap musuh, akan meningkatkan Electro DMG yang diakibatkan Normal Attack dan Last Lightfall sebesar 30% ATK Clorinde. Efek ini berlangsung 15 detik, dapat ditumpuk sampai 3 lapis, durasi setiap lapisnya dihitung terpisah. Saat statusnya mencapai 3 lapis, ketahanan Clorinde terhadap interupsi meningkat. Peningkatan DMG Clorinde yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara di atas adalah maksimum 2.700.
Harus membuka Talenta Pasif "Dark-Shattering Flame" terlebih dahulu.
"I Pledge to Remember the Oath of Daylight"
Meningkatkan 3 level Hunt the Dark.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
"To Enshrine Tears, Life, and Love"
Saat Last Lightfall mengakibatkan DMG terhadap musuh, akan meningkatkan DMG Last Lightfall kali ini berdasarkan persentase Bond of Life Clorinde saat ini, peningkatannya adalah sebesar 2% untuk setiap 1% Bond of Life yang dimiliki Clorinde. Maksimum peningkatan DMG Last Lightfall yang bisa diperoleh dengan cara ini adalah 200%.
"Holding Dawn's Coming as My Votive"
Meningkatkan 3 level Last Lightfall.
Maksimum: Lv. 15.
"And So Shall I Never Despair"
Dalam 12 detik setelah melancarkan Vigil's Hunting, CRIT Rate Clorinde meningkat 10% dan CRIT DMG meningkat 70%.
Selain itu, selama Night Vigil berlangsung, dalam kondisi tertentu, Glimbright Shade akan muncul dan mengejar musuh, mengakibatkan Electro DMG sebesar 200% ATK Clorinde, DMG yang diakibatkan dengan cara ini dianggap sebagai DMG Normal Attack.
Glimbright Shade akan muncul dalam kondisi berikut:
·Saat Clorinde akan terkena serangan musuh;
·Saat Clorinde melancarkan Impale the Night: Pact.
Maksimum 1 Glimbright Shade yang bisa dipanggil untuk setiap 1 detik. Selama satu kali durasi Night Vigil, maksimum bisa memanggil hingga 6 Glimbright Shade.
Selain itu, selama status Night Vigil aktif, DMG yang diterima Clorinde berkurang 80%, ketahanannya terhadap interupsi juga meningkat. Efek ini akan hilang setelah status Night Vigil berakhir atau 1 detik setelah memanggil 6 Glimbright Shade.

Skill Ascension



Audio Language:


* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 2
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 3
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 4
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 5
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 6
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 4
* Terbuka saat Persahabatan Lv. 6

482 responses to “Clorinde”

  1. Clorinde C0+R1,In my calculations. R1 Futsu 98%, R1 Mistsplitter 92%, R1 Jade and R1 The Black Sword 80%, R1 Created with Sketch 83% up and down.

  2. So can anyone tell is missplipter is a good choice on her I’m planning on getting c2 clorinde I was told that mist is not a good option for her

  3. Idk why but current patch + leaks feel refreshing.
    I like this character-design meta of self-sustained independent powerhouses lately. That have everything they need to be comfortable solo, but obviously will do more with a well thought out team of 3. That more or less could be called a chearleader team for how secondary is their role. LOL Bench all, go solo 36*. Style on abyss. Go have fun in overworld. 1-2NA, 0 reactions and mitachurl is dead. Life good. I see that Chlorinde isn’t a powerhouse on her own per se, but still a good looking not dependant on specific full c6 4*, a healer, a shielder, etc. Independent fun character. That might need just a Nahida to feel on par with last 2 known menaces of “powercreep-afraid” public.

    Smol update:
    Got Arle in 20-pull after loosing 80 to Diluc btw. I don’t really like to go that close to the sun with my pulls…
    Completely cut off the outside world, grinded, tested everything, didnt spoke to anyone for 3 days, good shit. Half the Fontaine and whole of Chenyu Vale left, can’t wait for Natlan, il Capitano, Varka etc.

        • While I think most people appreciate the change in character design, I can see the argument that having more and more characters being self-sufficient being a bad thing in the long run. If more characters are able to buff, heal, and provide IR for themselves, new characters are inevitably going to be compared to these character designs. That ultimately will make the “outdated” design less desirable and the need for reactions on your team becomes less and less. Sure, it’s fun to speed run the Abyss with solo Neuvillette or solo Arlecchino or whoever but I do think that design should be balanced with the need for a shielder or healer or whatever. Like what if the only way to get BoL on Chlorinde was for her to be healed or overhealed? As it stands, she doesn’t need to have a passive that converts healing to BoL when her E will do it for her and clears it too. It feels redundant and I believe they need to pick a lane.

          • It’s nice because you can also just bring whoever else you want without “needing” heals or shields or whatever, which is what excludes several characters currently because there’s only 4 slots in a team.

          • Yeah this one part “UnLucky” mentions, is main reason in feeling refreshing, you dont NEED an ULTRA-specific team to enjoy said char, and it feels freeing to be able to put whomever (you actually like, instead of optimizing) into the party, and not feeling set back by it, also not feeling like a Cyno in overworld. LOL
            The thing i should probably clarify, i do not mean chars should be wihout downsides. Im just kinda tired of collecting a thousand of different pieces for one dude every time. HIV kinda overdid this part with a big chunk of all releases. Plus i dont really mean every single one of them from now on should be like that, we need some contrast too. The obvious gap IMHO adds to the feeling of fresh.

          • what I’m concerned about is recent trends in character design. take 5* characters in early versions of the game. most would consider the constellations those characters to be pretty useless and most would probably compare those characters to Dehya. Most characters nowadays get turned into a main dps or become an even stronger one at c6. All I’m saying is that they have changed how they designed the characters throughout the lifetime of the game and hardly any characters are designed like they were when the game first came out. I can see the “self-sufficient design” becoming more commonplace especially if that is what gets people to spend more money on the game. Fontaine has been all about how can characters recover their own hp and I think it is about time that design died.

            I really don’t get the bring whoever you want argument. if Neuvillette or Arlecchino can solo the Abyss, why would you need to bring anyone? There’s always been 4 slots on a team and there’s always going to be characters excluded from your team. No one is going to “bring whoever they want” when playing any character. Sure you can bring Thoma with your Neuvillette but why would you want to? Some characters will bring negative synergy at worst and be straight up useless at best. It really isn’t about “needing” healing or shields. That is a personal choice and you can play as risky as you want without these new characters being able to sustain themselves. These characters are actually excluding healers from the party because of the BoL mechanic itself being a source of damage.

          • to “Solo is dangerous waters.”
            You misunderstood me.
            I specificly advocate for not-DISABLED characters in the c0 state. I like what i saw recently. And i wish they own up and redo their past mistakes, but they wont. Cause poor, indy, HOYO went with “Waterfall model” and didn’t dedicated a single dev stage for “redo and fix.” So we can only look & hope for future chars.

            “Whoever i want” problems is the game going against itself. Both in abyss and overworld, slightly for different reasons. Like raidou. Like wanting to put someone somwhere, and on paper it sounding good. But then you get stuck into arbitrary problems, that you need to deal with. And only after it, character starts to function. Like them giving cahracters strong buttons, and then taking away so much particles that you cant use Q ever anyway LMAO. People like to make builds, not fixing holes in the colander, with 2 hands and 10 fingers.
            Wrio that ASKS FOR A char slot of a HEALER, TO EVEN START TO USE E. WHAT THE FUCK!? Why is it a C1?!?!
            And for overworld, I’m tired of re-editing my teams every 5m. Or pressing Q on Cyno to have fun and having fun only for 1 initial seconds, and for the rest of the Q retarded, cause i wasted 17s of it into nothing, and now need to re-earn it for good chunk of time with tooth pick in my hands and an 8s cooldown between Es. Arle and Nuvi alleviated alot of this problems or have none of it, cause they dont need Q for basic function, they have the ultimate and that is AN ACTUAL ultimate, you press it when you NEED it. This is what im talking about. Completely counterproductive sensations always pop everywhere.

            I jsut want HOYO to relax the “ASKS” some chars throw at you, and to stop releasing glorified NPC that need fixing. Unfortunately we already have alot of those, but with Arle, Nuvi, Navia and hopefully Chlorinde I can afford to put one or two of those favurites but disabled like: (Dehya, Lynette, Candace, etc) and do abyss 36* comfortably in one go. Even with those handicaps.

            Yeah the drawback only is if they will raise DPS entry floor immensly over Arle’s performance. As happened on dendro release, i was happy at first but then all of my non-dendo plummeted into near not finishing abyss with 36*, first time in years.

        • I know hoyo wont ever update something that has to do with chars. But now i wonder how will they tackle personal changes. For someone like Childe that arent binded to one and done region. It starts to feels awkward. He didn’t platoed in power, but he is like a fucking time capsule, his outdated phrases about Arle, 4digit numbers, etc. (Still like this best companion-rival)

          • Tbf his phrases about Arle aren’t “outdated” that’s just the common opinion of her, that’s very likely just what he really thinks

          • Also Childe is still very strong not for his raw dmg but his synergy with strong sub-dpses, international is still popular after all

          • Well after their dialogue in Arle quest i’d disagree, he realised that rumors were spread. And his voice-over line in game is way to radical for that to be the case.

            About The Knave
            Look, I’ve got nothing against people who have their own agendas I myself joined the Fatui to get more experience in combat. But I don’t like her at all. If she stood to benefit from betraying others, she’d turn against the Tsaritsa in a heartbeat. There isn’t a sane bone in her body.

          • Yeah I feel like it should probably be changed but the development was relatively minor and Hoyo probably forgot that line existed

  4. Would something like Kazuha, Nahida, Fischl be a good aggravate team, or is there too much electro and Nahida can’t keep up? Then maybe Yaoyao instead of Fischl? Now with the recent buffs Clorinde actually only needs 2,550 ATK to max out her A1, probably so more to incentivize playing her in an aggravate team, which I will be doing.

    • You underestimate Nahida’s stupidly high dendro application, and yeah that’s a good team
      Also Clorinde still caps at 3000atk I think since the A1 cap was increased to 1800

    • Aggravates don’t deplete Quicken aura, so there’s no situation where Nahida can’t keep up in that team. Unless you’re fighting in a river with lit torches around for Kazuha to swirl, or something. If you ever do lose the dendro aura, an electro swirl will proc Nahida’s E off field, so you’re good.

  5. will bolide 40% multiplier increase in NA will be good comparing with another dmg increase set like gladiator or fragment?

        • seems like keqing/alhaitham with bond of life buffs. best team is avvagrate with that many damage instances but work in pretty much in other team also? wonder if she has alhaitham’s aoe in his e infusion hits.

    • It sounds good. I am interested in the problem of generating particles of the “Night Watch” state, if the generation is weak, then it would be possible to recycle Q, like Chiori, as a result of which 50 will cost 13.5 CD. Although, given the Electro resonance and Fischl, there should be no problems with 60 cast when generating 4 particles per “Night Watch” state.

  6. Genuine question:
    Should i get her signature or c1 first? Her signature gives a lot of crit and damage in overall while her c1 will give her more electro application

    • We need to understand how necessary the value of c1 will be. Signature weapons are just statistics. The same statistics will be given by Mistsplitter Reforged.

      Haran Geppaku Futsu will be a good choice if you don’t go over the limit on a crit rate.

      Freedom-Sworn and Light of Foliar Incision can be good options in aggravate.

      The Primordial Jade Cutter will be very difficult to balance in terms of crits. But if you succeed, then this is a good option. 100\200 crits ahead.

    • C1 is more valuable compared to a good amount of ATK and Crit DMG from the signature weapon. Because there are so many great swords in the game (both 5-Star and 4-Star), I find that getting her weapon would be a commitment as she is the only current character who can benefit from it. As things stand now, I recommend getting her C1 or constellations overall instead of her weapon because there are so many great options already available.
      Take note: These are your Primogems, your choice.

      I’m definitely going for C6 though and maybe her weapon R1.

  7. they need to pump those numbers up
    as of now, she’s equal to c0 raiden but without support capabilities, hope they buff her


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