
TitleHarlı Alevlerle Dövülmüş Ruh
WeaponWeapon Sword
ElementElement Geo
Day of Birth1
Month of Birth1
Vision (Introduced)Toprak
Constellation (Introduced)Pars Kedisi
Chinese Seuyu???
Japanese Seuyu???
English Seuyu???
Korean Seuyu???
DescriptionNanatzcayan'ın Ad Oymacısı. Mesleğinin getirdiği ağır sorumluluklar ve kaliteli bir hayat yaşama arasındaki dengeyi çok iyi koruyabilen biri.
Character Ascension Materials
Prithiva Topazı Tozu
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı
Prithiva Topazı Parçası
Prithiva Topazı Külçesi
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği
Parlak Kasımpatı
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü
Sürüngen Taçlı Savaşçının Altın Düdüğü
Skill Ascension Materials
Çıra Öğretisi
Çıra Rehberi
Çıra Felsefesi
Mushin Aynası
Bilgelik Tacı

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus DefMaterialsTotal Materials
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı3
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü3
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı3
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü3
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı3
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği2
Parlak Kasımpatı10
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü15
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı13
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü18
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı3
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği2
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı6
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği4
Parlak Kasımpatı20
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü12
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı33
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü18
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı9
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği6
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü12
Prithiva Topazı Parçası3
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği8
Parlak Kasımpatı30
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü18
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı63
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü18
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı9
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği14
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü30
Prithiva Topazı Parçası3
Prithiva Topazı Parçası6
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği12
Parlak Kasımpatı45
Sürüngen Taçlı Savaşçının Altın Düdüğü12
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı108
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü18
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı9
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği26
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü30
Prithiva Topazı Parçası9
Sürüngen Taçlı Savaşçının Altın Düdüğü12
Prithiva Topazı Külçesi6
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği20
Parlak Kasımpatı60
Sürüngen Taçlı Savaşçının Altın Düdüğü24
Prithiva Topazı Tozu1
Parlak Kasımpatı168
Nöbetçinin Ahşap Düdüğü18
Prithiva Topazı Kırıntısı9
Altın Yazıt İşlemeli Gizli Kaynak Çekirdeği46
Savaşçının Metal Düdüğü30
Prithiva Topazı Parçası9
Sürüngen Taçlı Savaşçının Altın Düdüğü36
Prithiva Topazı Külçesi6


Active Skils

Normal Saldırı: Ehecatl KükreyişiNormal Saldırı: Ehecatl Kükreyişi
Normal Saldırı
En fazla 3 hızlı saldırı yapar.

Yüklü Saldırı
Belirli bir miktar Dayanıklılık tüketerek ileri doğru bir tekme savurur.

Havadan Saldırı
Havadayken dalışa geçerek yere vurur ve Xilonen'in Savunmasına göre yoluna çıkan düşmanlara Alan Hasarı verir.

Gece Ruhunun Lütfu: Keskin Paten
Gece Ruhunun Lütfu etkinken Xilonen Keskin Paten moduna girer. Bu moddayken Xilonen Normal Saldırı yaptığında patenleriyle en fazla 4 tekme savurur ve Yüklü Saldırı yapamaz.
Bu moddayken Normal ve Havadan Saldırıları, Savunmasına göre gerçekleşir ve diğer elementlerin tesiriyle değişemeyecek şekilde Toprak Hasarı verir.
1 Vuruş Hasarı51.79%56.01%60.22%66.25%70.46%75.28%81.9%88.53%95.15%102.38%109.61%116.83%124.06%131.29%138.51%
2 Vuruş Hasarı27.37% + 27.37%29.6% + 29.6%31.83% + 31.83%35.01% + 35.01%37.24% + 37.24%39.79% + 39.79%43.29% + 43.29%46.79% + 46.79%50.29% + 50.29%54.11% + 54.11%57.93% + 57.93%61.75% + 61.75%65.57% + 65.57%69.39% + 69.39%73.21% + 73.21%
3 Vuruş Hasarı72.95%78.89%84.83%93.31%99.25%106.03%115.36%124.69%134.02%144.2%154.38%164.56%174.74%184.92%195.1%
Yüklü Saldırı Hasarı91.33%98.77%106.2%116.82%124.25%132.75%144.43%156.11%167.8%180.54%193.28%206.03%218.77%231.52%244.26%
Yüklü Saldırı Dayanıklılık Maliyeti202020202020202020202020202020
Havadan Saldırı Hasarı63.93% Savunma69.14% Savunma74.34% Savunma81.77% Savunma86.98% Savunma92.93% Savunma101.1% Savunma109.28% Savunma117.46% Savunma126.38% Savunma135.3% Savunma144.22% Savunma153.14% Savunma162.06% Savunma170.98% Savunma
Havadan Saldırı Hasarı (Alçaktan/Yüksekten)127.84% Savunma / 159.68% Savunma138.24% Savunma / 172.67% Savunma148.65% Savunma / 185.67% Savunma163.51% Savunma / 204.24% Savunma173.92% Savunma / 217.23% Savunma185.81% Savunma / 232.09% Savunma202.16% Savunma / 252.51% Savunma218.51% Savunma / 272.93% Savunma234.86% Savunma / 293.36% Savunma252.7% Savunma / 315.64% Savunma270.54% Savunma / 337.92% Savunma288.38% Savunma / 360.2% Savunma306.22% Savunma / 382.48% Savunma324.05% Savunma / 404.76% Savunma341.89% Savunma / 427.04% Savunma
Keskin Paten 1 Vuruş Hasarı56.02% Savunma60.58% Savunma65.14% Savunma71.66% Savunma76.22% Savunma81.43% Savunma88.59% Savunma95.76% Savunma102.92% Savunma110.74% Savunma118.56% Savunma126.38% Savunma134.19% Savunma142.01% Savunma149.83% Savunma
Keskin Paten 2 Vuruş Hasarı55.05% Savunma59.53% Savunma64.01% Savunma70.41% Savunma74.89% Savunma80.01% Savunma87.05% Savunma94.09% Savunma101.13% Savunma108.82% Savunma116.5% Savunma124.18% Savunma131.86% Savunma139.54% Savunma147.22% Savunma
Keskin Paten 3 Vuruş Hasarı65.82% Savunma71.17% Savunma76.53% Savunma84.18% Savunma89.54% Savunma95.66% Savunma104.08% Savunma112.5% Savunma120.92% Savunma130.1% Savunma139.28% Savunma148.47% Savunma157.65% Savunma166.84% Savunma176.02% Savunma
Keskin Paten 4 Vuruş Hasarı86.03% Savunma93.03% Savunma100.03% Savunma110.04% Savunma117.04% Savunma125.04% Savunma136.04% Savunma147.05% Savunma158.05% Savunma170.05% Savunma182.06% Savunma194.06% Savunma206.07% Savunma218.07% Savunma230.07% Savunma
Yohual PençesiYohual Pençesi
Tutku dolu ritimler tüm ulusta yankılansın! Xilonen hızlı dövüşmek için keskin ekipmanlarını kuşanarak belirli bir mesafe ileriye atılır ve Savunmasına göre Gece Ruhu tesirli Toprak Hasarı verir.
Xilonen bundan sonra 45 Gece Ruhu puanı kazanarak Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumuna girer. Bu durumdayken Xilonen Keskin Paten moduna geçer.

Örnek Kaydı
Xilonen'in, diğer grup üyelerinin Element Türlerine göre Ses Manzaraları oluşturabildiği 3 Örnekleyicisi vardır. Bunları etkinleştirdiğinde yakındaki düşmanların bu Element Türlerine karşılık gelen Element Dirençlerini azaltır.
Her Örnekleyicideki ilk Örnek Kaydı Toprak elementidir ve Ateş/Su/Buz/Elektrik elementlerinden olan her bir grup üyesi için 1 Toprak Örnekleyicisi bu elementlerden birine dönüşür.
Xilonen Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken taşıdığı Toprak Örnek Kayıtları devamlı olarak etkin kalır. "Netotiliztli Yankıları" Pasif Yeteneğinin kilidi açıldığında Xilonen bu Yeteneğin etkilerini tetikleyerek kendisi için Gece Ruhu puanı yenileyebilir. Gece Ruhu puanları maksimum seviyeye ulaştığında tüm Gece Ruhu puanlarını tüketir ve 15 saniyeliğine elindeki 3 Örnek Kaydını etkinleştirir.
Örnek Kayıtları etkinken yakındaki düşmanların karşılık gelen Element Dirençleri azalır. Aynı Element Türüne ait Örnek Kayıtları birikmez. Xilonen, bu etkileri alanda değilken de tetikleyebilir.

Gece Ruhunun Lütfu: Xilonen
Devamlı olarak Gece Ruhu puanı tüketir, puanlar tükendiğinde ya da tekrar kullanıldığında mevcut Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumu sona erer. Bu durumun şu etkileri vardır:
·Keskin Paten durumuna geçerek Xilonen'in Hareket Hızı ve tırmanma hızını artırır, tırmanırken Oselo Formuna geçerek yüksek hızlı atlayışlar gerçekleştirebilir.
·Xilonen'in Gece Ruhunun Lütfu şu kısıtlamalara sahiptir: Bu durumdayken Xilonen'in Gece Ruhu puanlarının 9 saniyelik bir süre sınırı vardır. Bu sınır aşıldığında Gece Ruhu puanları derhal tükenir.

Xilonen, Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken Gece Ruhu puanları tükendiğinde artık "Netotiliztli Yankıları" Pasif Yeteneği ile Gece Ruhu puanı üretemez.

Mücevher işleme ile müzik yapmak arasında benzer prensipler vardır: Saf olmayanları filtrele ve yalnızca en parlak olanları tut.
Fakat Xilonen ikisini de çok sever, ikisinden de son derece keyif alır!
Atılma Hasarı179.2% Savunma192.64% Savunma206.08% Savunma224% Savunma237.44% Savunma250.88% Savunma268.8% Savunma286.72% Savunma304.64% Savunma322.56% Savunma340.48% Savunma358.4% Savunma380.8% Savunma403.2% Savunma425.6% Savunma
Element Direnci Azalması9%12%15%18%21%24%27%30%33%36%39%42%45%48%51%
Örnek Kaydı Etkinleşme Süresi15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn15sn
Gece Ruhu Puanı Süre Sınırı9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn9sn
Gece Ruhu Puanı Sınırı909090909090909090909090909090
Oselo Ritmi!Oselo Ritmi!
Filojiston Stereo Mikseri (Taşınabilir Versiyon) tam güçte etkinleştirerek Xilonen'in Savunmasına göre Gece Ruhu tesirli Toprak Alan Hasarı verir.

Ayrıca sahip olduğu farklı Örnek Kayıtlarına göre şu etkileri tetikler:
·Element Dönüşümü geçirmiş en az 2 Örnek Kaydı olduğunda Xilonen, Coşkulu Ritim çalarak belirli aralıklarla yakındaki aktif karakterleri Savunmasına göre iyileştirir.
·Element Dönüşümü geçirmiş Örnek Kaydı 2'den az olduğunda Xilonen, Ateşli Ritim çalarak iki farklı melodi daha ekler ve Savunmasına göre Gece Ruhu tesirli Toprak Alan Hasarı verir.

"Tamam, bir mola vakti geldi!"
"Sorun değil, bu kısmı kaydettim bile. Üzerine ritim eklediğimizde nasıl olacak bakalım!
Beceri Hasarı281.28% Savunma302.38% Savunma323.47% Savunma351.6% Savunma372.7% Savunma393.79% Savunma421.92% Savunma450.05% Savunma478.18% Savunma506.3% Savunma534.43% Savunma562.56% Savunma597.72% Savunma632.88% Savunma668.04% Savunma
Sürekli İyileştirme104% Savunma + 500.74111.8% Savunma + 550.82119.6% Savunma + 605.07130% Savunma + 663.5137.8% Savunma + 726.1145.6% Savunma + 792.88156% Savunma + 863.82166.4% Savunma + 938.94176.8% Savunma + 1018.24187.2% Savunma + 1101.71197.6% Savunma + 1189.35208% Savunma + 1281.16221% Savunma + 1377.15234% Savunma + 1477.31247% Savunma + 1581.65
Coşkulu Ritim Süresi12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn12sn
Takip Eden Melodi Hasarı281.28% Savunma302.38% Savunma323.47% Savunma351.6% Savunma372.7% Savunma393.79% Savunma421.92% Savunma450.05% Savunma478.18% Savunma506.3% Savunma534.43% Savunma562.56% Savunma597.72% Savunma632.88% Savunma668.04% Savunma
Enerji Maliyeti606060606060606060606060606060

Passive Skills

Dağlar Arasında YarışDağlar Arasında Yarış
Gece Ruhu Aktarımı tetiklendiğinde 10 Filojiston kazanılır ve Ateşli Takip etkisi tetiklenir: 10sn boyunca grup üyelerinin Hareket Hızı %15 artar.
Ateşli Takip etkileri birikmez.
Gece Diyarının Armağanı: Döküm Ateşinin LütfuGece Diyarının Armağanı: Döküm Ateşinin Lütfu
Xilonen, Gece Ruhu puanları tükendiğinde Filojiston harcayarak Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumunda kalmaya devam eder.
Xilonen, Natlan'da Filojiston Mekanikleri bulunan bir bölgedeyken "Gece Ruhu Aktarımı: Xilonen" kullanabilir. Aktif karakter depar atarken, tırmanırken, belirli Yeteneklerden kaynaklı bir hareket modundayken veya havada belirli bir yükseklikteyken Xilonen'e geçildiğinde şu etkiler tetiklenir: Xilonen, Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumuna girer ve 20 Gece Ruhu puanı kazanır. Bu durumdayken Xilonen'in Gece Ruhu puanlarının 4 saniyelik bir zaman sınırı olur, bundan sonra tüm Gece Ruhu puanları derhal tüketilir. Xilonen bu süre içerisinde Yohual Pençesi yeteneğini kullandığında Gece ruhu puanı zaman sınırı 9 saniyeye uzatılır. Gece Ruhu Aktarımı kendi takımın tarafından 10 saniyede bir tetiklenebilir.

Ayrıca Xilonen Natlan'da Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken tırmandığında Dayanıklılık tüketmez.
Netotiliztli YankılarıNetotiliztli Yankıları
Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken Xilonen'in Normal ve Havadan Saldırıları, mevcut Örnek Kaydı türüne göre şu güçlendirmeleri kazanır:
·Element Dönüşümüne girmiş en az 2 Örnek Kaydı olduğu zaman bir düşmana vurduğunda 35 Gece Ruhu puanı verir. Her 0,1 saniyede bir tetiklenebilir.
·Element Dönüşümüne girmiş Örnek Kaydı 2'den az olduğunda verilen Hasar %30 artar.
Taşınabilir Zırhlı KılıfTaşınabilir Zırhlı Kılıf
Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken Xilonen'in Gece Ruhu puanı en yüksek seviyeye ulaştığında Gece Ruhu Patlamasına eş değer bir etki tetikler. Bu etki her 14 saniyede bir tetiklenebilir.
Ayrıca yakındaki grup üyeleri bir Gece Ruhu Patlaması tetiklediğinde 15sn boyunca Xilonen'in Savunması %20 artar.


Yıllık İzinYıllık İzin
Xilonen'in Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken tükettiği Gece Ruhu puanı ve Filojiston %30 azalır, Gece Ruhu puanı zaman sınırı %45 uzar.
Ayrıca Xilonen'in Örnek Kayıtları etkinken yakındaki karakterlerin müdahale dirençleri de artar.
Chiucue MiksiChiucue Miksi
Xilonen'in Örnek Kayıtları etkinken yakındaki tüm grup üyeleri, kendi Element Türlerine denk gelen aktif Örnek Kayıtlara göre şu etkileri kazanır:
·Toprak: Kritik Oranı +%30.
·Ateş: Saldırı +%40.
·Su: Maks. Can +%40.
·Buz: Kritik Hasar +%50.
·Elektrik: 20 Enerji yeniler, Element Patlaması Bekleme Süresi 5sn kısalır.
Tonalpohualli DöngüsüTonalpohualli Döngüsü
Yohual Pençesi seviyesini 3 artırır.
Maksimum yükseltme seviyesi 15'tir.
Suchitl TransıSuchitl Transı
Xilonen Yohual Pençesi kullandıktan sonra yakındaki tüm grup üyelerine 15sn boyunca Görkem Lütfu etkisi verir. Görkem Lütfu alan karakterlerin Normal, Yüklü ve Havadan Saldırı Hasarı, Xilonen'in Savunmasının %65'i kadar artar. Bu etki 6 kere tetiklendiğinde veya süre sona erdiğinde iptal olur.
Birden fazla düşmana isabet ettiğinde tetiklenmeler vurulan düşman sayısına göre hesap edilir. Görkem Lütfuna sahip tüm grup üyeleri için tetiklenme sayısı ayrı hesaplanır.
Tlaltecuhtli GeçişiTlaltecuhtli Geçişi
Oselo Ritmi! Seviyesini 3 artırır.
Maksimum yükseltme seviyesi 15'tir.
Ölümsüz Gece KarnavalıÖlümsüz Gece Karnavalı
Xilonen Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken depar attığında, zıpladığında ve Normal ya da Havadan Saldırı yaptığında Ölümsüz Gece Kutsaması kazanır. Bu durumdayken Gece Ruhunun Lütfu sınırlamalarını yok sayar, 5sn boyunca Normal ve Havadan Saldırılarının verdiği Hasar artar.
Bu süre boyunca Gece Ruhunun Lütfu süre sınırının geri sayımı dondurulur. Xilonen'in Gece Ruhu puanları, Filojistonu ve Dayanıklılığı azalmaz, Gece Ruhu puanı en üst sınıra ulaştığında Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumu da sona ermez. Ayrıca Xilonen Gece Ruhunun Lütfu durumundayken Normal ve Havadan Saldırı Hasarı, Savunmasının %300'ü kadar artar.
Xilonen her 15 saniyede 1 Ölümsüz Gece Kutsaması kazanabilir.

Skill Ascension



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309 responses to “Xilonen”

  1. I don’t understand her gameplay. It feels like i need to do basic attacks, but i wanted to know if she works with DPSs that stay long on field….like Wriothesley

  2. v3 changes

    * Reverted back to normal. No more 15 Energy Burst and 1200% Additional DMG lol

    * Effect changed
    * OLD: When triggering Nightsoul Transmission, regenerates 10 Phlogiston and increases the movement SPD of characters in your party by 15% for 10s. This effect cannot stack.
    * NEW: When triggering Nightsoul Transmission, regenerates 15 Phlogiston.

    * When in C2, Xilonen’s Geo Source Samples are now always active.
    * Geo Effect from Source Sample changed to “DMG dealt +40%” from “CRIT Rate 30%”.

      • yesssssss, I think the changes to the C2 to Geo Damage Bonus from Crit Rate was done specifically to nerf Navia. Losing the Crit rate bonus is huge since Navia does most of her damage from her two shotgun blasts per rotation.

        Xilonen isn’t that much bettet than Chiori or Zhong Li now as Geo partners to Navia.

    • that’s a win for f2p actually, or at least those ones tempeted to pull for constellation
      that 30% rate was the main thing i saw, but if it becomes 40% it loses all its value
      my navia lost her personal c2 switched to xilonen, which is way better than 40% damage. my 100% rate is lost!
      thank you shittoyo for being retard as always! now my primos are safe at c0
      hahahe idiots

        • to try switch to crit dmg hat as almost everyone do, and unless a 270CV value build, you’ll never overcap crit rate as you say
          the average build with her weapon is 60/70 rate and 200/220 damage, if you reach 90 rate you have a low damage and that’s why you have your build and, on the opposite, we can get her c2

          • switch? there’s no need to switch because i already i used CRIT DAMAGE circlet. and fyi my navia have 2.1k atk with 228% crit damage, so her damage isn’t low at all

      • dude, you can get those crit rate from artifact sub stats or weapon, having 100% crit cate is kinda overkill tbh, changing to damage dealt was obliviously better for more damage buff when most players already have well build navia

    • Actually sad to see the movement speed buff stripped. I know it doesn’t mean much to the ‘meta’ but movement speed buffs are really nice in and out of combat quality of life.

  3. this one sentence really confuses me “Xilonen can trigger these effects even when off-field.”. it suggests to me that she does not lose her points when switched out, stays in nightsoul belssing and is somehow even able to get points with hits while off-field? does she have to be the one hitting the enemies? what does the sentence refer to otherwise?
    (please don’t make assumptions and present them as truth otherwise mention it with sth. like “I think..”, thanks!)

    • oh nvm. I think I found the anwser by myself and didn‘t see the paragraph as a whole. „trigger“ referse to enemies nearby getting res shreded that would make way more sense.
      So does this mean no off-field nightsoul blessing (like mualani)?

    • The quoted phrase continues grammatically from the previous phrase “*Source Sample effects* of the same Elemental Type cannot stack. Xilonen can trigger *these effects* even when off-field.”

    • I don’t think she needs ER, since her kit seems to be more skill oriented. I’d say def/def/def or def/def/heal. both should work fine in theory, but idk for sure until she releases

      • You know, all her DEF scaling is for her Damage and her Heal. All her support abilities doesn’t scale at all, so i thought maybe it will be better to have ER for more frequent ulti. To stack furina faster etc.

  4. does anyone know why genshin GI calculator always has data before genshin aspirine? i find the latter WAY better than the first one (I can swtich chara for exaple without losing everything, and that’s so stupid on genshin GI…) but every time we have to way at least untile that chara’s release…

    • dunno if she still has a geo sample when 3 other elements are in your team and what sample hast priority but as long as there is one geo sample -> without c2 obsidian and with c2 husk otherwise you overcap crate soon or later. better having crate, cdmg and def% in your substats than only cdmg and def% and especially with circlet.

  5. I understand that there is a lot of excitement over Xilonen promise as a support character, but I do feel that her potential as a Main DPS is being underestimated.

    After looking over her kit and checking the earlier comments on her page, I see a main DPS Xilonen has two main playstyles:

    1. Mono-Geo Normal Attacker
    2. Plunge Attacker with Xianyun


    Normal/Auto Attack Xilonen is the more typical build. Most of her damage would come from her auto attacks while in the Blade Roller mode from her skill (which gets a 30% damage bonus when in a Mono Geo team). Still, her burst would also a good source of her damage due to it hitting 3 times (essentially triple the damage of her support build in exchange for having no healing. I will assume that simply attacking does not drain her Nightsoul points faster and that it will be fairly typical for her to say in her Blade Roller mode for the full 9 second duration (at C0).


    For teammates:

    Gorou is mandatory because his flat defense bonus giving a strong boost to Xiolnen’s damage. His other buffs (particularly the Bonus Geo Damage, minor healing form C4, and Geo Crit Damage at C6) is crucial in assuring Xilonen will be able to maximize her damage.

    Her second teammate would be a flex Geo Unit:

    A Sub DPS :
    Albedo and Chiori as 5* characters will give the most raw damage.
    Kachina, who contributes noticeably less damage but can use the Cinder City Set to give an additional 40% Geo Damage bonus to Xilonen.
    Ningguang does more damage than Kachina with her skill and burst and can give a 12% Geo Damage bonus if Xilonen runs through her shield.

    A Support:
    Zhong Li, for his shield and additional resistance shred
    Yun Jin, to buff Xilonen’s normal attacks

    The third teammate could either be another of the above Geo Units not being used or a PECH (Pyro, Electro, Cyro, or Hydro) flex unit.

    I believe such a team would be *roughly equivalent to Itto in terms of raw damage. Itto would probably have better AOE damage while Xilonen woulds be more single target. But they are probably would be close enough that it would be difficult to ascertain a clear edge to one or the other.


    The Plunge Attack Style is more restrictive but would have a higher damage ceiling, as a Xilonen plunge attack does around twice the damage of Xilonen’s normal attacks, with more AOE.
    For teammates, Gorou is again mandatory, but so is Xianyun to allow Xilonen to use plunge attacks. The last slot would be a flex slot, but Furina would be the best choice.

    The Plunge Attacker style would have a higher damage ceiling, being closer in strength to Navia than Itto. One issue is that this team is a worse variant of Xiao’s best team (Xiao, Faruzan, Xianyun, and Furina) but it would be a tad cheaper as Gorou’s C6 is not mandatory.


    For Best Artifacts Sets there are to main options:

    Obsidian Codex is the best one since it is the Natlan Main DPS set. The 40% crit rate and 15% all-damage bonus is hard to pass up.
    Husk of Opulent Dreams is the other artifact set. Has the advantage of being older (so it may already be farmed with good sub-stats already) and can be strongboxed. However, the additional defense it gives is less valuable since Xilonen already gets a lot of Defense from her other sources.


    For Xilonen’s weapons:

    BiS for Mono-Geo Normal Attacker would be Uraku Misugiri (Chiori’s Signature). Xilonen loves the massive Crit Damage % the Normal Attack DMG increase. She can still make use of the Elemental Skill DMG increase since her skill does do damage upon activation, so the increase is not wasted. The additional defense also helps.

    Peak Patrol Song (Xilonen’s Signature) is BiS for the Plunge Attack and probably second best for the Normal Attacker. The increases in Normal and Plunge attack crit rate and crit damage will be useful and maxing it out (or getting close to it) should be doable. The elemental damage bonus for teammates will be less useful for Main DPS Xilonen, but as long as the team has at least one strong Sub0DPS character it will not be wasted.


    Other 5* weapons:

    Mistsplitter would be a good option for both variants (although the Plunge Attacker will need to do a normal attack occasional to trigger one of the elemental bonus damage stacks. The sub stat being crit damage is a positive, although it is lower than Uraku Misugiri.

    Haran Geppaku would be good for the Normal Attacker, but be wary of overcapping on Crit Rate with this weapon if Obsidian Codex is being used and if C2 is active for Xilonen.

    PJC is another good weapon for both variant, but has even higher crit rate, so again caution to make sure crit rate is not going over 100%.


    4* and 3* weapons:

    The battle pass weapon Black Sword is probably the best 4* option for the Normal Attacker, particularly at R5, due to the large Normal attack bonus (40%). The healing properties are unfortunately mostly wasted since that scales off attack. It is a Crit Rate weapon, so caution is advised to prevent an overcap.
    Flute of Ezpitzal is tailor made for Xilonen thanks to all the defense it gives and since it is craftable it should be the primary option for FTP players.

    The 3* Harbinger of Dawn is an intriguing option due to it’s Crit Damage Sub stat and crit rate effect, but it basically mandates a shield, and over capping on crit rate can still be an issue. But it is at least a cheap option if nothing else is available.


    In, conclusion, barring major changes in the beta period, Xilonen seems set to surpass the Geo Archon himself as the best Geo character upon her release. While this entirely based of her supportive playstyle, Main DPS Xilonen should be very viable for players who actually want to see her onfield.

    • The difference between main dps and support is night and day, she contributes more as a support. Not doing so would result in a huge dps loss and it will feel wasteful

    • i think using kachina with scroll set would warrant an off-field PECH teammate to proc the crystallize reaction and activate the geo bonus. a mono geo would only work if the enemies have an existing elemental aura to trigger the crystallize and activate the 4pc effect of the artifact. a c6 thoma or c6 candace would do the job, and can also provide normal attack damage bonus for xilonen.

    • have you considered the massive 506% + 1200% def on her burst (if it does count as one instance, then it will be 506% + 2400%). also 5s cd and 15 energy. is this real?

      she can burst twice during nightsoul if it is.

      one ardent beat is close to a Navia Nuke, but its AoE.

      team is Kachina Gorou Xilonen (hopefully Mavuika) to reach 3 natlan character. the team make sense. it has a niche for shield bosses (the geo bosses). the 4th slot should be a claymore for more blunt attacks.

      it seems many will pull Xilo and Mavuika, kachina is free, just pray for gorou c6 (likely in Xilonen Chiori banner).

      I see this because Navia can almost one shot wayob’s white shield (with full charged E), and wayob white shield act similar to geo shield. We have 2 shield bosses and they both like to be in abyss together when there is a geo character banner. (anti gravity fontaine local legend and the horse statue).

      using geo is way faster than overload. if one have Navia than rather use Navia Xilo Bennett flex for these situations.

      • The 1200% DEF, 5s CD and 15 Energy thing is not real. It’s a data error from the EN localisation. She still has 60 Energy and a 15s CD, and she still deals 506% + 506% Skill DMG with Burst. The CHS version has the right data, though.

        Hopefully they’ll fix it by Monday, but assume her v1 Elemental Burst stats for now.

    • Here’s why I think Xilonen dps is a bad idea for meta: Just use Itto

      You are free to use whichever character you like. DPS Xilonen can still clear most of the content genshin throws at you but I am pretty sure no dps xilonen variant can top itto in terms of DPS

      1st: lets look at both their scalings. Itto scales off of atk, converts his def to atk, while xilonen is only def. This essentially means that itto will always have 2x more atk than xilonen’s def. Hence, for fair comparison, xilonen’s 506% burst dmg is a bit less than half of Ushi’s damage (Ushi scaling at max lvl is 552%). The additional beat take it to 1.5 times Ushi damage, but Ushi CD is 10s, while xilonen burst CD is 15s. That means itto’s E skill has slightly higher damage than xilonen’s burst skill

      Same can be applied to normal attacks and plunge attacks scalings for xilonen. Gotta halve them to be able to compare to itto’s multiplyers. Itto’s 1 charged attack deals slighlty more damage than xilonen’s 1st 3 Normal attacks combined, or 1.5 of xilonen’s plunge which is pretty bad. This is not considering itto’s final slash which is basically double of all these numbers. However, this calculation is done without buffers in mind. Lets look at the buffer options you mentioned

      1st thing, I’m going to ignore gorou here because he’s used for both itto and xilonen, so no need to bring him in this comparison (unless…). The difference lies in xianyun + furina, yunjin/chiori/kachina + Zhongli. 1 thing I’d like to mention that you may have skipped over is that the new artifact only gives DMG bonus if there is a reaction related to the artifact holder’s element. So if you run kachina, you have to run a PECH unit too. The best option for it is again, furina & xianyun combo but that is when our boy gorou comes in clutch for itto (no space for gorou in kachina xilonen team). So lets forget kachina here.

      The elephant in the room is the chiori + zhongli combo vs furina + xianyun combo. Here’s what chiori + zhongli give you:
      – More geo RES shred
      – Insane additional geo damage onto already negative geo res enemies
      Here’s what furina + xianyun give you:
      – Teamwide DMG increase (only xilonen makes real use of it anyway)
      – Increased plunge DMG (to raise plunge damage to maybe same as 1 itto’s charged attack)
      – Moderate off field dmg

      There is a clear winner here if you ask me. Furina + Xianyun can maybe raise xilonen’s 1 plunge damage beyond 1 itto’s slash, but the difference there is overturned by chiori’s own damage potential. Furina’s off field dmg is no match for chiori. And again, once Itto releases that final stack charged attack, he can take the lead again. This is not considering animation lengths, if you consider animation lengths, itto is again much faster than plunge spam.

      That leaves yunjin. Yunjin team building is a bit clunky. We have already established that plunge spam is worse than mono geo. If you go xilonen mono geo with yunjin, the best team I can think of is Xilonen, yunjin, gorou, flex geo. Flex geo can be zhongli or albedo. Zhongli boosts xilonen damage, albedo is a 2nd source of damage. No chiori here because this team doesn’t have a construct. Going zhongli route will be a huge dps loss in exchange for sustenance, going albedo will be a decent dps in exchange to little or no sustenance.
      Yunjin can raise xilonen dmg so that her 1st 3 normal attacks go slightly above itto’s 1 slash, which is very comparable specially considering her c6. The difference again comes down to chiori vs yunjin or chiori vs albedo. In both cases, chiori is a clear winner.

      Hence I conclude, for DMG only: Itto mono geo > mono geo xilonen > xilonen plunge

      Here is a more interesting thought for xilonen team: Xilonen, Zhongli, Chiori, Albedo. I hate using albedo, but until we get another off field geo dps, albedo will have to do. The idea for this team revolves around enemies having negative geo res while xilonen is on field, boosting chiori and albedo damage off the charts

      • This analysis is really helpful for my DPS Xilonen needs… I have no desire to pull or use Itto or Noelle so rn it’s either Xilonen or Ningguang (i have C6)… I wonder whether Xilonen-supported Ningguang (Furina+Bennett) or onfield Xilonen herself will be better… I do think you forgot something though, Xilonen only starts with 45 Nightsoul points to enable her infusion & Geo shred and has no way to get more outside Natlan without 2 PECH teammates (hence why Navia/Ningguang want Furina+Bennett) – i believe it drains at a consistent rate of 1 point per second, so in both mono Geo and Xianyun, thats only 4.5s infusion or Geo shred… Meaning we might have to go Mika+Furina or something to give her 9s of normal attacks…

      • While i really want to use on-field Xilonen due to not wanting Itto, not wanting to use Noelle, not having Navia and finding (C6) Ningguang underwhelming, i think you overlooked that since Xilonen can’t increase her infusion/geo shred (Nightsoul Blessing) duration without Phlogiston or 2 PECH samples/teammates, both Xianyun plunge and mono geo Xilonen (even as a support) won’t work for longer than 4.5 seconds… She could work if you use Mika+Furina for NAs or swap Gorou for a PECH off-field DPS/shielder in plunge though? And she’ll work as a geo support for Navia/Ningguang with Furina+Bennett still…

        • So 1 thing you might be overlooking is that if xilonen has 2 PECH units, her nightsoul state ends after 2 NAs outside Natlan. Her skill states that once her nightsoul points hit maximum, she consumes all of them to activate samples, hence, exitting the nightsoul state (outside natlan). I am not sure about her nightsoul consumption information so I don’t know if 4.5s duration is accurate, but if it is then yes that does sound a bit concerning for her onfield dps role

      • Someone, I appreciate the feedback you and others have given to my post on dPS Xilonen. I admit alot of what I said is speculation based on what I know, and I did not try to do any actual calculations.

        I know Itto actually scales of attack. However, players are obviously going to focus on defense due to the burst’s defense to attack conversion. So it’s probably closer to about 1.5x, rather than 2x attack for itto compared to defense for Xilonen. Also her natural Geo defense shred should help make up for stat deficit.

        Even if Xilonen is closer in DPS output to C6 Noelle (without Furina), than Itto,that would still make her a decent Main DPS for end game content. But until she is finished and officially released, what I say is still mostly speculation.

        • It is all speculation ofcourse, but atleast it is deterministic & not probabilistic.

          I would argue that its closer to 2x than 1.5x for itto scaling stat anyway because itto benefits from both atk% and def% from main/sub artifact stats and weapon buffs. Mine can easily reach 4k atk, and I expect xilonen’s to be around 2-2.5k max. I will admit that I overlooked her own geo res shred. For that, let us consider a typical 30% elemental res mob. With itto, it will drop dmg by 0.9, for xilonen, it will increase dmg by 1.13. the difference is roughly 25%, so all xilonen multipliers will be 25% stronger, raising the comparison to 1.25 to 2 or 1 to 1.6 for 2x itto scaling or 1 to 1.2 for 1.5x itto scaling

          And yes, I did mention that she is definitely viable and can be used for abyss as onfield dps, I still doubt if she can top itto

  6. Not up to date with her kit, but are people saying she’s bad in a Mono Geo team with Itto exaggerating it? Her burst scaling seems pretty big on Mono Geo, and the healing also seems redundant for the team.

    • They are not. Best she does in mono geo is replace Itto himself.
      Her burst dmg multipliyer is low. I think the 1200% def thingy is a mistranslation as pointed out in a different comment. Same for that 5 second CD & 15 energy cost. Before this change, the multiplyer for additional beats was same as the Skill DMG multiplyer, which is more balanced and not very powerful in terms of dps

    • In a triple geo+Furina team the only healer is Gorou so Furina’s ult doesn’t stack very fast
      She’s still an improvement but it feels like they really don’t want Itto and Furina together
      Noelle suffers a lot less from this because she heals the team herself

    • genshin community exaggerating is a safe bet as far as im concerned.
      i cant imagine this character being bad in any comp other than dendro/anemo comp.

      go itto>gorou>xilonen>zhongli and just be happy.

    • She does shred geo in mono team but the problem is it only applies to her. if you don’t fill up her nightsoul she doesn’t give team buffs. you have to fill up nightsoul to apply geo shred to the rest of team. Her Burst only heals in PHEC team meaning in mono geo you would still need zhongli.
      Her C1 doesn’t buff team but she will extend her nightsoul state longer.
      Her C2 is actually a really big buff but if she leaves field she can’t apply 30% crit rate to mono geo because it require she activate sampler.
      30% crit means you can swap out circlet for 60% crit dmg.
      C3 Adds +3 talent for E skill and don’t forget, she can’t activate geo shred to team but herself.
      C4 i think it will rework, 65% of xilonen DEF% converts to normal/charge attacks for entire team for only 6 hits. good dmg for my c6 itto but still kinda disappointing only 6 enhanced hits.
      C5 levels up burst by 3 talents(remember she does not heal in mono geo)
      C6 boost her normal dmg.
      Her weapon buffs team by doing normal attacks that will give 25% elemental dmg, her weapon will work in mono geo. I feel if you R5 xilonen weapon better value for mono geo instead of going for constellations.
      most of her supportive capabilities disabled in mono geo. I really wish hoyo made a geo character that supports mono and rainbow teams where everyone wins. As a mono geo main i am high disappointed but at least doing better than physical and cryo lol. hoyo basically neglected physical.

      Forgot to mention, her artifact can work in mono geo team no PHEC required. Here is how…just attack enemies like slimes or fatui shields. they have an elemental aura applied to them by default. the second piece of the puzzle, if you hit them you create a crystalize reaction and bound to get the 40% geo dmg bonus if you do reaction with kachina or xilonen


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