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Skills |
Skill Ascension |
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Quotes |
Stories |
Lv | HP | Atk | Def | CritRate% | CritDMG% | Bonus Atk% | Materials | Total Materials |
1 | 775 | 20.48 | 49.21 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
20 | 1991 | 52.61 | 126.43 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 1 3 3 20000 | 1 3 3 20000 |
20+ | 2570 | 67.91 | 163.19 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
40 | 3850 | 101.72 | 244.45 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 3 2 10 15 40000 | 1 13 18 60000 3 2 |
40+ | 4261 | 112.59 | 270.57 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 6.0% | ||
50 | 4901 | 129.51 | 311.22 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 6.0% | 6 4 20 12 60000 | 1 33 18 120K 9 6 12 |
50+ | 5450 | 144.0 | 346.05 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 12.0% | ||
60 | 6090 | 160.92 | 386.7 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 12.0% | 3 8 30 18 80000 | 1 63 18 200K 9 14 30 3 |
60+ | 6501 | 171.79 | 412.82 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 12.0% | ||
70 | 7141 | 188.68 | 453.42 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 12.0% | 6 12 45 12 100K | 1 108 18 300K 9 26 30 9 12 |
70+ | 7552 | 199.55 | 479.55 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 18.0% | ||
80 | 8192 | 216.47 | 520.2 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 18.0% | 6 20 60 24 120K | 1 168 18 420K 9 46 30 9 36 6 |
80+ | 8604 | 227.34 | 546.32 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 24.0% | ||
90 | 9244 | 244.26 | 586.97 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 24.0% |
Active Skils
普通攻击·宿灵闪箭 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
进行至多三段的连续弓箭射击。 进行伤害更高、更为精准的 瞄准时,雷元素会凭附在箭矢上。聚满了雷元素的箭矢会造成 从空中射出箭雨,并迅速下坠冲击地面,在落地时造成范围伤害。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
暝色缒索 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
欧洛伦将烟谜主亘古传承的秘术具现为暝色的 附近存在其他敌人时,宿灵球将在附近的敌人间弹跳,造成具有夜魂性质的 进行3次弹跳或附近没有可以被选为目标的敌人时,宿灵球将消失。 「人们总是想要预见未来,但那或许是因为他们还没有找到自己该做的事…抱歉,又在说难懂的话了。」 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
特殊跳跃 | |||||||||||||||||
如果角色在纳塔地区,长按后可以消耗燃素进行二段火箭跳,当燃素耗尽时将转为消耗体力进行二段跳跃。 | |||||||||||||||||
黯声回响 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
欧洛伦唤起远古的秘仪,造成具有夜魂性质的 ·持续嘲讽周围的敌人,吸引敌人攻击; ·持续旋转并发射音波,对附近的敌人造成具有夜魂性质的 拥有足够感知的人,能够听见万物细微的声响。那样即便是在无光的长夜,也不会失去行路的方向。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Passive Skills
皮行的巧技 | |
队伍中自己的角色滑翔时移动速度提高15%。 无法与效果完全相同的固有天赋叠加。 |
夜域赐礼·流雾跃影 | |
在纳塔存在燃素机制的区域时,能够进行夜魂传递·欧洛伦。当前场上角色位于空中时,切换欧洛伦登场时触发:欧洛伦将高高腾跃而起。自己的队伍每10秒可以触发一次夜魂传递。 长按瞄准时,欧洛伦会进入「灵觉」状态,处于这种状态下时,欧洛伦可以与「灵谜涂鸦」和「灵谜纹」交互,提取其中的信息与力量,这些物件的交互规则沿袭暝视龙的交互规则。 此外,长按跳跃时,欧洛伦将消耗75点体力腾跃而起;在纳塔存在燃素机制的区域时,欧洛伦会优先消耗5点燃素,腾跃至更高的高度。 位于空中时,欧洛伦可以长按普通攻击,消耗燃素或体力进行瞄准。 |
夜翳的通感 | |
队伍中的附近的角色触发「夜魂迸发」后,欧洛伦将获得40点夜魂值。施放元素战技后的15秒内,队伍中其他角色的元素类型为 欧洛伦的夜魂值上限为80点。 此外,附近的敌人受到 欧洛伦的夜魂加持状态持续至多6秒。 |
灵相的触媒 | |
元素战技 队伍中附近的当前场上角色普攻、重击或下落攻击命中敌人后,将为该角色恢复3点元素能量;若欧洛伦处于队伍后台,还会为欧洛伦恢复3点元素能量。该效果每1秒至多触发一次,在持续期间内至多触发3次。 |
林雾间的行迹 | |
元素战技 此外, |
藏蜜酒的王蜂 | |
施放元素爆发 获得8% 此外,持续期间,元素爆发 |
栖地蝠的灵笼 | |
元素爆发 至多提升至15级。 |
如夜风的谜烟 | |
元素爆发 此外,施放 |
为心魂的献礼 | |
元素战技 至多提升至15级。 |
致深泉的颂赞 | |
触发固有天赋「夜翳的通感」的「显象超感」后,会使队伍中自己的当前场上角色的攻击力提升10%,持续9秒。该效果至多叠加3层,每层独立计算持续时间。 此外,施放元素爆发 该效果需要解锁固有天赋「夜翳的通感」。 |
Skill Ascension
Title | EN | CN | JP | KR |
Party Switch | ||||
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP | ||||
Party Switch under 30% HP | ||||
Opening Chest | ||||
Normal Attack | ||||
Medium Attack | ||||
Heavy Attack | ||||
Taking Damage (Low) | ||||
Taking Damage (High) | ||||
Battle Skill #1 | ||||
Battle Skill #3 | ||||
loc_combat_sound_1000500 | ||||
Sprinting Starts | ||||
Jumping | ||||
loc_combat_sound_1010102 | ||||
Climbing | ||||
Heavy Breathing (Climbing) | ||||
Open World Gliding (Start) | ||||
Open World Idle | ||||
Fainting |
Audio Language:
Title | VoiceOver |
初次见面… | |
闲聊·怪人 | |
闲聊·目标 | |
闲聊·迷烟 | |
下雨的时候… | |
打雷的时候… | |
下雪的时候… | |
阳光很好… | |
在沙漠的时候… | |
早上好… | |
中午好… | |
晚上好… | |
晚安… | |
关于欧洛伦自己·交流 | |
关于欧洛伦自己·未解之谜 | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于我们·道歉 | * 完成「命定将焚的虹光」剧情 |
关于我们·谢礼 | * 好感等级达到6后开启 |
关于「神之眼」… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
有什么想要分享… | |
感兴趣的见闻… | |
关于希诺宁… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于基尼奇… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于恰斯卡… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于伊法… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于茜特菈莉… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于伊安珊… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于玛薇卡… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
关于「队长」… | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
想要了解欧洛伦·其一 | |
想要了解欧洛伦·其二 | * 好感等级达到3后开启 |
想要了解欧洛伦·其三 | * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
想要了解欧洛伦·其四 | * 好感等级达到5后开启 |
想要了解欧洛伦·其五 | * 好感等级达到6后开启 |
欧洛伦的爱好… | |
欧洛伦的烦恼… | |
喜欢的食物… | |
讨厌的食物… | * 完成「命定将焚的虹光」剧情 |
收到赠礼·其一 | |
收到赠礼·其二 | |
收到赠礼·其三 | |
生日… | |
突破的感受·起 | * 突破等级「1」阶后开启 |
突破的感受·承 | * 突破等级「2」阶后开启 |
突破的感受·转 | * 突破等级「4」阶后开启 |
突破的感受·合 | * 突破等级「6」阶后开启 |
元素战技·其一 | |
元素战技·其二 | |
元素战技·其三 | |
元素爆发·其一 | |
元素爆发·其二 | |
元素爆发·其三 | |
打开宝箱·其一 | |
打开宝箱·其二 | |
打开宝箱·其三 | |
生命值低·其一 | |
生命值低·其二 | |
生命值低·其三 | |
同伴生命值低·其一 | |
同伴生命值低·其二 | |
倒下·其一 | |
倒下·其二 | |
倒下·其三 | |
重受击·其一 | |
重受击·其二 | |
加入队伍·其一 | |
加入队伍·其二 | |
加入队伍·其三 |
Title | Text |
角色详细 | 烟谜主的领地位于纳塔心脏,也就是圣火竞技场的西方向。远远望去,是山谷里一团紫幽幽的光。 烟谜主的成员也给人留下差不多的印象:深远,神秘,喜欢说难懂的话。除非为了行医或者占卜之类的委托出门,不然不常现身。 欧洛伦是个例外。但这并不是说他喜欢往人群里扎堆,而是更喜欢在野外探索。他朝着人迹罕至的方向越跑越远,十头突角龙也拉不回来。 这里的人迹罕至不只是字面上的意思。但凡和他说过话的人都知道,想跟上他的思维的确有些难,是对天赋与努力的双重考验。 然而产生这种考验也并非欧洛伦的本意,就像他做很多事、说很多话的原因其实都非常简单,不必过度解读。 举个例子。曾有好心人路过他在野外的住所,面露担忧地问他:「你一个人住在这里…是因为和部族里的同胞闹别扭了吗?需要帮忙吗?」 「当然不是。」 欧洛伦停下手里摆弄花藤的工作,站起身向周围的蜜虫示意,颇为认真地回应道:「只是这些小家伙很中意这里,而我也很乐意陪着它们。」 |
角色故事1 | 因为有古名的存在,所以连带着纳塔人都很看重名字这件事。欧洛伦也受成长环境的影响,喜欢给身边的各种东西——无论喘气的还是不喘气的——起名字。 有些名字会跟随那些事物一辈子:花会凋谢,杯子会打碎,它们的名字陪伴了它们或短暂或漫长的一生,哪怕只有一分钟的效用,也已物有所值。 而有些名字会中途变更。不是欧洛伦的心情变了,而是名字的主人因为经历了一些事情改变,自然而然会需要更适合它们的名字。比如一条龙如果越长越胖,你就不能再叫他「小纸条」了,对吧? 不过他倒也不是很在意名字的含义。因为第一,他起的名字都很直白,一眼就能看出是什么意思。第二,他起名只是为了方便指代,并无其他用意,也就不存在专门为了寄托某种情感而存在的名字——名字都很宝贵,是中性的、平等的,让沟通更加便利。 即使是他自己的名字,他也如此对待。唯一不同的是,他的确不清楚自己的名字是什么意思。 欧洛伦这个名字是在他被人发现时就写在他襁褓内侧的。他查了些古书,又问了几位长辈,都没人知道同样的名字,更不用提含义。 难不成是奶奶年纪大,布料上的字又模糊,所以看错了? 但这个问题就只能自己想想,不可直接去问了,不然会吃奶奶送的脑瓜崩。 * 好感等级达到2后开启 |
角色故事2 | 烟谜主的人喜欢用织物记录故事、传说与历史种种。有别于平实的文字记述,用布匹与织线勾勒出的图案必不可能如此详尽,它们多是抽象与概念化过的纹样与线条,并且多半带着编织者本人的感情色彩。 换言之,其中再创作的成分非常之高。哪些是主体,哪些是背景,哪些需要突出又有哪些需要简化,都是需要编织者去思考与创作的。 道理听上去并不复杂,却难倒了欧洛伦。 首先,他不想分主次。人物与背景,房屋与山川,在他心里同等重要,应当分配等比例的编织材料。哪怕是地里的一棵肉龙掌,他也想展现出上面的露珠,跟部族里爷爷奶奶们脸上的皱纹一样,在布面上熠熠生辉。 这就又产生了第二个问题,他对制作织物的耐心实在有限。为公平起见,只能将门口大树和树下的人影用同等层次的线条来表现。如此一来,布面上的东西都简化到了一定的程度,最后的成品已经不能称之为织卷,只能说是条有点花纹的毛巾。 有些东西是很难教会的,尤其是涉及到极需天赋的艺术领域。鉴于孩子本人已在其他方面——比如感知灵魂、勘测地脉上——展现出了过人的本领,部族里的老师傅们也就放弃了让欧洛伦精进此艺,只当这是他的课余选修,随孩子喜欢怎么玩就怎么玩吧。 欧洛伦也非常擅长得寸进尺,后来甚至连布料毛线也不用了,只取来纸笔,画完了事。也是,只需唰唰几笔的东西,又何必吭哧吭哧地织在布上呢?更何况烟谜主的人也的确有些涂鸦的本事,导致其他部族的人看到欧洛伦的画,都以为是些带有古老祝福的咒纹,脸上露出敬畏的神情。 而实际上,欧洛伦几乎没画过什么特别有用的东西。其中最有意义,画得也最认真的,是伊法诊所前的告示牌。其线条流畅,色彩鲜艳,并且—— 「因为受伤的龙翅膀上绑了绷带很可怜,所以我在它身上花了更多心思。虽然它占的画面很小,但用到的笔墨和画你时的一模一样。」 「行。」伊法看着欧洛伦坚定的双眼,心情平静,「从没见过如此栩栩如生的我。真的很感谢你,亲爱的哥们。」 * 好感等级达到3后开启 |
角色故事3 | 溺爱者人恒溺爱之。正因为欧洛伦热爱着自然界的万千生灵,所以这片土地的人和物也都善待着他。 ——笑话,根本没有这样的道理。人们对待欧洛伦的态度大多友善,但原因与他对大自然的热爱并没有必然联系。 一种原因是出于同情:一个从山里捡来的弃婴,无亲无故,想自己活下去是根本不可能的事情。顺手帮忙,送些吃的或者衣服也不是什么难事,而一个健康长大的孩子能带来的满足感远超于此,何乐而不为呢。 还有的原因是因为单纯的好感:欧洛伦(大多数时候)是如此地听话,(一般情况下)诚实、安静、懂事,努力好学,对上房揭瓦之类调皮捣蛋的事情从未展现过兴趣。甚至在无师自通学会了种菜养蜜虫之后,都能自己养活自己了。这种不(常)给身边人添麻烦的特性出现在一个年轻小伙子身上,实在很容易招人喜欢。 而最后一种原因——也是出现概率最少的原因,是出于愧疚。因为他天生残缺的灵魂,部族曾经在刚刚得到他的时候,试图用这种特殊的体质试验一种拯救纳塔地脉的办法。幸或不幸,这种牺牲个体的办法行不通。这避免了一些争论不出结果的伦理问题,但也给一些长辈们心中留下了难以启齿的愧意。 欧洛伦长大后自然得知了此事——掩藏毫无意义,反正会徒增多余的问题。对于这点欧洛伦毫无怨言,甚至可以说是很满意——因为无论现实有多么艰难,他都不希望生活在虚假之中。 他对人们关照他的原因也都一清二楚。无论是因为同情、喜爱,还是愧疚,亦或这几种互相掺杂,他都敢照单全收。 按照伊法的说法,人的社会关系极其复杂,与其花费很多工夫去揣测他们的心路历程,不如只看他们的结论与行动就好,这样可以大大降低精神压力。既然大家对自己都十分关照,那么他也会回馈以同等的善意。对,事情就是如此简单。 「还好我是兽医。」伊法边比划边说,「要知道,如果我是给人看病的医生,要面对的情况可就复杂多了…」 伊法好像列举了很多与生病看病有关的奇人异事,但欧洛伦听着听着就走神了。再怪,能比自己的情况还怪吗? 说到这个…从某种角度来讲,我也是病人,还是治不好的那种,欧洛伦想。再多思考一步,因为长着和一般人不一样的耳朵,又或许自己应该算是生病的动物?嗯…话又说回来,人算动物吗? 思考至此,欧洛伦打断伊法绵绵不绝的讲述,问道:「我生病的话应该去找兽医吗?」 伊法停住话头,瞪了他好一会儿。 「…我刚才讲了那么多,你一句也没听,对吗?」 「不要回避你不想回答的问题,把困境转移到我这里来是没用的。」 * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
角色故事4 | 如果你有空闲和耐心翻遍烟谜主的古籍与织卷,那你一定会惊异于其内容涵盖面之广泛。 打个比方说,几百年前就断了连载的稻妻轻小说,究竟是谁需要看? 再比如说,这个烧过纸灰的三千六百种形态分析与预言应用记录…又是谁在整理? 不管之前这些东西怎么来的,事到如今令人有些难过的是,它们现在是欧洛伦在看,欧洛伦在整理。 起初,他只是想查查看历史上是否有残缺灵魂出现过的记录,但紧接着地脉啊夜神啊幽灵啊之类的关键词就冲了出来,再后来纪实文学和幻想小说也紧随而至,再后来堆积如苦种的资料变得一发不可收拾,欧洛伦变成了免费的图书管理员,已经完全溺水在了与自己无关的知识之海中。 其实我也并没有那么好奇…欧洛伦有些疲惫。但转念一想,他似乎也没什么别的要事可做;并且,这段漫长的阅读也不算一无所获。 目前看起来最合理的解释,竟然来自一本封面残破的精怪故事集。里面写到,远在魔神战争时期,有些魔神为了赢得胜利,尝试将兽类的血脉与人类融合,以求获得能力超越普通人的战士。试验多数以失败告终,但也有少数残品留存了下来,甚至延续至今。 听上去挺是那么一回事的,但这是一本故事集啊…欧洛伦想。 虽然这是一本故事集,但听上去还挺是那么一回事的…欧洛伦又想。 从务实的角度来看,靠他仅有二十几岁的小脑瓜来想,就算把毛想秃也不可能得到真相。有的时候,人要承认并接受自己的无能和无知,或者选择编点故事逗自己玩。 最后欧洛伦实在不想再看字了,于是花了几分钟,想出了一段最为简洁明了的托辞—— 就像拼图游戏。当你想把不匹配的碎片接到一起时,那必定会产生扭曲、磕碰,甚至破损。而在二十几年前的某一天,他就是那块破损的拼图碎片,不巧落到了一块冷冰冰的石头上。 * 好感等级达到5后开启 |
角色故事5 | 某个气温和善的深夜,他和愚人众坐在营地里,安静地听他们讲话。 安静的其实只有他自己,还有后来加入的「队长」。士兵们并不避讳,显然已经知道了他和他们长官的合作;虽然只是聊些无关紧要的闲话,但该说说该笑笑,完全没有因为他的存在而拘谨。甚至在询问了他的年龄后,有人递给他一杯叫「火水」的无色饮料。 他试探性地尝了一点,然后一饮而尽——因为那些士兵都是这么做的——然后收获了一阵响亮的欢呼声。不知为何,他感觉心情好了不少。 士兵们在他身边聊着一些家长里短,偶尔还会唱起他们都会唱的歌来。欧洛伦插不上话,就只是坐着,看看篝火,或者看看天上。天空离地面是那么的远,细小的星星看上去就是白色的颗粒。雾也是由颗粒组成的…「星雾」,感觉是个好名字,欧洛伦没来由地想。 后来他才知道,愚人众里并不都是这样的队伍。他接触到的是第一席执行官带领的精锐部队,都是有些年纪和经验的「老兵」了,并且行为和道德标准良好。而在这支部队之外,其实有很多比他年纪还要小的人,做着一些他听了会眉头紧皱的事情。 但在那个无风的、能看得清星星的夜里,他还没有受到这些知识的侵扰。他只是短暂地忘却了一些烦恼,放任自己享受着友好的陪伴,和一杯味道怪异的酒。 这样的夜不会再有了。他当时就有此预感,就像他想再喝一杯的时候,被「队长」执意拦下。即使喝过一杯的他看起来并无异样,有酒量很好的潜质,但有些东西不应该再深入了。 不过欧洛伦显然不是那么听话的人。他后来偷偷找到那位给他递酒的士兵,打听到了自酿火水的办法。如果自己之后成功酿出清澈到可以倒映夜空的酒,就给第一瓶起名叫「星雾」。 * 好感等级达到6后开启 |
零食盒 | 不是给人,而是给野生动物准备的零食。按照不同动物的喜好,分门别类放在有隔间的盒子里。 动物们大多很聪明,而且就欧洛伦的观察,它们和人类的智商差距并没有很多人想象中的大。不少人类能顺利生活只是因为继承了前辈们的智慧,而那些在险恶环境中找到生存之道的动物,反而要更厉害一些吧。 找人寻求帮助,也是动物们在和人类共生的时候学会的一种捷径。有时欧洛伦只是普通地走在路上,就会突然背后一沉。反应稍微慢一些,披风上就多上几道飞鼯的抓痕。 欧洛伦坚信,在动物之间,一定也有着固定的通讯网络。动物中的讯使搞不好比人要厉害得多,因为它们不仅飞天入地,还得会各种不同动物的语言——一想到纳塔各种动物的语言里都会有一句「欧洛伦口袋里有好吃的!」,他脸上不禁泛起笑容。 所以对于不请自来的食客,欧洛伦即便有打发它们的办法,也不会真的使用。无论走到哪都被动物当作自己人,可不是谁都有此殊荣。 当然,动物们也会有不同的性格,因此表达谢意的方式也多种多样。 比如基尼奇的阿乔就很怪。它老是一副「这是吾应得的!」的态度,但实际上又一副离不开人的样子。欧洛伦一般会忽视它的用词,把食物在它面前晃来晃去,看阿乔的眼睛在墨镜后面随之摆动(那对亮光是眼睛吗?是的吧?)。如果阿乔不适时说点好话,那在它获得食物之前,基尼奇会先剥夺它张嘴的自由。 与之相对的,咔库库就非常能说好话。虽然它会说的人话不多,但总能从中听出饱满的情绪:「还是你最好,哥们!」 * 好感等级达到4后开启 |
神之眼 | 第一个夜晚,他梦见冰冷的石窟。 侧过身,背后就是洞口,洒进一小把白沙一样的月色。洞窟深处则容不下半点光,传来窸窸窣窣的响动,像是有一团漆黑的雾活在里面。水滴从头顶落在他摊开的手上,触感黏腻。 有水分,水分中又有养料。他点了点头,这里应该可以诞出生命。 他在此刻醒来,不觉得这是一个好梦,也不认为它是一场噩梦。梦里感觉到冷,是因为夜里降温了吗?他想,明天应当准备一条厚被子。 于是第二个夜晚,他梦见炽热的风。 视野里只有苍白的石柱与镶红边的云。既然有云,那应当是在高天之上。但看不到太阳,也没有火,空气却热得惊人,像是要把灵魂也烤化。 他不知自己身在何处,但没来由地,他似乎知晓这里就是终点。再往前一步就可以了,再往前一步… 他倏地惊醒。人理应是趋向温暖的,他也一向喜欢纳塔的火,但刚刚梦里的温度令他恐惧。不是一个好的决定,他摇着头,不知道是在否定梦境还是现实。看来在当下的季节里,绵驮兽毛的毯子还是太过分了点。 最后第三个夜晚,他梦见漆黑的寰宇,与镜子的迷宫。在层叠环绕的平面中,他与无数个欧洛伦对视。 他听见一个不存在的声音说:「等你的影子反射得足够多,没准就能拼凑出完整的自己了!」听不出善意,也没有恶意,只像一个戏谑的旁观者。 但究竟怎么反射,才能照出原本没有的东西呢?而且在这黯淡的空间中,到底是什么在镜中穿梭… 他少见地有些生气了,大声喊道:「想要补全影子的话,至少得先有光吧!」 大概人在梦里是能听到声音的,所以他被自己的梦话吵醒了。他不再试图解释做梦的原因,因为什么气温或者被子的借口已经用无可用。彻底清醒后,他仍能感受到残余的怒火,以及格外沉重的身体。 但他身上的东西轻到不能再轻。压住他胸口的,是所谓神明注视的目光。 * 好感等级达到6后开启 |
90 responses to “欧洛伦”
Bro does not disappoint, honestly. Aoe reliant, but that’s what it says on the packaging, Im fine with it. This abyss isn’t that great for him imo, too much ST/boss fights to make AOE-centric teams fun to use. Regardless, other testing in WL9 has been rewarding.
Chasca/Nightsoul users make him so much more fun by removing the Electro-Charged reliance. Mavuika + Chevy + Ororon + Flex are gonna go HARD, I can tell.
consindering 5.2 reactions buff, how’s our boy with full EM compared to crit build in pure electro charge teams?
Not too impressive from what I can see. EC is notoriously hard to consistently trigger, which is why Anemo units are the only units to build EM on most taser teams, since they can cheat by just abusing Swirl Spam.
If you’re feeling insane you can try a team of 4 EM built units, but it wouldn’t expect much out of it unless it’s mob shredding teams in AOE content. Or Overworld.
EM substats aren’t terrible, but Ororon is likely better off focusing on classic DPS stats.
It’s Emilie all over again (except Emilie 100% hates EM lol).
“If you’re feeling insane” lmao
you’re tempting me…
i didnt get that “It’s Emilie all over again” tho
Basically, Emilie is a unit that benefits from the presense of Burning but doesn’t actively want to build EM to increase Burning’s damage.
Navia and Freminet are other examples of this pattern, for Crystallize and Shatter respectively.
Nope. Both the Qucusaur and the Wayob are Pyro.
Spectacular give me 14 of them right now.
P.s. The last beta update on him was dirty
what happened?
im running electrocharged keqing and no one can stop me
(…unless it’s really ultra stupid)
can someone tell me where to find rational and proper information/speculation about him and electro charged? because to me, from this kit, he’s totally mid
i don’t see anything “good”, properly speaking
he’s not bad, but nothing that interesting also
multipliersand base stats are quite low, and not everyone is prone to invest a 4star to lev 90 and talents 10
constellations are decents but nothing special, and his c6 is not making him that better than before
and i know everybody wants to compare him with fischl, but we know she came at the beginning with benney etc.
and don’t tell me he can use cinder city, because that’s not him but the set
so what does HE ACTUALLY provide so good to justify this statement?
“Why would anyone use Kazuha? And don’t tell me it’s because VV”
“Why would anyone use Xilonen? And don’t tell me it’s because Cinder city”
“Why would anyone use Nahida? And don’t tell me it’s because of off-field Dendro application”
What an actual idiot lmao.
No way you’re genuinely using this as an argument.
Both Kazhuha and Xilonen provide Elemental Res Shred, VV and Cinder City are just bonuses to what’s already there.
Nahida’s whole thing IS her Dendro application and that in itself is pretty powerful.
What does Ororon provide other than his own personal damage or the ability to use a nation-locked artifact set that should make him a “must pull”?
I could think of a few – probably more if I knew things you can only learn from playing him – but OP’s question was very much reasonable.
“Why would anyone use Kazuha? And don’t tell me it’s because VV”
Kit innately has massive DMG buff from Q and the strongest and convenient gather in the game.
“Why would anyone use Xilonen? And don’t tell me it’s because Cinder City”
Kit innately has massive resistance shred and massive single target healing.
In fact in Mualani comps it is not consistent to activate the Cinder City buff for Mualani.
“Why would anyone use Nahida? And don’t tell me it’s because of off-field Dendro application”
As long as Nahida’s skill still works, Nahida does a ton of “AoE” damage, and that AoE damage has none of the circle impact disadvantage of use that AoE normally has. And the Q can give 250 EM.
For someone calling someone an idiot, you don’t really seem to understand the game itself.
You put him in a team with hydro, he does electro charge and his own on-hit electro damage
but wait there’s more, electro charge reactions get stronger this patch
but wait there’s more, because “he can use cinder city” and electro reacts with literally every element in the game he can buff anyone.
but wait there’s more, the hydro dps that have too much application to maintain vapes can use this 40% buff
But wait there’s more, he can fly so he’s a 4-star Kazuha/Wanderer/Venti for exploration
What an actual idiot lmao
fk you both
Take this as a lesson learned, fella. You can’t just type words on here. Rabid, angry people dwell here and will pounce as soon as you submit your typed words.
Leave this place. There are better outlets to type words in.
You made a perfectly reasonable statement and asked about opinions. Nothing wrong with that. Sneed feed seems to have broken up with the only friend he had and decided to let it out on you. Now we know why he has no friends.
Attempting a more level-headed response here:
He’s OK. Great at C6 I would say, but not a gamebreaker unless his Hypersense damage contribution surprises me. Or maybe if a EC Chevy/Nilou comes out to fill out the EC niche alongside him.
Cinder City is a plus, even if it’s not a part of his base kit, it IS a highly synergistic set for him. Same way Kazuha loves VV and Xilonen loves Cinder as well. While on the topic of CCity set and Xilonen, there is a clear conflict between Xilonen and Ororon since the set can’t stack, but IMO Taser teams are more Kazuha/Anemo friendly due to double swirl tactics, so it’s not the end of the world if they happen to have that set in common.
Damage is fine, considering he is clearly skewed towards AOE. Can hit up to 4 opponents per Hypersense proc, Burst has OK Aoe damage with a Lynette-tier Taunt (this is a good thing, Long Duration + Indestructible). Taunts are underrated too, it’s a good source of defense for easily staggered units like Wanderer, Bows, etc, assuming Shields and Freeze tactics aren’t options. It also crowds enemies as an alternative to usual CC methods, which is really good for Consecrated Beasts and the like.
I feel like an EC Buffer unit would help a lot, since there’s an untapped well of free AOE damage via EC that isn’t being fully utilized by anyone besides Anemo units. I digress tho.
He’s also got energy regen for himself and on-fielders, so that’s nice too. Note that this particular passive isn’t restricted to elements, any elemental on-fielder can use it.
C6 (obviously not everyone will have) is an 30% ATK buff for on-fielders with some added frontloaded damage on burst cast (souped up Hypersense, so it’s AOE). A shame this doesn’t buff HP scalers, but I guess they don’t need the help anyways. Future Iansan support maybe?
And of course there’s his weirdly cool Synergy design. Like yeah EC is his bread and butter, but he also just likes Natlan users, who can also trigger his Hypersense. Likely meant for Chasca and future units since Mualani is anti Synergy and Kinich is kinda awkward.
I think he’s Good/Great, a solid A tier 4*, maybe High B if you’re being super critical. He’s coming out far better than Kachina. As much as I like her, *that* is a character who is entirely carried by an artifact set. Ororon can at least try to do other stuff.
I do hope this explains why people are kinda excited.
Oh, if only Ororon was a five star. He’s his tribe’s hero for Pete’s sake, and he’s apparently pretty popular among even CN players. But no, the drunk grandma is the five star instead. Is it bad that a part of me hopes that CN’s alleged attempt to convince Hoyo to make him a five star is successful?
The real question is “Why is he the hero and not the amazing Citlali ?” The aphid lover isn’t even the main element of his tribe. He is the only one in that case, all five others are. Citlali matched both as Cryo char and 5* char. But no, the aphid lover is the hero instead.
(No offense, I like Ororon as well xD)
By that logic, shouldn’t Chasca also be a four star? The Flower Feather Clan’s primary element is Pyro, if the Saurian is anything to go off of.
I thought the Flower Feather Clan’s primary element was Anemo.
Do remember that character rarity doesn’t reflect their lore importance most of the time. For example, Ningguang is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, meaning that she holds a very important power across the nation. And yet, she is a 4*.
Thats true, Madam Faruzan is a 4 star and is clearly the best character in the game.
yeahhhh except Ninguang was originally going to be a five stttar
First time I’ve heard of this. Where did you find that out? Source?
This is misinformation.
hear me out guys-
Ororon is a pretty big buff to Yae Miko. from what we can gather from his kit descriptions, the on fielder has to deal electro or hydro damage to get energy from Ororon’s passive, and active characters have to deal hydro or electro damage to build nightsoul points, 5 at a time, on Ororon. Rroron will initially have 40 because of nightsoul burst.
So, since Yae’s uptime on field is pretty long for off field dps, she’d generally gain energy from Ororon. she can also deal electro damage on field with her NAs to build nightsoul points on Ororon.
Yae also is known to miss her burst nukes at times, so Ororon’s taunt can crowd enemies around his taunt so Yae’s burst won’t miss.
Outside Furina, Kazuha, and Xilonen, there went many ways to buff her off field dps. Cinder City set on Ororon compensates and give her 40% dmg bonus.
Yae double dips into EM. with the electro charged buff alongside that of transformative reactions, Yae’s personal and electrocharged damage should be pretty solid.
Yae’s personal damage should be really good here. Yae has AoE Fischl doesn’t have, and electrocharged from Yae gives more free damage.
last two characters would be a mix of Kokomi, Kazuha, Childe, Xilonen, Jean, Ayato, or maybe Sigewinne. Maybe even Furina + Xilonen and on-field Yae Miko.
that would be nice to see.
new characters are not real buffs
mid will remain mid
Took a hiatus from 4.3 to the start of 4.6, and now considering taking another one for the rest of 5.1.
If Ororon isn’t on Chasca’s banner, and is instead pitched onto Phase 2 reruns that I don’t care about, that’ll be my queue to take that break. Would be great to get his C6 on Chasca’s in one go, but knowing Hoyo… “You want Chasca and Ororon both? Well… see: You can have just Chasca for now, and we’ll put Ororon on these two Phase 2 5* rerun banner characters that you keep skipping every time. We’ll probably also finally throw Heizou in there as a bonus just so you’d be forcing yourself to keep him at C0 since 2.8 yet again, loser.”
Yep. Yep. Lemme prep up. Might be time to burn Primos to Lv. 50 BP for the second time ever again and then dip out until 5.2. Might even just pull Chasca and then leave until whenever anyway.
I guess it’s possible, but historically if a version has a single new 4-star and a single new 5-star, they tend to get released in the same phase. Here’s some data starting with version 3.0:
4-stars that came in the same phase as a new 5-star:
Tighnari and Collei
Faruzan and Wanderer
Yaoyao and Alhaitham
Kaveh and Baizhu
Charlotte and Furina
Sethos came out with Clorinde. I’m choosing to not treat Sigewinne as a real 5-star character.
4-stars that came in the other phase:
Layla and Nahida
Dehya and Mika (lol if you even want to count them)
Odd scenarios:
Xianyun’s banner had new 4-stars in both phases: Gaming with her, and Chevreuse with Raiden. I would count this as a win for players.
When Candace came out, there were new 5-stars in both phases. I do not know whether she made more sense with Cyno or with Nilou.
Chevreuse came out patch before Gaming, and was not on Navia’s banner. Navia being the only new 5 star.
hope u r wrong, im getting c3 neuvi and want really much this boi ororon