Table of Content |
Stats |
Skills |
Skill Ascension |
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Lv | HP | Atk | Def | CritRate% | CritDMG% | Bonus CritDMG% | Materials | Total Materials |
1 | 977 | 27.93 | 61.62 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
20 | 2535 | 72.45 | 159.85 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 1 3 3 20000 | 1 3 3 20000 |
20+ | 3373 | 96.4 | 212.69 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
40 | 5046 | 144.24 | 318.26 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 3 2 10 15 40000 | 1 13 18 60000 3 2 |
40+ | 5642 | 161.25 | 355.8 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 9.6% | ||
50 | 6491 | 185.53 | 409.35 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 9.6% | 6 4 20 12 60000 | 1 33 18 120K 9 6 12 |
50+ | 7285 | 208.21 | 459.41 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | ||
60 | 8143 | 232.73 | 513.52 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | 3 8 30 18 80000 | 1 63 18 200K 9 14 30 3 |
60+ | 8738 | 249.75 | 551.06 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | ||
70 | 9604 | 274.49 | 605.66 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | 6 12 45 12 100K | 1 108 18 300K 9 26 30 9 12 |
70+ | 10199 | 291.51 | 643.2 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 28.8% | ||
80 | 11074 | 316.53 | 698.42 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 28.8% | 6 20 60 24 120K | 1 168 18 420K 9 46 30 9 36 6 |
80+ | 11670 | 333.55 | 735.96 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 38.4% | ||
90 | 12552 | 358.77 | 791.61 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 38.4% |
Active Skils
通常攻撃・命を紡ぐ炎 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
最大4段の連続攻撃を行う。 一定のスタミナを消費し、より強力な「烈陽斬」を前方方向に繰り出す。 空中から落下し地面に衝撃を与える。経路上の敵を攻撃し、落下時に範囲ダメージを与える。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
名を称える刻 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
「闘争」の権能を借りて、人神が受け継ぐ「諸火武装」を召喚し、夜魂性質の 発動後、マーヴィカは夜魂値を上限まで回復し、夜魂の加護状態に入る。 一回押しと長押しで、形態の異なる諸火武装を解放する。 「神名解放」:諸火武装は「焚曜の輪」の形態で顕現する。焚曜の輪はフィールド上キャラクターにつき従い、一定時間ごとに周囲の敵を攻撃して夜魂性質の 「古名解放」:諸火武装は「双駆輪」の形態で顕現する。この状態にある時、マーヴィカは双駆輪を操縦して高速移動したり、双駆輪に隠されている予備のジェットエンジンをオンにして、様々な地形を一時的に駆け抜けたり、空中を一時的に滑翔したりできる。さらに、マーヴィカの通常攻撃、重撃、落下攻撃ダメージは元素付与によって他の元素に変化しない夜魂性質の 夜魂の加護状態にある時、元素スキルボタンを一回押しすると、諸火武装の形態を切り替えられる。諸火武装はマーヴィカの夜魂の加護状態が終了すると消える。夜魂値が尽きた時、マーヴィカの夜魂の加護状態は終了する。 もしマーヴィカに、「他の世界では、双駆輪のような乗り物にはナンバープレートという識別番号を付けておく必要がある」と伝えたら、彼女は喜んでこう言うだろう—— 「ふふ、この世界では唯一のものだから、ナンバーは選び放題だな」 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
天を焦がす刻 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人々の心の声を、高天の神座に届ける。 戦意が50%以上ある時、マーヴィカはすべての戦意を消費して、元素爆発を発動できる。 マーヴィカは以下の方法で戦意を獲得する。 ・戦闘状態にある時、付近にいるチーム内キャラクターが消費した夜魂値がマーヴィカの戦意に変換される。 ・付近にいるチーム内キャラクターの通常攻撃が敵に命中した時、マーヴィカは戦意を1.5獲得する。この効果は0.1秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。 発動後、マーヴィカは夜魂値を10獲得し、夜魂の加護状態に入る。さらに、双駆輪に乗って空中に跳び上がり、地面にいる敵に強力な「墜陽斬」を繰り出して夜魂性質の 継続期間中、マーヴィカの各種行動は夜魂値を消費しなくなり、中断耐性がアップする。同時に、元素爆発発動時の戦意を基に、墜陽斬および「古名解放」時の通常攻撃と重撃ダメージをアップする。 死生の炉状態はマーヴィカの退場時に解除される。 「——しかしこの戦いで、私は宿命を打ち砕きたい。」 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Passive Skills
夜を裂く光焔 | |
チームが発動する夜魂トランスのクールタイム-20%。 |
夜域の賜物・完全燃焼モード | |
夜魂値が尽きると、マーヴィカは代わりに燃素を消費して諸火武装・双駆輪を維持する。 マーヴィカは燃素を利用できるナタのエリアにいる時、「夜魂トランス:マーヴィカ」を行える。フィールド上にいるキャラクターがダッシュ、登攀、泳ぎ、特定の天賦による移動状態にある、または一定の高さの空中にいる時、マーヴィカに切り替えて登場すると次の効果が発動する。マーヴィカが夜魂の加護状態に入り、マーヴィカの夜魂値上限の50%分の夜魂値を獲得する。自身のチームにおいて、夜魂トランスは10秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。 |
炎花の貢物 | |
付近にいるチーム内キャラクターが「夜魂バースト」を起こした時、マーヴィカの攻撃力+30%、継続時間10秒。 |
「キオンゴズィ」 | |
元素爆発 |
夜の主の授記 | |
マーヴィカの夜魂値上限が120になり、かつ戦意の獲得効率+25%。 また、戦意を獲得した後、マーヴィカの攻撃力+40%、継続時間8秒。 |
灰燼の代償 | |
夜魂の加護状態にある時、マーヴィカの基礎攻撃力+200。さらに、諸火武装の形態に応じて、対応する効果を獲得する。 ・焚曜の輪:近くの敵の防御力-20%。 ・双駆輪:マーヴィカの通常攻撃、重撃、元素爆発 |
燃え盛る太陽 | |
元素爆発 最大Lv.15まで。 |
指導者の覚悟 | |
固有天賦「キオンゴズィ」の効果が強化される。 元素爆発 固有天賦「キオンゴズィ」を解放する必要がある。 |
真実の意味 | |
元素スキル 最大Lv.15まで。 |
「人の名」解放 | |
元素スキル ・焚曜の輪:焚曜の輪の攻撃が敵に命中した時、双駆輪が命中した敵に突進し、攻撃力200%分の夜魂性質の ・双駆輪:マーヴィカが双駆輪に乗っている間、マーヴィカにつき従い続ける「焚曜の輪・灼影」が召喚され、周囲の敵の防御力-20%。また、3秒毎に周囲の敵に攻撃力400%分の夜魂性質の マーヴィカが双駆輪に乗っており、かつ戦闘状態でない時、マーヴィカの夜魂値が5まで下がると、マーヴィカは夜魂値を80獲得する。この効果は15秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。 |
Skill Ascension
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561 responses to “マーヴィカ”
It’s over you guys.. the support Archons are almost officially broken…
So, from what I’m understanding, she’s currently only slightly better than Arlecchino and that’s only if you have the specifically correct supports and don’t mind spamming charged attacks? If this is the case, I might just skip her or roll for her weapon instead unless some changes are made before release.
i wish hoyo improved her buff, E OFFIELD damage and duration and made her nightsoul points recharge faster with other party members NA (if they are afraid of Neuvillette that much ok we still have a lot of NA main dps). they can keep the onfield damage the same, she is an Archon after all. And add snapshot, if she is going to require Bennett wouldn’t it be better for her to snapshot his buff?
I just realised: Is she the fastest Claymore swinger? I swear her normal NAs seem to be on par with Diluc’s activated C2 and C6.
On par with Eula. But unlike Eula, Mauvika NAs are useless.
I will C6 Bennet specifically for Mavuika NAs
Of course, because Bennett is the pyro sovereign.
That’s cute because Eula’s NAs are just as useless if you want to just talk about meta e-peens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ill just end up skipping her anyway
Arlecchino youve been powercreeped
after 6 patches wtf
Mavuika probably isn’t actually that much better than Arlecchino and she can’t powercreep Arlecchino’s lore, backstory, design and personality anyway so…
Let us collectively return to this comment after 5.3 Archon Quest.
I didn’t say Mavuika is badly written. But whatever happens, she’s not gonna have a better backstory and lore than Arlecchino. They can only be equal. And that leaves us with the fact that Arlecchino’s design is around a thousand times better. So, no powercreeping happening
This is some insane coping
is this some kind of insecure problem? bc if not, i cannot see the need of argue with EVERY single person that tells some bad thing about your fantasy GAME CHARACTER xDDDDD, actually kinda cringe, just chill, theres no even existance of powercreep or meta ON A PVE GAME WHERE YOU CAN ACTUALLY MAKE FLOOR 12 3 STARS WITH THE FREE 4 STARS!
Parece que citlali la hara powercreep a layla con su escudo que ademas baja resistencias hydro y pyro
I hear her coordinated attack radius is fully compatible with Chasca’s flying state now, that’s nice. Im starting to warm up to Mav a teeny bit more, since Pyro MC is a nice little F2P Pyro Support.
I’d still like to see more universal kit design since that’s what all of the other archons do, but as long as her off-field state doesn’t receive any nerfs from here this is probably the best we could hope for. Can’t put the power budget everywhere at once, I guess?
Recent leaks deem Ifa to be a 4*, if he ends up being Pyro (I’m coping he is since FF clan doesn’t have a Pyro unit despite being the Pyro tribe) I hope he’s a pyro support of some kind.
Pyro party healer with off-field application is totally possible! (I Am Unbelievably Delusional)
The FF clan’s element is anemo…
I wonder how many of these people who are here crying how “bad” she is, will pull her anyway? Because I already know she will get better sales than Chasca for example.
Not difficult to predict, she has Archon label + she is our only good option to Xiangling for off field pyro app, while being the best at Pyro onfield damage. She will sale a lot for sure (for numbers, design, utility, Archon label…), but she is still a disappointement for many.
Bro, why are you comparing an archon to some ugly bird? Do it with other archons. she most likely can’t outsold other archons including Venti in his first banner.
I compared her to Chasca because she’s new and she’s from Natlan, just like Mavuika is going to be.
you cant compare a random ass dps to an archon my guy.
The ones, who want on-fielder or just doesn’t care about her role at all, but calling her bad DPS are just doomposters and they will pull, because I think everyone understands she’s busted.
The ones, who want perfect alternative of Xiangling won’t, except small amount, who already saved too many wishes from the release of Natlan and just tired of waiting. But I don’t think most of them will pull more than C0 R0.
Overall I’m sure her release selling will be good, but I don’t think she will be on the level of Furina in terms of rerun sellings. And if hoyo will do the same dirty trick with Mavuika as they did with Arlecchino, who will be powercrept on her first rerun(if they will not nerf her in V4 to be Arlecchino’s sidegrade, but not powercreep), then all her future reruns will be VERY low-selling. And we all know they WILL release another 5-star pyro DPS in 5-6 patches after Mavuika because it’s hoyo.
And Chasca is not a good argument. She’s least popular character, that release with rerun of another not really popular character right before popular Neuvillette and Zhongli and just before Archon’s release in the next version…
Too bad she is currently a sidegrade to arle now. Hoyo really wants her to fail
How? cause she still outdamage arlecchino even now
Not if you don’t have Xilonen.
Not true, Xilonen is for on field damage. But who doesn’t have Xilonen? Also, Arlechino needs bennet too. You are not making any argument.
comparing a five star support to a 4 star support that can bought in the shop is weird
Bad for Arlecchino fanboys that she is powercreept., what would they expect from a fucking archon. And she is HOT, she is insane cool with the bike and all, and she also works as buffer and off field. And the best thing, she will get BETTER, because this is not over. I expect artifacts for her and some other improvements.
The Cope is strong with this one.