Canto di giorni che furono

Canto di giorni che furono
Canto di giorni che furonoNameCanto di giorni che furono
Type (Ingame)Set di manufatti
FamilyArtifact Set
Artifact AffixCanto di giorni che furono
2-PieceBonus di guarigione +15%.
4-PieceQuando il personaggio che equipaggia il set apporta effetti di guarigione a un membro del gruppo, attiva l'effetto Anelito per 6 s, che registra gli effetti di guarigione totali apportati (inclusi quelli che superano il limite di guarigione massimo). Al termine della sua durata, Anelito si converte in "Onde di giorni che furono": quando il membro attivo del tuo gruppo colpisce un nemico con un attacco normale, caricato o in picchiata, o con un'abilità o un Tripudio elementale, infligge DAN aumentati di un 8% della guarigione totale registrata da Anelito. L'effetto "Onde di giorni che furono" termina dopo 5 attivazioni o trascorsi 10 s. Una singola iterazione di Anelito è in grado di registrare fino a 15.000 PS derivanti dalla guarigione, e il gruppo può avere un'unica iterazione attiva; tuttavia, Anelito può registrare gli effetti di guarigione apportati da più membri del gruppo che equipaggiano il set. Anelito può essere attivato anche se i membri in questione non sono in campo.

Table of Content
Set Pieces
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Obtained From

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items per Page

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Canto di giorni che furono
Canto di giorni che furono5
Artifact Set
items per Page


Main Stats

Poesia di giorni che furono
Ricordo di giorni che furono
Giuramento dimenticato di giorni che furono
Suono riecheggiante di giorni che furono
Sogno promesso di giorni che furono
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Health %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Attack %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Defense %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%
Energy Recharge %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%
Elemental Mastery25.232.339.446.653.760.86875.182.289.496.5103.6110.8117.9125132.2139.3
Attack Flat4254667890102113125137149161173185197209221232
Critical Rate %4.2%5.4%6.6%7.8%9.0%10.1%11.3%12.5%13.7%14.9%16.1%17.3%18.5%19.7%20.8%22.0%23.2%
Critical Damage %8.4%10.8%13.1%15.5%17.9%20.3%22.7%25.0%27.4%29.8%32.2%34.5%36.9%39.3%41.7%44.1%46.4%
Additional Healing %4.8%6.2%7.6%9.0%10.3%11.7%13.1%14.4%15.8%17.2%18.6%19.9%21.3%22.7%24.0%25.4%26.8%
Health Flat645828101111941377155917421925210822912474265728393022320533883571
Pyro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Electro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Cryo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Hydro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Anemo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Geo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Dendro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Physical Damage %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%


Health %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Attack %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Defense %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%
Energy Recharge %7.8%10.0%12.2%14.4%16.6%18.8%21.0%23.2%25.4%27.6%29.8%32.0%34.2%36.4%38.6%40.8%43.0%45.2%47.4%49.6%51.8%
Elemental Mastery2835.943.851.859.767.675.583.591.499.3107.2115.2123.1131138.9146.9154.8162.7170.6178.6186.5
Attack Flat47607386100113126139152166179192205219232245258272285298311
Critical Rate %4.7%6.0%7.3%8.6%9.9%11.3%12.6%13.9%15.2%16.6%17.9%19.2%20.5%21.8%23.2%24.5%25.8%27.1%28.4%29.8%31.1%
Critical Damage %9.3%12.0%14.6%17.3%19.9%22.5%25.2%27.8%30.5%33.1%35.7%38.4%41.0%43.7%46.3%49.0%51.6%54.2%56.9%59.5%62.2%
Additional Healing %5.4%6.9%8.4%10.0%11.5%13.0%14.5%16.1%17.6%19.1%20.6%22.1%23.7%25.2%26.7%28.2%29.8%31.3%32.8%34.3%35.9%
Health Flat7179201123132615301733193621392342254527492952315533583561376439674171437445774780
Pyro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Electro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Cryo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Hydro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Anemo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Geo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Dendro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Physical Damage %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Obtained From


Urbe delle cascate
Urbe delle cascate
Melmoso di Hydro
Melmoso di Pyro
Melmoso di Electro
Melmoso di Cryo
Granchio Scudosolido
Melmoso di Hydro gigante
Melmoso di Pyro gigante
Ippocampo spumeggiante
Melmoso di Electro gigante
Melmoso di Cryo gigante
Lepre marina cherubica
ESP avventura100
ESP affinità15
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
items per Page


Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente I
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente I
Melmoso di Hydro
Melmoso di Pyro
Melmoso di Electro
Melmoso di Cryo
Granchio Scudosolido
ESP avventura100
ESP affinità15
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente II
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente II
Melmoso di Hydro
Melmoso di Hydro gigante
Melmoso di Pyro
Melmoso di Pyro gigante
Melmoso di Electro
Ippocampo spumeggiante
ESP avventura100
ESP affinità20
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente III
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente III
Melmoso di Pyro gigante
Melmoso di Electro gigante
Melmoso di Cryo gigante
Lepre marina cherubica
ESP avventura100
ESP affinità20
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente IV
Dominio della benedizione: Assemblea decadente IV
Melmoso di Pyro gigante
Melmoso di Electro gigante
Melmoso di Cryo gigante
Granchio Scudosolido
Lepre marina cherubica
Ippocampo spumeggiante
ESP avventura100
ESP affinità20
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
Canto di giorni che furono
Sussurri notturni nella foresta dell'eco
items per Page

32 responses to “Canto di giorni che furono”

  1. Mika, off-field Barbara (No proto amber) and Gorou (his C4) seem to struggle getting max healing for this set, and Chevreuse needs HP% weapon and some substats or C3 to reach it along with HB circlet, you want 40k hp anyways for her ATK% buff so the investment is worth it.
    Haven’t tested Jean or Baizhu as I don’t have them and don’t know how often they heal, so not much to say about them, but I think they’d easily max it.

    Other than those already mentioned, every healer can max this set easily just with mainstats built for healing, even without weapons for it. Sayu, Kuki and Dori can go 3EM for reactions or Diona can go 3HP for shield strength and they’ll still max it out. You can also give Kokomi a Hydro% goblet she’ll still max it out as well. Don’t use it on Benny tho, you’ll still want Noblesse with him. Using it on Xinqiu, Dehya or Lynette is possible but unreliable and it’s mostly meme builds.

    Overall not that bad of a set, significantly better than clam when using healers off-field, especially better when they’re using fav/sac or other buffing weapons.
    One problem of farming this is that you’ll also be farming that geo set, which if you aren’t gonna use then it might not be worth it. Imma take this chance to build my Ningguang tho.
    Another problem is that 5 trigger limit, and depending on the team Noblesse, Tenacity or VV are still better for certain units.
    This is a good option nonetheless and can buff non-atk scaling on-fielders so it’s upside is more versatility.

  2. One thing may people are getting wrong is the “10 seconds”. That’s not a cooldown, it’s an expiration date on the “Waves of Days Past” buff. Most characters will perform 5 hits in far less time, and as soon as Waves of Days Past has expired “Yearning” can trigger again.

    As an example: assume your DPS receives nonstop healing and performs 5 hits in 2 seconds. The buff will be unavailable for 6 seconds and enabled for 2. The rotation is therefore 8 seconds. It is NOT 16 seconds (6 seconds of Yearning + 10 seconds of Waves).

    This artifact’s *base DMG* bonus will be more valuable the more of the following criteria you can fulfill:
    – strong individual attack
    – high CRIT
    – reactions

    I think this set implies a specific team where the DPS character hits like a truck and supports provide constant *low* healing.
    – It works well with Xianyun because plunge attacks generally have huge talent multipliers. The Yearning buff is multiplied against High plunge dmg + high DPS damage + high DPS crit.
    – It works with Furina as a healer (but that’s such a waste of her even stronger Ousia buffs, isn’t it?)

    One final point: the buff is for baseDMG, so it is universally used by characters regardless of their scaling.

    • “Strong individual attack”? Naah
      It’s an additive buff, like Yunjin, Shenhe, or Xianyun. So it’s completely irrelevant whether the original attack has 10% MV or 1000% MV.
      The increase (additive) will be the same, but as you mention, DMG%, CRIT DMG%, RES Shred, and Melt/Vaporize are the best ways to increase this damage.


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