Name | 肺棘鱼 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外观赏鱼, Exterior Furniture, 室内观赏鱼, Indoor Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior, Indoor | |
Regular Variant | 肺棘鱼 | |
Related Monster | 肺棘鱼 | |
Capturable with Net? | ❌ | |
Attracted by Bait | 赤糜饵 | |
Description | 珍贵的观赏鱼,可被饲养于「灵沼云池」和「澄波游影」中。 长满刺状鳍的迅猛鱼类,全速游动时矛般尖吻甚至能劈开水流。因此又得名「劈水刺」、「箭难追」等。 与诸多同类相异,肺棘鱼可以在干涸的泥塘中存活很久,除了鳃部,它们还能用退化了鳞片的皮肤来呼吸,这更符合两栖类的性状,因此除了不请自来的渔师,它们还面临着被棘鱼学科除名的存在性危机。 |
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Oh, please. The Raiden-Beidou synergy didn't require sacrifce, it is one case of Hoyo not wanting t...