So when they're going to succeed? lol. At this rate, EN won't have voice overs FOREVER. I'm so done...
Trailblazers, assemble! Live updated to 5.3. Audio added. Beta updated to 5.3.53. Vids added.
New in 3.5
30 responses to “New in 3.5”
Wow. At the start of the last Windblume quest you get letter from every character you met in event. And only 3 characters don’t have letters: Venti, Noelle and Eula.
I feel so bad for dehya. She’s a really attractive character with a probably really cool backstory and yet hoyoverse did her so dirty.
1. shes going on the standard banner 2. she scales off HP% (why. there are plenty of other characters that scale off hp%. why would u drag dehya into this.) 3. in her splash art hyv made her lighter-skinned (ik its a different lighting but still) 4. her main teams will probably be burning/burgeon. 🙁
For dehya mains who still going to spend money on pulling her, i will thank you in advance for generating money for hoyoverse, 3.5 might have the lowest sales ever and if its too low there wont be a lot of funding for future patches, which produce low quality characters demos and story animations
and they will still clear all content and gets 36 stars with dehya in the team and not using kazuha or bennett because its an easy mobile game for children aint that somethin’? only new players and southeast asians care about meta in such a simple game
I really don’t get people who keep shit-talking most of the characters in this game. Like what is this bar that you are comparing characters to? At first, i thought that bar was Abyss, but after i heard that people think that Sumeru characters are dissapointing i have no idea anymore. Tignari is kay, Cyno and Nilou are decent if not good and Nahida, Wanderer and Al-Haitam are great, if not amazing. Like my c0 Wanderer without his best set, his signature weapon, or c6 Faruzan can easily clear Abyss, but still according to some people he’s “dissappointing” i guess.
Nilou is amazing, just her team comp requirements are stricter than most. That said, her teams easily shred through AoE content and fair well enough in single target.
The “standard” around here is pre-Dendro meta speedruns.
The community in general is a lot of flacid brain people that can’t think anything else that is not what theorycrafters say. It’s been like this since the beginning: Zhongli was “bad” and disappointing, Kazuha was also “bad”, Raiden Shogun was disappointing and Kokomi was the same. Weird enough, all those units are now pretty much always played and are the picks for everyone that wants to complete abyss with little to no effort. Now Nilou, Cyno and now Dehya are bad units just because everyone thinks that anything that is not remotely similar to Hu Tao or Ganyu in terms of damage is just garbage. Let this be a lesson of how you should never hear anything of what people says about units in beta. Those people just complain about everything that doesn’t make them happy when in reality they don’t deserve to be happy in the first place for being the type of person they are.
I agree with what you said. This community is just that stupid. It’s not even funny at this point.
“it’s been like this since the beginning: Zhongli was “bad” and disappointing” – you can immediately see the newfag that did not catch the first Zhongli banner. Then he did not have any resist reductions, his damage did not have a skeil from HP, he had a protection bonus only to geo-damage, and not to all types of damage, as now, he could not deal damage from geo-construction (as he does now in the Albedo, geo-Traveller and others teams) and geo-resonance in those days was just a joke (it was changed in the same way as Hydro resonance was recently changed – only stronger). In fact, HoYo redesigned the Zhongli kit from scratch because of the rebellion of the Chinese community on the topic: “why is the god of a country based on China so weak?”. Zhongli from the time of the first banner without rofl, was weaker than Diona – they redesigned his entire kit from scratch, leaving only animations. Since then, HoYo has consistently made the majority of Liyue characters on a scale from “strong” to the level of “broken imba”, because they do not want to quarrel with their main audience (Chinese players).
Not all theorycrafters are the same though. Zajef said that him and most of his theorycrafter buddies theorized that kokomi was gonna be fine, but the brain dead players were more vocal on kokomi being bad and other players just went with it.
The more I see people like this one trash talk Dehya or Cyno the more I want to pull for them. It’s okay, let meta-slaves will never know the joy of getting your favorite character, they’d rather pull for something they don’t care about in a game without any PvP or end-game content lmao. Can’t wait for Hoyo to release some Denya-specific enemies so this toxic crowd can start crying out about skipping her.
Cyno is fine, but he’s factually a worse Keqing for Aggravate comps. That’s really all anyone has ever said bad about him, at least as far as proper theory crafting. He’s quite good when blooms are also involved, so long as the enemies don’t all die right at the start of his burst.
Let’s stop with this stupid hostility over “meta-slaves”. Not all people who are into meta are obnoxious assholes. If someone is being an ass, they are an asshole, lets not lump them into a group mixed with normal people that is just into the meta.
Waifu players can be just as obnoxious and an ass as these “meta-slaves” you speak of.
If you are gonna call them names, just call them assholes or something, saying “meta-slaves” make it sound like it all meta enjoyers are pieces of shits. People can enjoy whatever they want, meta or waifu.
“Meta-slaves” is a term that exist a long time ago, it’s not a Genshin thing, and it’s meant for what it means, people that can’t enjoy the game unless they are using the most powerfull thing in the most optmized way and bother other people that disagree with them. You can enjoy meta without being a asshole, that just mean you are not a slave.
Don’t you guys just love it when comments age poorly?
30 responses to “New in 3.5”
Wow. At the start of the last Windblume quest you get letter from every character you met in event. And only 3 characters don’t have letters: Venti, Noelle and Eula.
Great. Just great.
Oh boy the dehyamain subreddit is in flames with the racist accusations against HYV. They’re no better than Twitter!
I feel so bad for dehya. She’s a really attractive character with a probably really cool backstory and yet hoyoverse did her so dirty.
1. shes going on the standard banner
2. she scales off HP% (why. there are plenty of other characters that scale off hp%. why would u drag dehya into this.)
3. in her splash art hyv made her lighter-skinned (ik its a different lighting but still)
4. her main teams will probably be burning/burgeon. 🙁
honestly, she deserves better.
Her skin is probably brighter because of the fire…
For dehya mains who still going to spend money on pulling her, i will thank you in advance for generating money for hoyoverse, 3.5 might have the lowest sales ever and if its too low there wont be a lot of funding for future patches, which produce low quality characters demos and story animations
i will get her C6 R5 😀 i don’t care about what talking for her
Did version 3.4.54 not have anything new? It still says 3.4.53 is the latest beta
Few text files.
Oh boy. Dehya first 5* character that will actually play like a 3*. Her only existence is for simps to buy her.
I’m just getting her for possible future character that might enable her to be “viable”
don’t be sad Dehya, group of low IQ still gonna pull u anyways,
even her obviously garbage kit, I bet Content Creator still gonna say ” I think she’s a solid unit “
and they will still clear all content and gets 36 stars with dehya in the team and not using kazuha or bennett because its an easy mobile game for children
aint that somethin’?
only new players and southeast asians care about meta in such a simple game
I really don’t get people who keep shit-talking most of the characters in this game. Like what is this bar that you are comparing characters to? At first, i thought that bar was Abyss, but after i heard that people think that Sumeru characters are dissapointing i have no idea anymore. Tignari is kay, Cyno and Nilou are decent if not good and Nahida, Wanderer and Al-Haitam are great, if not amazing. Like my c0 Wanderer without his best set, his signature weapon, or c6 Faruzan can easily clear Abyss, but still according to some people he’s “dissappointing” i guess.
Nilou is amazing, just her team comp requirements are stricter than most. That said, her teams easily shred through AoE content and fair well enough in single target.
The “standard” around here is pre-Dendro meta speedruns.
At this point, every 5* that you have to spend money on is trash in some way until people actually play them.
The community in general is a lot of flacid brain people that can’t think anything else that is not what theorycrafters say.
It’s been like this since the beginning: Zhongli was “bad” and disappointing, Kazuha was also “bad”, Raiden Shogun was disappointing and Kokomi was the same. Weird enough, all those units are now pretty much always played and are the picks for everyone that wants to complete abyss with little to no effort.
Now Nilou, Cyno and now Dehya are bad units just because everyone thinks that anything that is not remotely similar to Hu Tao or Ganyu in terms of damage is just garbage.
Let this be a lesson of how you should never hear anything of what people says about units in beta. Those people just complain about everything that doesn’t make them happy when in reality they don’t deserve to be happy in the first place for being the type of person they are.
I agree with what you said. This community is just that stupid. It’s not even funny at this point.
“it’s been like this since the beginning: Zhongli was “bad” and disappointing” – you can immediately see the newfag that did not catch the first Zhongli banner.
Then he did not have any resist reductions, his damage did not have a skeil from HP, he had a protection bonus only to geo-damage, and not to all types of damage, as now, he could not deal damage from geo-construction (as he does now in the Albedo, geo-Traveller and others teams) and geo-resonance in those days was just a joke (it was changed in the same way as Hydro resonance was recently changed – only stronger).
In fact, HoYo redesigned the Zhongli kit from scratch because of the rebellion of the Chinese community on the topic: “why is the god of a country based on China so weak?”.
Zhongli from the time of the first banner without rofl, was weaker than Diona – they redesigned his entire kit from scratch, leaving only animations.
Since then, HoYo has consistently made the majority of Liyue characters on a scale from “strong” to the level of “broken imba”, because they do not want to quarrel with their main audience (Chinese players).
Not all theorycrafters are the same though. Zajef said that him and most of his theorycrafter buddies theorized that kokomi was gonna be fine, but the brain dead players were more vocal on kokomi being bad and other players just went with it.
The more I see people like this one trash talk Dehya or Cyno the more I want to pull for them. It’s okay, let meta-slaves will never know the joy of getting your favorite character, they’d rather pull for something they don’t care about in a game without any PvP or end-game content lmao. Can’t wait for Hoyo to release some Denya-specific enemies so this toxic crowd can start crying out about skipping her.
Cyno is fine, but he’s factually a worse Keqing for Aggravate comps. That’s really all anyone has ever said bad about him, at least as far as proper theory crafting. He’s quite good when blooms are also involved, so long as the enemies don’t all die right at the start of his burst.
Let’s stop with this stupid hostility over “meta-slaves”. Not all people who are into meta are obnoxious assholes. If someone is being an ass, they are an asshole, lets not lump them into a group mixed with normal people that is just into the meta.
Waifu players can be just as obnoxious and an ass as these “meta-slaves” you speak of.
If you are gonna call them names, just call them assholes or something, saying “meta-slaves” make it sound like it all meta enjoyers are pieces of shits. People can enjoy whatever they want, meta or waifu.
“Meta-slaves” is a term that exist a long time ago, it’s not a Genshin thing, and it’s meant for what it means, people that can’t enjoy the game unless they are using the most powerfull thing in the most optmized way and bother other people that disagree with them. You can enjoy meta without being a asshole, that just mean you are not a slave.
Don’t you guys just love it when comments age poorly?
I don’t understand the hostility towards people pulling bad characters, its their problem, so why let it bother you.
And most Content Creators are already shitting on Dehya.
Come up with sometime better to do than troll then
Pulling for the character they like is not low IQ. Everyone has thier own tatse so stop discouraging others.