Name | Şenlik Coşkusu | |
Family | Currency | |
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Item Source (Ingame) | Kadehlerdeki Şarkılar etkinliğinden elde edilir. | |
Description | Şarap Festivali Coşkusu |
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自远方吹来的音讯 | 丰收季到来,蒙德的冒险家协会开始接到大量居民的求助委托,你和派蒙也收到凯瑟琳的求援赶回了蒙德… | 60 50 20000 2 | |
自歌谣汇聚的牵绊 | 雷泽为了了解自己的人类父母,决定亲自动手制作「千风佳酿」。不过,温迪的诗歌中提到的几种酿酒材料,究竟是什么呢… | 60 50 20000 2 | |
自往昔飘起的酒香 | 骑士团为雷泽提供的酿酒材料,似乎已经准备得差不多了,到西风骑士团去看看吧。 | 60 50 20000 2 | |
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What is the reason to carve into unreasonable requirements of the people who supported a boycott ag...