Staff of the Scarlet Sands

Staff of the Scarlet Sands
Staff of the Scarlet SandsNameStaff of the Scarlet Sands
FamilyWeapon, Polearm
Conversion Exp300000
Base Attack44.34
Substat TypeCritical Rate %
Base Substat9.6%
Weapon AffixHeat Haze at Horizon's End
Affix DescriptionThe equipping character gains 52% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 28% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
DescriptionOne of a paired set of scepters fashioned from obsidian. Legend has it that these staves grant the right to lead the people of the desert, but no retainer now lives who can verify the proper appearance of these regalia.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence
Chaos Storage
Fungal Spores
Oasis Garden's Kindness
Chaos Module
Luminescent Pollen
Oasis Garden's Mourning
Chaos Bolt
Crystalline Cyst Dust
Oasis Garden's Truth

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus CritRate%MaterialsTotal Materials
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage5
Fungal Spores3
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage5
Fungal Spores3
Oasis Garden's Kindness5
Chaos Storage18
Fungal Spores12
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage23
Fungal Spores15
Oasis Garden's Kindness5
Oasis Garden's Kindness9
Chaos Module9
Luminescent Pollen9
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage23
Fungal Spores15
Oasis Garden's Kindness14
Chaos Module9
Luminescent Pollen9
Oasis Garden's Mourning5
Chaos Module18
Luminescent Pollen14
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage23
Fungal Spores15
Oasis Garden's Kindness14
Chaos Module27
Luminescent Pollen23
Oasis Garden's Mourning5
Oasis Garden's Mourning9
Chaos Bolt14
Crystalline Cyst Dust9
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage23
Fungal Spores15
Oasis Garden's Kindness14
Chaos Module27
Luminescent Pollen23
Oasis Garden's Mourning14
Chaos Bolt14
Crystalline Cyst Dust9
Oasis Garden's Truth6
Chaos Bolt27
Crystalline Cyst Dust18
Oasis Garden's Reminiscence5
Chaos Storage23
Fungal Spores15
Oasis Garden's Kindness14
Chaos Module27
Luminescent Pollen23
Oasis Garden's Mourning14
Chaos Bolt41
Crystalline Cyst Dust27
Oasis Garden's Truth6

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1The equipping character gains 52% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 28% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
2The equipping character gains 65% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 35% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
Staff of the Scarlet Sands
3The equipping character gains 78% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 42% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
Staff of the Scarlet Sands
4The equipping character gains 91% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 49% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
Staff of the Scarlet Sands
5The equipping character gains 104% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 56% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
Staff of the Scarlet Sands

Item Story

First, the sun and the moons were created, and thus day and night came to be. She once described the night sky adorned with three bright moons to me in a language I have now forgotten — yes, the number of moons should be three.
May the shadows of the world cast their pearly shimmer upon the earth when they awake, such that people can follow the silver-plated outline of the dunes at night to find their final fate.

Next, weight was created. Thus sand sank, forming the earth. And that which was without weight became the sky. I stipulated that one should rely on the earth, but dream of the sky.
The weight should not be excessive, or the land will bind people's feet, impede those longing to travel far, and hinder expansion through exploration, while causing people to be unable to fly high, unable to explore the future.

Then the seven sage monks were established again, and they ruled the trajectories drawn by the earth, water, and stars. Even if the celestial sphere was just an illusion, myths are often born when people look up at the stars and moons.

In the original world, the barriers were torn down, and the dark poison had penetrated the earth. To heal that fragile, sad, and imperfect world, the spikes descended and pierced through the earth's crust.
However, the rules I have set are more elegant and precise, so there is no need and there should be no followers of hers who shall die meaninglessly on their account, and no poetry should be lost for their sake.

Next, the beastly trail from the poison should be cut off, for taking poison is a sin running deeper than the sky. But how sweet the whispers can be, and how clear the wisdom of which they speak...
The wind arises in the new world. The pearly moonlight, the amber afterglow, the waves of grass, and the roots of the waters have gradually ceased to be silent, all singing the poems that she left behind.


The cycle of seven must be removed, because the secret narrative will be blocked.
Fear and grief must be torn down, and so the barrier between life and death must be removed.
Remove the sun, the moons, and weight, for there should be no barriers between time and space.
Remove the original principles of rules, verdicts, and grace, so that she will no longer be afraid of the punishment that is laid on her kin.
Remove birds, beasts, fish, dragons, humans, and seven monk-kings, so that none shall steal wisdom.


"The Sand King sleeps alone in secret dreams, drawing up new theorems."
"None shall have to drink salt water in the King's realm, for everything in the new world shall be good."


This is how perfection can be achieved. I can see the three of us debating in our paradise once more. We are so close.
Yes, this is splendid. I understand now. This is what I have always wanted. That which I have always longed to find once more has never been a paradise for the many.
All the parodies of the teachings and the seven wise monks, or that so-called pure world free of all sorrows, none of those things matter anymore...

But I do not wish that the poison ingested by mistake should remain in this world. Perhaps she might, in light of our old friendship...
— Even if she will not do it for my sake, that is also fine. I only ask that she do me one last favor for the sake of our mutual friend...

114 responses to “Staff of the Scarlet Sands”

  1. Does the passive have internal coldown for stacking? Would it work well with Arlecchino? I’m kinda limited in options for her

    • They’re just confidently wrong. Yes, it’s one of her best weapons, period. Also, even “for hyper bloom” you’re still hitting targets with dendro on them which means more aggravation than wrong answers like the one above.

      • So you’d rather have a weapon that boosts her skill damage while sacrificing her Hyperbloom damage. LMAO

        • If you’re talking about the 36% dmg bonus of the dragon’s bane you are actually wrong. The dragon’s bane passive doesn’t increase hyperbloom damage. The dragon’s bane makes you do more dmg to enemy’s effected by hydro or pyro, but this is only bonus damage simular as hydro dmg bonus. So the hyperbloom damage doesn’t change, but the skill dmg does change. For EM raiden you want the highest EM possible. The next thing you want is crit, atk%, elementaldmgbonus. But the amount of stats you get from this staff is actually insane. I really wonder what would end up dealing the most damage.

          • They weren’t talking about the weapon passive of Dragon’s Bane. It’s pretty common knowledge at this point that that passive only works while you’re on-field and it doesn’t affect reactions. What they’re talking about is that Staff of the Scarlet Sands provides NOTHING for Raiden in a post-Dendro world. Raiden’s personal damage is entirely irrelevant in all of her best Dendro teams. She only needs ONE stat… Elemental Mastery. Max it out, and if you still have room in your build, max it out some more. Atk%, Crit, Energy Recharge, Elemental DMG Bonus… literally all things that she was designed around are useless for Raiden in Hyperbloom.

            The only time you would change this is if you’re running Raiden as a driver for like a Quicken team or something. Then Staff of the Scarlet Sands would be a good choice. But good luck with that. Balancing all of Raiden’s stat needs to be an effective main-DPS in Quicken is going to be a nightmare compared to other Electro characters that can drive for Quicken better than she can.

            Point is, what they’re saying is that boosting Raiden’s personal damage does nothing for her compared to what she could get by just equipping Dragon’s Bane for its massive EM bonus.

            If somehow, you manage to get some absolutely cracked sub-stats, then cool, but otherwise, just focus on getting that EM/EM/EM Gilded Dreams or Flower of Paradise Lost sets. And Dragon’s Bane, a weapon that provides an insane amount of EM, is the first step… at least until we get a decent 5* EM weapon.

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