Name | 暮云角鲀 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外观赏鱼, Exterior Furniture, 室内观赏鱼, Indoor Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior, Indoor | |
Regular Variant | 暮云角鲀 | |
Related Monster | 暮云角鲀 | |
Capturable with Net? | ❌ | |
Attracted by Bait | 甘露饵 | |
Description | 珍贵的观赏鱼,可被饲养于「灵沼云池」和「澄波游影」中。 体型圆润的中型鱼类,生有犄角般的软骨结构,据说它们会用这一结构开凿水下洞穴,建造栖身之所,或是驱赶试图伤害自己的生物。 作为角鲀中最为长寿的品种,它们有着淡暮云灰的体色,易于辨识。这种体色来源于它们独特的生存之道——它们的皮质中含有和胆汁相似的成分,酸涩程度远超其他角鲀,许多水下生物对其敬而远之。 不过用特殊的手法烹饪后,这种酸味反倒能为鱼肉的鲜美增色,导致这种角鲀的销路极佳。在须弥的鱼市经常能看见「请勿将暮云角鲀与其他食用鱼类饲养在同一水池中」的告示牌。 |
Table of Content |
Fish Spawn |
Map Location |
Gallery |
Fish Spawn
Fishing Pond
items per Page |
Quest Fishing Pond
Icon | Name | Anytime | During Day | During Night | Guaranteed Spawn | Recipe |
难度测试鱼点27(临时) | 100.0% | 100.0% | Guaranteed | |||
难度测试鱼点33(临时) | 100.0% | 100.0% | Guaranteed | |||
items per Page |
That's the tricky thing, Geo Shields have increased effectiveness against ALL elements + physical. ...