Name | 金赤假龙 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外观赏鱼, Exterior Furniture, 室内观赏鱼, Indoor Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior, Indoor | |
Regular Variant | 金赤假龙 | |
Related Monster | 金赤假龙 | |
Capturable with Net? | ❌ | |
Attracted by Bait | 飞蝇假饵 | |
Description | 珍贵的观赏鱼,可被饲养于「灵沼云池」和「澄波游影」中。 被传为龙之后裔的大型鱼类。 额上长角,体表无鳞,有金赤战袍加身,有水中王者风姿。实际就血统与习性而论,它们与龙之间的距离差之千里——既无呼风唤雨之能,又无雄踞一方之技,甚至由于性格过于软弱,还常被其他掠食性鱼类抢夺食物,实在愧对这一副威风凛凛的好相貌。因此只能摘下「龙裔」之称,屈居「假龙」之号。 |
I love to be the one to tell you this: Ororon works just fine with Mavuika. Nightsoul aligned attac...