Name | 阵屋正门-「忠肃」 | |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, 院墙, Exterior Furniture, Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior | |
Adeptal Energy | 60 | |
Load | 105 (78) | |
Trust | 60 | |
AE/L Ratio | 0.57 (0.77) | |
Description | 九条阵屋式样的军营正门。即使是在前线,一切从简的情况下,军营正门也必须仔细搭建,还要将雷电将军的家纹擦得锃亮。思想传统的军官认为,这是幕府军军威的象征,丢了军威,一支部队就失去了魂魄,不可能打胜仗。 |
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the most overrated char in genshin congrats to his simps cause they managed to convince the commun...