Name | 灰蓝伞雀 | |
Family | Homeworld, 室外动物, Exterior Furniture, Furniture, Furniture Capturable | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Exterior | |
Related Monster | 灰蓝伞雀 | |
Capturable with Net? | ✅ | |
Adeptal Energy | 100 | |
Load | 350 (350) | |
AE/L Ratio | 0.29 (0.29) | |
Description | 体型浑圆的小型飞禽,是团雀的枫丹远亲。其伞雀的名字正是来自于它那有若蘑菇伞盖般,形貌独特的羽冠。 研究认为,灰蓝伞雀有着与外形不符的优异体能,可以长时间滞空。其灰蓝色的羽毛是一种高效的伪装。不知是不是因为毛色相近又视力较差的缘故,有时它们会将阿圆误认为同族的伙伴,接近到跟前才发现不对劲,转头离开,独留被吵醒的阿圆一头雾水。 |
So I ask: what am I supposed to do with my R5 Talking Stick now? Is it just a very expensive joke? ...