Name | 酒馆餐架-「局间餐点」 | |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, 饰品, Indoor Furniture, Furniture | |
Rarity | ||
Placement | Indoor | |
Adeptal Energy | 60 | |
Load | 254 (191) | |
Trust | 60 | |
AE/L Ratio | 0.24 (0.31) | |
Description | 常被摆放在猫尾酒馆客位旁的小餐车,是玛格丽特最初购置的陈设之一,理论上,它会被用来摆放桌面上放不下的料理,不过客位常见的圆桌非常大,需要额外增设餐车的情景,只会是多位酒豪齐聚于此,整杯整杯地痛饮低度酒,并点上一大堆下酒菜,而猫尾酒馆主打的并不是量大管饱的啤酒,所以并不存在这种需求。这种小车最后被用来为「七圣召唤」的牌手提供餐点,不过在激烈对局时,牌手们可顾不上吃东西,所以餐点大多是可以久置的冷盘。 |
Obtained From
Icon | Name | Recipe |
酒馆餐架-「局间餐点」 | ||
items per Page |
Unlocked By
Icon | Name | Family | Recipe |
酒馆餐架-「局间餐点」 | Furniture Recipe, Recipe | ||
items per Page |
the most overrated char in genshin congrats to his simps cause they managed to convince the commun...